
February 22, 2010 - Vol.21, No. 21


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Brian Winslow


Senior Members:
Ed Merski, Paul Normandin, Warren Mitchell, Carroll Stafford, and Dennis Denoncourt

Alan MacRae - guest of Steve Loughlin

Pinch Hitting for Dick:
V.P. Mike Marsh presided over the meeting this evening.

Fundraising Update:
Mike gave an update on our fundraising raffle.  Roger Landry and Mike Marsh picked up the two Hawk 150’s at Laconia Bike Works. Roger is currently preparing the Kiwanis trailer to transport to the three venues we will be attending.  Mike also passed around a sign up sheet for the 2010 New Hampshire Camping & RV Show (March 5th, 6th, and 7th) as well as the World of Wheels Show (March 11th, 12th, and 13th).

Details and sign up for both shows are as follows:

Name of show: 2010 New Hampshire Camping & RV Show.
Dates of Show:
March 5th, 6th, and 7th
Location: The Hampshire Dome, Route 101, 50 Emerson Road, Milford, NH
Directions: "click" here.

At this point the following have signed up to work:

Friday, March 5th
Set up: 9am- 12:00 pm: Mike Marsh and Dick Metz
Show: .. ..1 pm to-9pm: Mike Marsh and Dick Metz

Saturday, March 6th
10am-4pm: Roger & Pam Landry and Phil Bonafide
..4pm-9pm: Don & Sue Nelson and ____________

Sunday, March 7th
10am-4pm: Brian Winslow and Warren Mitchell
Tear Down 5pm: Mike Marsh and ____________


Name of show: World of Wheels.
Dates of Show: March 12th, 13th, and 14th
Location: Bayside Exposition Center, 200 Mount Vernon Street, Colombia Point, Boston
Directions: "click" here.

At this point the following have signed up to work:

Thursday, March 11th
Set up: Roger and Pam Landry

Friday, March 12th
..5pm-10pm: ______________ and _____________

Saturday, March 13th
10am-4pm: ..Kathy Calvin and ___________
..4pm-10pm: ___________and ____________

Sunday, March 14th
10am-4pm: ________________ and _____________
4pm to 7pm (Teardown): ___________ and ____________




Next week's meeting will be back at Pheasant Ridge Country Club in Gilford. Thanks to Joe Adrignola and staff at One Mill Plaza for letting us use their building and the Community Room for the last 2 months.



KARES Update:
Kathy Calvin confirmed the next Kiwanis KARES date of Thursday March 4th at Woodland Heights Elementary and passed around a sign up sheet for those who would like to help.

Board Meeting:
Brian Winslow requested a special Board Meeting to start immediately after our regular meeting this evening

50 50:
Dennis Denoncourt won $13.00.

Non-Reportable Income makes Dennis very happy.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Happy Dollars:

$1 from Dennis for winning.

$5 from Paul Normandin because his oldest grandson (who is 6’2”) high jumped 6’5” to help his track team win.

$0.25 because Russ Beane was pinless.
$0.25 because Roger Landry was pinless.
$0.25 because Warren Mitchell was late (or locked out?).
$0.25 because Russ Beane was late (or locked out?).

Guest Speaker:
Steve Loughlin introduced our guest speaker, Alan MacRae. Alan is a freelance photojournalist and was a member of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia in the early 80’s. 

Alan started his presentation with a 5 min. slide show of his trip to Alaska.  After the slide show Alan told us a little bit about himself.  Although his paid profession was previously law enforcement those that new him in high school wouldn't be surprised that he is now a freelance photojournalist.  Alan said that he grew up taking pictures and always had a camera with him in High School.  Alan has worked with all the area papers and even some national and international papers like the Washington Post and the London Times.  Alan told a quick story about his trip to meet the Ed and Elaine Brown (the tax evaders from Plainfield, NH) and how he was allowed into their compound to take pictures. A slide show of that meeting can be seen by "clicking" here.

Next Alan showed a quick slide show of what he calls “The Stuff I Do Everyday.” It consisted of professional photo-shoots to coverage of local youth sports.  Alan mentioned that covering youth sports is one of his favorite things to do.  After fielding many questions about his work, including: who he works for, copy writing pictures and how he gets paid, Alan had to take off to cover a basketball game in Alton. For more information or to purchase one or more of Alan's photos, check out his website by "clicking" here.

Up Close and Personal: Alan MacRae explains his unique job with members of the Laconia Kiwanis Club.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Below are pictures that were shot off the screen of some of the photos taken by Alan MacRae that were included in his presentation to the Laconia Kiwanis Club.
Original copies of these pictures and others are available for sale at Alan MacRae's website.

Two guys rarely seen in front of the camera: Alan MacRae and Steve Loughlin.
Photo by Phil Bonafide


Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:29 p.m.

Roger Landry's smile makes the paper.. but NOT his "K" pin.

Upcoming Schedule:


Monday, March 1st
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money co

Monday, March 8th
Mark Lavalle from the Spaulding Youth Center - guest of Steve Loughlin

Monday, March 15th
Olie Anderson - You Make The Call (high school basketball refereeing) - guest of Steve Loughlin

Monday, March 22nd
Noah Crane, owner and General Manager of the Laconia Muskrats
- guest of Steve Loughlin

Monday, March 29th
State Fire Marshall John Southwell with his fire dog- guest of Roger Landry

Monday, April 5th
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collected

Monday, April 12th
Lisa Foley from The Mahew Program
- guest of Brian Winslow

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Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin




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Pictures contained in this newsletter have been modified to assure a fast download. Therefore, if you try to print them, they will not be of the best quality. If you should desire a picture better suited for printing, feel free to request a copy by emailing W. Stephen Loughlin at steve@theloughlins.com