June 23, 2003 - Vol. 14, No. 38

 News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Dianne Roberts

Senior Members
Bob Turner, Howard Bacon, Roger Webster, Peter Karagianis, Carroll Stafford, Dennis Denoncourt

Separated at birth?--June 25.

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Community Health & Hospice, Inc.
Contact: Jackie E. Bonafide, Director of Development
SUBJECT: Community Health & Hospice Hosts Annual Meeting
LACONIA, NH - Community Health & Hospice held its Annual Meeting at the Belknap Mill on Tuesday, June 24, 2003. Retiring Board President Susan Shumway welcomed the guests and conducted the business meeting. The following officers for 2003-2004 were elected:

Dan Collis, President
Charlotte Leavitt, Vice President
Susan Shumway, Secretary
Marc Rayburn, Treasurer
The following individuals were elected to the Board Development Committee: Sarah Irwin, Jon Nivus, and Don McLelland, Sr.
Executive Director Margaret Franckhauser thanked Susan Shumway for her three years of service as Board President. Gayle Green of Gilford, a long time CH&H volunteer, was elected as a new board member.
The guest speaker was Dr. Eric Pollak, MD, a family physician with Concord Family Medicine, who talked about the importance of discussing End of Life Care wishes with family members and health care providers. The title of his talk was "Negotiating Goals of Care with Terminally Ill Patients and Their Families."
Margaret Franckhauser announced the 2003 Community Health & Hospice Community Leaders and thanked them for their support. The honorees were:
The Daniell Family Foundation: Robert & Barbara Daniell
The Hair Factory: Joanna DeCesare
Laconia Savings Bank: Bruce Clow, President
Laconia Kiwanis Club: Larry Murphy, President
Alida Millham
Jon Nivus
Kinney O'Rourke
Patrick's Pub: Alan Beetle
Gretchen's Key to Your Kitchen: Gretchen Shortway
Margaret Franckhauser named Jeanette Bruno of Tilton as the 2003 CH&H Volunteer of the Year. Franckhauser commented, "When we honor Jeannette this evening as our Volunteer of the Year, we are really honoring all of our volunteers-their remarkable ability to put the needs of others ahead of their own, their willingness to dedicate a chunk of their lives to organizations and individuals who would find it nearly impossible to succeed without them."
"Jeannette became a volunteer in our Hospice program in November, 1995. She has said, 'I learn so much, and it helps me understand my own life better-be a better person too, I hope. I take away a piece of each person-a memory-and it becomes part of me. In eight years I have gotten more out of this 'job' than I've ever put into it.'"
Franckhauser added, "Although Jeannette cannot be here tonight, we believe it is important to honor her. Volunteers like Jeannette help make it possible for Hospice patients to live fully until the end by sharing a favorite recipe, recording family stories, or just listening when someone is afraid and needs a friend."
The 2003 Annual Meeting was catered by Gretchen Shortway of Gretchen's Key to Your Kitchen in Gilford.
The Mission of Community Health & Hospice, Inc. is to strengthen the quality of life by providing a family of home and community health care services from birth to bereavement Community Health & Hospice serves all Lakes Region communities and provides Home Care (nursing and rehabilitation services in the home); a comprehensive, team-based Hospice program; the Young Family Program (direct health care, education and support services for children and families); Support Services; and Outreach.      
Community Health & Hospice, Inc. is a not-for-profit, Medicare-certified provider of home care and hospice services, licensed by the State of New Hampshire and accredited by the Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP). The agency is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and supported by private and corporate donations, the Lakes Region United Way, the Laconia Kiwanis Club, Laconia Savings Bank, and Lakes Region communities. Visit our website: www.chhnh.org.

Win a Classic!
Chair Paul Cotton was finally able to contact motorcycle-winner John Dorsch and made arrangements to pick up the bike at Meredith Harley-Davidson. Sec.'y Kathy Calvin turned in more money from the raffle.

This year's winner--John Dorsch, Loudon, New Hampshire

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


The Big Three--Past Presidents Don Nelson, Phil Bonafide, and Paul Cotton

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Things are busy in the 'hood.

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Randy Eifert with the universal handsign for the week.

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Fancy hats are not just for formal occassions anymore.

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Former member Kathy Thompson gets the pitch from Sue Nelson.

