January 28, 2013- Vol. 24, No. 7


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Attendance: 11 members, 22 guests

Invocation: Phil Bonafide


Vi Adrignola - guest of Joe Adrignola
Scott Davis - Director of Huot Technical Center - guest speaker

Bill Nunamacher - from Meredith Kiwanis Club
Nancy Nunamacher - from Meredith Kiwanis Club
Hillary Jollimore - from Meredith Kiwanis Club
Tim Seeger - from Meredith Kiwanis Club
Jon Bagley - from Meredith Kiwanis Club
Wendy Bagley - from Meredith Kiwanis Club

Vi Adrignola
Scott Davis
Bill Nunamacher
Nancy Nunamacher
Hillary Jollimore
Tim Seeger
Jon Bagley
Wendy Bagley

John Hammond – Laconia HS Key Club – Vice President
Gwen Huot – Laconia HS Key Club - President
Emilie Maddocks – Laconia HS Key Club
Alana Persson – Laconia HS Key Club
Jocelyn Allain – Laconia HS Key Club
Lily Chantaksak – Laconia HS Key Club
Chelsea Drouin – Laconia HS Key Club
Michaela Sorrell – Laconia HS Key Club
Michelle Ward – Laconia HS Key Club
Dominic Cannuli – Laconia HS Key Club
Panthavy Pradachith – Laconia HS Key Club
Chris Ulrich – Laconia HS Key Club - Co-Advisor
Bonnie Ashworth – Laconia HS Key Club - Co-Advisor

First Row (at right): John Hammond (VP)
Second Row: Gwen Huot (Pres.), Emilie Maddocks, Alana Persson, Jocelyn Allain
Third Row: Lily Chantaksak, Chelsea Drouin, Michaela Sorrell
Fourth Row: Michelle Ward, Dominic Cannuli, Panthavy Pradachith
Top row: Chris Ulrich (Co-Advisor), Bonnie Ashworth (Co-Advisor)
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

News From The President:
Scott announced that at the recent Board of Directors meeting, a $300 fee, required to register at the gaming casino in Belmont, was approved for payment. A donation to the Salvation Army was approved by the Board as well. Scott then welcomed our guests from the Meredith Kiwanis, who then invited us to attend their 7:30 AM Valentine’s Day breakfast at the Meredith Community Center where eggs and omelets will be served. If we get 4 members to attend, it will qualify as an Inter-Club event. John Walker and Betty Ballantyne plan to go, we need two more.

In response to a fund-raising question, Meredith stated they host a golf tournament, have a presence at the Meredith boat show, and every other year sponsor a yard sale of donated items. We also learned that they currently have only 14 members and are trying to grow. Steve Loughlin shared with them that in approximately 1982, the Laconia Kiwanis Club sponsored the started up the Meredith club.

News From The Members:
Jack Batchelder briefed the club on the plans underway for the June 2, 2013 (Sunday) Home Run Derby. Sub-committees have been formed, chairs appointed, and there is work to be done. If you want to assist and missed the initial meeting email Jack Batchelder or Brian Winslow. There will be three divisions this year, youth, adult, and High School. The thinking is we will prod LHS baseball teams to challenge other area baseball teams and have a
four-person per school competition.

Kathy Calvin briefed the club that Tuesday, February 5th is the next Kiwanis KARES, at Elm St. School, from 9:30-10:30. Three have signed up, we need one more. Please email Kathy Calvin if you are interested. Kathy also announced a LHS bowling fund-raiser, $30 entry fee gets you fed and two games, the remainder going to their cause, Faith*Hope*Love. Date of the fund-raiser is Saturday, February 9th, from 10 AM – 12 PM. Email Kathy Calvin your interest please. We need four volunteers.

50 50:
$25 won by our guest speaker Scott Davis, who donated the money immediately to the Key Club. (Wow!)

Scott Davis shows off his winnings.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Happy Dollars:

$4 from John Walker, $2 each for the Key Club hosting us and $2 for Meredith inter-clubbing with us.
$5 from Lori Dickson marking five weeks since she has quit smoking. (Joe stated that he did not even know she had been on fire!!)
$2 from Kathy Calvin for her daughter, Patty Jeanne, returning safely from a three-week trip to Namibia. Her daughter will the guest speaker on May 28th to share details of her three-week adventure.

Patty Jeanne Calvin will be our guest speaker May 28th. No word if she'll bring any feline friends.
Photo submitted by Kathy Calvin

Guest Speaker:
Scott Davis – Director, Huot Technical Center, brought the club up to date on the construction project at Laconia High School and the Huot Technical Center. He noted the Huot Technical Center is truly a regional operation. It has a capacity for 500 students and currently has 430 students, 200 from other high schools in our region. The goal of the school is to provide students the tools they need to make an educated decision about whether to pursue college or a job in the trades. Currently 55 do pursue a two-year or four-year college degree. Some students acquire college credits while attending Huot. The goal is to not only provide tools to succeed, but to provide a work-force for our region. With that in mind, there is close cooperation with local high-tech companies.

Some of the programs offered include early childhood education (there is an on-site pre-school in the building), automotive science, and building construction. The later primarily includes construction of sheds and the like, but the students were recently contracted to build a 40’ house boat that has been picked up and taken to its home in Alton.

The Manufacturing Engineering Tech lab is ultra-high tech. It has what industry has now; the students learn how to program these machines and are industry ready upon graduation. The Pre-engineering Computer Lab teaches design.

Scott reported the new building under construction will contain 7 of the 12 programs as well as the administrative offices of Laconia High School. The Culinary Arts Space will be able to seat 125 people. Scott also stated that the Health Science students may opt to take the LNA exam in May, prior to graduation, and some nursing schools are beginning to make the LNA certificate a pre-requisite for entry. They train on-site at the St. Francis nursing home.

In response to a question, Scott stated the whole project will cost $16 million. This includes a new roofing, new athletic fields, and expanded parking. The $11 million price tag allocated to the Huot Technical Center is 85% state funded. The new Huot Technical Center is scheduled to be occupied in May of this year.

Scott Davis addresses the group.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Scott Davis shows renderings of the new Huot Technical Center. Close-up of those renderings are seen below.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Huot Technical Center building at right
Huot Technical Center Main Entrance
Huot Technical Center Restaurant Entrance
Huot Technical Center at right Axonometric View
Bank of New Hampshire Stadium

Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m.





Monday - February 4th
Board of Directors Meeting 5:30 p.m. at One Mill Plaza - all members are invited!
This is not
a regular meeting. There will be no dinner served.

Monday - February 11th
Club Meeting - Jim McCollum, the new principal will address Excellence for Education Program

Monday - February 25th

Monday - March 4th
Board of Directors Meeting 5:30 p.m. at One Mill Plaza - all members are invited!
This is
not a regular meeting. There will be no dinner served.

Monday - March 11th

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

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Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: Roger Landry or Steve Loughlin