January 5, 2009 - Vol.20, No. 14
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Paul NormandinAttendance:
15Senior Members:
Ed Merski and Paul Normandin andBang that Gavel…
Lt. Governor Joe Collie brought with him the gavel that he lifted from the Dover Kiwanis Club on October 6th. An invitation is being sent to them to come and retrieve it at their earliest convenience.
Joe Collie got hammered for New Year's
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
We have it in writing…
Joe Collie also showed off a letter he received from the Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation that was signed by the President of the Foundation thanking him for hosting the spelling bee back in October. The signature reads "Kathy Calvin, President." There is a hand written footnote that reads: “Future Kiwanis President.” Now she can’t back down! We have it in writing…
...never put it in writing...
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinHey Kiwanis…THANKS!
We received a thank you note from the Laconia Multicultural Market Day committee thanking us for our donation. We supported the petting zoo at the event, which was held in downtown Laconia last fall. You’re welcome!Please sign up….
Brian Winslow passed around a sign up sheet for the gaming nights at The Lodge. If you are on the list, please sign up. Brian said that he did the first night this past weekend and said it literally took two minutes to sign the documents. In two nights, Friday and Saturday this past weekend, we have made more than $2,200. Easy money!Schedule reminder:
President Brian reminds the club that we will be meet on Tuesday, January 20th and not on the 19th because of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Please make note of the schedule change.Kiwanis HealthBeat...
Our thoughts and prayers are with both Peter Karagianis and Ed Chertok, our two most senior members, as they go through their respective health issues.Peter suffered a heart attack last Wednesday (New Years Eve). He spent a week in the hospital (LRGH) and was released Tuesday (January 6th). He is now recovering at home. Peter, his son, noted that his dad's "spirits are good as he insisted on driving home from the hospital" (which he did). Peter added, "we are looking forward to seeing him out and about especially at the Kiwians club."
Ed continues his battle. As reported in an earlier bulletin, he is welcoming visitors at the Taylor Home, but asks that you call first..
Kiwanis KARES...
There will be a KARES distribution at Elm Street School on Monday, January 12th from 9:30-10:30. Please remember that school clocks are 6 minutes ahead. On the schedule so far are Don Nelson, Dick Metz, Brian Winslow, and Joe Adrignola. We could use two more people. Please check your schedule if available.Youth Rules!
Lt. Governor Joe Collie says that he ran into Laura Brousseau at Inter-Lakes Junior High School Monday afternoon and she told him that she had made this year’s Class of “40 Under 40” in New Hampshire. Look for her profile soon in the Union Leader. Congratulations, Laura!50/50:
Joe Adrignola and Mike Marsh split $17.00
New Year, Old Winner
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinHappy Dollars
Joe Adrignola gave a buck for winning the 50/50.Free Meal
Mike MarshFines
Roger Landry was pinless…and hairless.Board Meeting
Sec’y Kathy Calvin was away this week. Joe Adrignola filled in as secretary and read the minutes from the board meeting of December 1st. Some of the highlights were:
*** The minutes from the November board meeting were approved as read.
*** The general and the charity finds were approved as read.
*** Paul Cotton was granted a leave of absence from 12/1/08-3/31/09.
*** A motion was made to accept, with regret, Dianne Zawacki’s resignation.
*** Dr. Finn was paid $111.50 to cover uninsured dental.
*** A motion was made to pay the fee for our PO Box for 2009.
*** $100 was donated to Kiwanis International.
*** A budget was approved to buy Christmas gifts for the Contigianis.The meeting adjourned at 7:41.
Dick Metz and his posse.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Upcoming Schedule:
Monday, January 12th
Tuesday January 20th
OPENMonday, January 26th
Mark Edelstein, President, Lakes Region Community College
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Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinBack Issues - MpBylaws -Policies and Procedures - Membership CLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS
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