Kiwanis Kronikle

April 30, 2001 | Volume 12, No. 31

Lt. Gov. Jonathan Millett, Pres. Marti O'Riordan, Treas. Alyson Tankaard
Photo by M. Bastraw


From the Traip Academy Club, Kittery, Maine: Treas. Joe Storer, Advisor Gordon Millett, Lt. Gov. Jonathan Millett, Dir. Rachel Simard, V.P. Darika Frichiattvong, and Sec.'y Moire Daniel
Photo by M. Bastraw

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Top of the Town, 88 Ladd Hill Rd., Belmont, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary on any Member or his family in case of illness. Email: Michael Bastraw or Steve Loughlin


Peter Karagianis

Senior Members
Ed Merski, Peter Karagianis, Howard Bacon, Paul Normandin, Dick Breton, Bob Turner

From Laconia Key Club: Advisor Bruce May, Pres.-Elect Marti O'Riordan, Sec.'y Chelsea Graham, Treas. Alyson Tankaard; from Traip Academy Key Club, Kittery, Maine: Advisor Gordon Millett, Lt. Gov. Jonathan Millett, V.P.-Elect Darika Frichiattvong, Sec.'y Moire Daniel, Treas. Joe Storer, Dir. Rachel Simard

Saving Paper
Sr. Member Howard Bacon (welcome back) observes, correctly, that while the large type on this page is easy to read, it takes several sheets of paper to print it out. This problem may be solved by going to Page Setup under the File menu (on most computers) and changing the Size to some value under 100%.

Key Club Advisor Bruce May thanked the club for our donation to send representatives to the convention--the first they've been to in 20 years.

Club Election
We will be voting for the following nominees at our annual meeting: President, Phil Bonafide; First Vice Pres., Larry Murphy; Second Vice President, John Grocki; Treasurer, Chet Cilley; Director (four to be elected), Dianne Roberts, Nancy Parrott, Jim Fortier, Randy Eifert, Dan Faenza, and Dan Fisher. With no nominations from the floor, Pres. Don Nelson declared nominations closed. Joe Adrignola and Michael Bastraw were named to the Election Committee.

Pres. Don Nelson, V.P. Phil Bonafide, and Past Pres. Nancy Williams will be traveling to the caucus in W. Lebanon Wednesday, May 2. A fourth member would make this an interclub.

Marching in Concord
Pres. Don Nelson reminds all that we have been invited by the Concord club to join in their Family Day parade Thursday, May 17.

Goodwill Bikers
Sr. Member Dick Breton is still looking for members interested in joining the motorcycle group that will be heading for the Goodwill Convention in Montreal May 18-20.

Win a Classic!
V.P. Phil Bonafide would like all members to plan on returning tickets and or money by the end of May. Sr. Member Dick Breton has received $155 from the tickets Lt. Gov. Sandy Blanchette, Dover, had sold. The next roadshow is in Keene, Sunday, May 6, from 9a-5p. Shamefully, he and Dick Breton are the only members willing to work the show. Let's dig deeply, folks, and see if we can help support this project to which we committed. The next roadshow will probably be on the Weirs Boardwalk on Memorial Weekend. Sr. Member Dick Breton reports that the city has granted us free access to the Boardwalk in perpetuity or until we don't use it. This is a $1000 per year value.

Bike Rodeo
Chair Chet Cilley reminds everyone that we will be holding our annual Kiwanis Safety Day, Saturday, May 12, 10a-2p. If you haven't signed-up yet, give him a call.

Chair Chet Cilley says that the city has kicked in $10,000 towards the Fourth of July celebration at Opechee Park. There will be a parade and donations are coming in.

Dianne Roberts and Joe Adrignola, $22

Happy Dollars
The above gave $2 for the above.

Key Club Installation
Lt. Gov. Jonathan Millett installed the attending officers of the Laconia Key Club for 2001-2002. This was the first time he'd performed the ceremony. He urged the club to consider summer interclubs to get a jump on the coming year by "keeping the momentum going" and preplanning. He also urged closer association between Key Club and Laconia Kiwanis. Pres.-Elect Dick Breton, Kiwanis Foundation, presented Pres. Marti O'Riordan with a pin commemorating the Key Club's status as a sustaining member in consideration of their donation to the Foundation.

Special Olympics
Treas. Chet Cilley reports that this year's Special Olympics will be on Saturday, June 2. We will be expected to staff the softball throw.

In Two Weeks
Amanda Simpson, Laconia City Planning, will speak on the River Walk project.

Next Week
Annual Meeting, club elections, the Boards meet, the new Boards meet, NISE, Lt. Gov. Bev Fuller will attend.

Michael Bastraw

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Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Rudolph Electrical Co., Inc. - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Vacman & Bobbin, LLC - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Mike's Quick Lube & Quality Car Care - A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. - In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - The Village Bank - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Mitsubishi