May 29, 2001 - Vol. 12, No. 35

 News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Larry Murphy

Senior Members
Dick Breton, Dennis Denoncourt, Bob Turner, Peter Karagianis, Ed Merski

Asst. Sec.'y/Treas. Dick Breton fills in for Kathy Calvin at the deluxe table-for-one

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Getting Our Props
Pres. Don & Sue Nelson, Past Pres. Nancy Williams, and Russ Beane attended the Salvation Army's recognition banquet last week. We were issued an appreciation certificate for our participation in the holiday bell-ringing fundraiser. This is just one more small tie to our community support efforts. In the grand scheme of things this might not appear to be that big a deal. But it's the little bricks that build the wall. Isn't that why we're here?

Pres. Don Nelson with the Salvation Army's tangible evidence of appreciation

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Foundation Matters
The annual Kiwanis Foundation meeting will be on Saturday, June 9, 10a. Immediate Past Lt. Gov. Chet Cilley will be in attendance but we have room for a delegate. Now is the time for one of our own to step up and represent our club on more than a local level. Just don't eat the chicken.

Special Olympics
We are assigned to helm the softball throw at the softball throw for the Special Olympics. We have run this event for more years than most of us have been in the club. In recent years our participation has fallen off precipitously. Let's change the trend. OK, so the Happy Meals aren't that great. But this is a chance for all of us to do the hands-on service that we joined the club for in the first place. Show up at 8:30a on Saturday, June 2 at the Dover High School and put your monies where your mouth is. Car-pooling is available through Sr. Member Roger Ballantyne.

Win a Classic!
V.P. Phil Bonafide reports that we took in $1505 Saturday last on the Weirs Boardwalk with the raffle. Thanx to Dick Breton, Jackie and Phil Bonafide, Joe Adrignola, Howard Bacon, Bob Turner, John Grocki, Roger Webster, Don & Sue Nelson for bringing in the Big Bucks over the holiday. Now we come to the nitty-gritty. Motorcycle Week. As one of the four who voted against this fundraiser (including Past Pres. Mark Liebl), I think it only fair to call on the Vast Majority who voted Aye to step up and fill the slots for our last big push to make this our biggest fundraiser in the last decade. Here's the schedule so far:

Saturday, June 9 (Rally HQ)

1p-5p: Williams, ________, ________

Sunday, June 10 (Rally HQ)

1p-5p: Williams, Eifert, ________

Monday, June 11

1p-5p: Grocki, Fisher

5p-9p: Parrott, R. Beane, Williams

Tuesday, June 12

1p-5p: Grocki, Fisher

5p-9p: Murphy, Mitchell, Nelson

Wednesday, June 13

1p-5p: Bastraw, ________

5p-9p: Parrott, Murphy, ________

Thursday, June 14

12n-5p: Bastraw, ________

5p-9p: Murphy, Roberts, E. & J. Merski, Nelson

Friday, June 15

9a-1p: Grocki, Fisher, ________

1p-5p: Eifert, Williams, Mitchell

5p-9p: D. & S. Nelson

Saturday, June 16

9a-1p: Roberts, Nelson, ________

1p-5p: Loughlin, D. & S. Nelson, ________, ________

5p-9p: Williams, D. & S. Nelson

Sunday, June 17

9a-12n: Nelson, ________, ________

12n-3p: Williams, Nelson, ________, ________, ________

Unknown ticket-buyer, V.P. Phil Bonafide, Sr. Member Howard Bacon, and Past Pres. Joe Adrignola on the Weirs Boardwalk Memorial Weekend

Photo by Jackie Bonafide


Nancy Parrot found Larry Murphy, Roger Landry, Nancy Williams, Dennis Denoncourt, John Grocki, and herself pinless.

Charlie St. Clair, $20

Happy Dollars
Charlie St. Clair started things off with $2 for winning the above and Metrocast including Turner Classic Movies in their service; Ed Merski for the end of a trying month with his son emerging without throat cancer; John Grocki for Charlie St. Clair's appreciation of the inclusion of TCM in the cable's mix; and Nancy Williams return from son Andrew's move to Grand Rapids following another promotion.

Charlie St. Clair has the bucks

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Guest Speaker
This writer introduced Exec. Dir. Claudia Abdinoor, N.H. Humane Society to the club. On short notice, this 10-year resident of Gilford, four years with the Society and 2 years at her new post presented the new agendas of the organization. Notable changes include many new programs explained at their website ( and a new No-Kill policy that was a condition for her acceptance of her new position. With a $600,000 operating budget, over half has to be made up with fundraising projects. Next on the deck is the Budweiser Beer tent next to the Camel Tent for Motorcyle Week as a fundraiser.

Pres. Don Nelson and Exec. Dir. Claudia Abdinoor, N.H. Humane Society

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Next Week
The Boards meet; NICE

Michael Bastraw


Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary on any Member or his family in case of illness. Email: Michael Bastraw or Steve Loughlin

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