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


With a little help from our friends...

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Dianne waits to catch the bouquet.

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Green is good.

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


V.P. Paul Cotton sadly reported the death of Past Pres. Jerry Bolduc's wife, Jeanette. Our best wishes go out to her survivors.

V.P. Paul Cotton reports that V.P. Warren Mitchell is still planning an interclub to Berlin on either July 15, 22, or 29.

Independence Day
Treas. Chet Cilley says the next to the last meeting of the committee for the July 4 celebration at Opechee Park is coming up. They have 13 vendors and 13 sponsors on board. The fireworks have all been paid for. The parade will start at 1p on Friday, July 4, at Wyatt Park which should include our trailer. Festivities at the park start at 4p with fireworks at 10p. Raindate for all activities is Saturday, July 5.

Thanx, Part 2
Steve Loughlin advises we received thank-you notes from scholarship winners A.J. Peterson, Kyle Fugate (going to U.N.H.), and Stephanie Clement of Belmont. Sec.'y Kathy Calvin had a note of appreciation from Camp Mayhew for helping open for the year. Pres. Larry Murphy had an offer from HOBY to have one of their students come in to talk; and the Lakes Region Symphony Orchestra tickets we bought were donated.

District Convention
Pres. Larry Murphy advises that the District Convention will be August 21-24 in Danvers, Mass. We are allowed three delegates for the caucus. We are also set to win two club awards.

Sgt.@Arms Nancy Parrott celebrated her return by fining Howard Bacon, Paul Cotton, Joe Adrignola, Dianne Roberts, and Dennis Denoncourt for being pinless and Chet Cilley for being late.

Peter Karagianis and Roger Webster, $22

Sr. Members Roger Webster and Peter Karagianis enjoy their good fortune.

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Happy Dollars
Dianne came up with the money for her oldest boy graduating the Middle School, is one of twelve students to win the President's Award, had straight A's for 3 years, won the Whittum Award for Leadership, Band Director's Award, and will be starting work at Lakes Region General Hospital; Peter Karagianis and Roger Webster for winning the above; and Russ Beane for marrying-off his second son.

Guest Speakers
This writer introduced Directors Charlie St. Clair and Jennifer Anderson, Laconia Motorcycle Rally and Race Week, to the club. They report that this past Motorcycle Week was one of the "financially best rally" ever with participants having a "strong positive attitude." Good news coverage helped things along with folks from the BBC and Discovery Channel doing pieces from the event. An estimated 350,000 attended. Road tolls are up 40% over the week above the June norm. The official video will be available in 6 weeks. For more information go to their website.

Directors Jennifer Anderson and Charlie St. Clair, Laconia Motorcycle Rally and Race Week

Photo by W.S. Loughlin


Remember Me?
Subject: Re: KIWANIS KRONIKLE: June 16, 2003 - Vol. 14, No. 37
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 00:47:57 EDT
From: Johngrocki@aol.com
To: macnmike1@cyberportal.net
n a message dated 6/19/2003 4:01:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, macnmike1@cyberportal.net writes: http://homepage.fcgnetworks.net/macnmike1/Kiwanis/kronikle061603.html

hey mike,
thanks for sending me the link. sounds like the club has a great time. send my best, i hope to visit this summer.
john grocki

The Suggestion Box
by Past Pres. Michael Bastraw
Let's be in the Fourth of July parade.

Monday, August 4
Boards meet, NISE

Monday, July 28
Chief Tom Oetinger, Laconia Police Department, will speak.

Monday, July 21

Monday, July 14
After our regular meeting we will reconvene with Lt. Ed Darling at Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid/Communications Division who will provide a PowerPoint presentation and tour of the dispatch facility. (Turn onto the old Meredith Center Road off North Main St., take the second left, before the prison, and park where the sign reads: "Do Not Enter." As they are technically on the prison campus, all vehicles or saddlebags must be locked and no contraband ((tobacco)) is allowed.) His presentation should run about half an hour depending on questions.

Monday, July 7
Boards meet, NISE

Monday, June 30
Rolf Dutzman will speak on Space Program Spin-offs.


Michael Bastraw

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Michael Bastraw or Steve Loughlin

Back Issues - Membership - Bylaws



In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - The Village Bank - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Mitsubishi


Contact Webmaster at Mac'N Mike