March 1, 2010 - Vol.21, No. 22
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Brian WinslowAttendance:
12Senior Members:
Ed Merski and Paul NormandinGuests:
Fundraising Update:
Mike Marsh sent two sign up sheets around the room, one for
this weekend's Milford Event and one for next weekends Boston event.
V.P. Mike stressed that he really needs some members to help with the
Boston Show.
Details and sign up for both shows are as follows:Name of show: 2010 New Hampshire Camping & RV Show.
Dates of Show: March 5th, 6th, and 7th
Location: The Hampshire Dome, Route 101, 50 Emerson Road, Milford, NH
Directions: "click" here.At this point the following have signed up to work:
Friday, March 5th
Set up: 9am- 12:00 pm: Mike Marsh and Dick Metz
Show: .. ..1 pm to-9pm: Mike Marsh and Dick MetzSaturday, March 6th
10am-4pm: Larry Murphy and Phil Bonafide
..4pm-9pm: Don & Sue Nelson and ____________Sunday, March 7th
10am-4pm: Brian Winslow and Warren Mitchell
Tear Down 5pm: Mike Marsh and ____________
Name of show: World of Wheels.
Dates of Show: March 12th, 13th, and 14th
Location: Bayside Exposition Center, 200 Mount Vernon Street, Colombia Point, Boston
Directions: "click" here.At this point the following have signed up to work:
Thursday, March 11th
Set up: Roger and Pam Landry
Friday, March 12th
..5pm-10pm: Dick Metz, Bill Kosmas, and _____________Saturday, March 13th
10am-4pm: ..Kathy Calvin, Dick Metz, and Bill Kosmas
..4pm-10:30pm: Dick Metz and Bill KosmasSunday, March 14th
10am-5pm: _Dick Metz and Bill Kosmas
5:00 (Teardown): ___________ and ____________
KARES Update:
Kathy Calvin reminded the club the next Kiwanis KARES will be on Thursday March 4th at Woodland Heights Elementary. So far volunteers include Don and Sue Nelson, Chet Cilley and Kathy Calvin.
50 50:
Mike Marsh won $11.00.
Mike Marsh basking in the glow of his winnings.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Happy Dollars:
$1 from Mike Marsh for winning.
$1 from Brian Winslow thanking Steve Loughlin for his public testimony on behalf of the CH&H merger with the Wolfeboro VNA
$1 from Dick Metz because he had heard that Joe Collie has set a date to return to Kiwanis
$5 from Steve Loughlin because he just recovered his Kiwanis hat that he forgot at his son's house in Massachusetts three weeks ago. The hat had been in the possession of his 2 1/2 year old grandson who had been proudly showing the "K."
$1 from Roger Landry because Warren Mitchell polished the bell.
$1 from Dan Feehily because it didn't snow today.
Steve's grandson, Spencer Loughlin, proudly wears the "K."
Photo by Amy Loughlin
Roger Landry shows off a smooth shiny object (as well as the Kiwanis Bell).
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinFree Meal:
Dick Metz
Kathy keeps President Dick at arms length.
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinFood Pantry:
$17 was collected.
None tonight.Board Meeting Minutes:
Secretary Kathy Calvin first noted that, at the Board of Directors meeting held on February 1st, there was a vote of the general membership to purchase two scooters that will be raffled off. That motion carried.
At the regular Board meeting a motion was made to approve the business made at the prior meeting. That motion carried.
The minutes from the previous month's meeting were approved as read.
The Board approved the general fund and the charity fund as read.
The Board also approved the following:
-To donate $250.00 to sponsor the Belmont Gilford hockey team
-To donate $250.00 to fund a team for the Laconia Little League
-To grant a leave of absence to Larry Murphy for the month of February
-To donate $100.00 to Kiwanis International
-To appropriate the sum of $3,500.00 to fund the purchase of two scooters and promotions fees
The Board of Directors meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm.
The Board of Directors also met on February 22nd. At that meeting, the Board accepted the resignation of Dianne Roberts and suspended the membership of Denise Dow as of January 28th.
Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
Kathy Calvin was in the Sunday Citizen.
Congratulations, Kathy, for your years of service to the Lakes Region Scholarship Foundation!
The Key Club is back from Texas.
Upcoming Schedule:
Monday, March 8th
Mark Lavalle from the Spaulding Youth Center - guest of Steve LoughlinMonday, March 15th
Olie Anderson - You Make The Call (high school basketball refereeing) - guest of Steve LoughlinMonday, March 22nd
Noah Crane, owner and General Manager of the Laconia Muskrats- guest of Steve LoughlinMonday, March 29th
State Fire Marshall John Southwell with his fire dog- guest of Roger LandryMonday, April 5th