February 16, 2010 - Vol.21, No. 20
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Roger LandryAttendance:
10Senior Member(s):
Peter KaragianisGuests:
Fundraising Update Part 1:
Cathy and Tom Knox met with Kory Kamke of The Lodge at Belmont to collect the proceeds from our 10 days of gaming. Cathy is pleased to let us know that two of the days were record breaking days and we raised a total of $13,243.74. President Dick thanked all those who were involved.
Cathy Knox proudly shows the BIG payoff .
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinFundraising Update Part 2:
V.P. Mike passed around a signup sheet for our first raffle selling venue on March 5th, 6th and 7th in Milford, NH for the 2010 New Hampshire Camping & RV Show. For directions to this show, "click" here.At this point the following have signed up to work:
Friday, March 5th
Set up: 9am- 12:00 pm: Mike Marsh and Dick Metz
Show: .. ..1 pm to-9pm: Mike Marsh and Dick MetzSaturday, March 6th
10am-4pm: Roger and Pam Landry and ______________
..4pm-9pm: ___________ and ____________Sunday, March 7th
10am-4pm: Brian Winslow and ___________
Tear Down 5pm: Mike Marsh and ____________V.P. Mike also let us know that we will be attending a show in Boston on March 12th, 13th and 14th and asked for volunteers.
Mike updated us that we will be picking up two 150 cc Hawks on February 22nd or 23rd and he and Roger Landry will be preparing the Kiwanis trailer. Signage and the raffle tickets are in the works. The club discussed what the club policy will be for members purchasing raffle tickets, it was decided that members and their spouses will NOT be eligible to win.KARES Update:
Kathy Calvin let us know that on March 16th she will be at the education fair with a display about our Kiwanis KARES program (anyone who can help is welcome to join her). The following day, March 17th, we will having a KARES Reading event at Woodland Heights. The time still to be confirmed.
50 50:
None this week.
Joe is slightly perturbed...no 50/50 tonight.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Happy Dollars:
$1 from Brian Winslow because NAPA once again is sponsoring our raffle tickets.
Brian spends all of his weekly allowance.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
None tonight.
Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m.
Upcoming Schedule:
Monday, February 22nd
Alan MacRae, freelance photojournalist - guest of Steve LoughlinIN MARCH, WE MEET AGAIN AT THE PHEASANT RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB.
Monday, March 1st
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collectedMonday, March 8th
Mark Lavalle from the Spaulding Youth Center - guest of Steve LoughlinMonday, March 15th
Olie Anderson - You Make The Call (high school basketball refereeing) - guest of Steve LoughlinMonday, March 22nd
Noah Crane, owner and General Manager of the Laconia Muskrats- guest of Steve LoughlinMonday, March 29th
State Fire Marshall John Southwell with his fire dog- guest of Roger LandryMonday, April 5th