
March 8, 2010 - Vol.21, No. 23


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Dan Feehily


Senior Members:
Ed Merski, Paul Normandin, Warren Mitchell, and Caroll Stafford

Mark Lavalle - Sr. Vice President from Spaulding Youth Center
Key Club Members: Ashley Witham, Brenna Cass, and Teigan Stebbins

Mark Lavalle
Ashley Witham
Brenna Cass
Teigan Stebbins

Fundraising Update:
V.P. Mike Marsh reported that we had mild success at the camping show in Milford this past weekend. We raised a total of $1,640!! Mike also passed around a sign up sheet for this weekends show in Boston, and encouraged all those that could to volunteer their time to help.

President Dick plans his escape.
Photo by Mike Marsh

President Dick "in disguise."
Photo by Mike Marsh

Mike Marsh shows how close he came to leaving Dick Metz in Milford this past weekend.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Name of show: World of Wheels.
Dates of Show: March 12th, 13th, and 14th
Location: Bayside Exposition Center, 200 Mount Vernon Street, Colombia Point, Boston
Directions: "click" here.

At this point the following have signed up to work:

Thursday, March 11th
Set up: Roger and Pam Landry

Friday, March 12th
..5pm-10pm: Dick Metz, Bill Kosmas, and _____________

Saturday, March 13th
10am-4pm: ..Kathy Calvin, Dick Metz, and Bill Kosmas
..4pm-10:30pm: Dick Metz and Bill Kosmas

Sunday, March 14th
10am-5pm: _Dick Metz and Bill Kosmas
5:00 (Teardown): ___________ and ____________


KARES Update:
Secretary Kathy reported on the KARES reading at Woodland Heights last Thursday.  They read to approximately 75 students and celebrated Dr. Seuss’s Birthday.  Attendees included Kathy Calvin, Chet Cilley, Don and Sue Nelson and a volunteer from Martin, Lord and Osman.  Kathy also reminded us that there was and education fair on March 16th and if anyone would like to help please contact her.  Lastly she let everyone know that the Lakes region Childcare Raffle was now available.  $10/ticket to win Red Sox tickets.

Kathy is also Secretary of the Michael J. Fox Fan Club.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

50 50:
$15.00 to the winner...and the winner is....

...Mike Marsh...two weeks in a row.

Hey Joe...I hope you're enjoying your vacation.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Happy Dollars:

$1 from Mike Marsh for winning.

$1 from Mike for the successful weekend selling raffle tickets

$1 from Roger because when he noticed the Kiwanis trailer missing it was because we were using it and d not because it was stolen

$1 from Dick because Steve Loughlin is a nice guy

None tonight

Key Club:
Key clubbers made a short presentation about their trip to Dickerson Texas over February break.  12 Key Clubbers and 2 chaperones went to work on affordable housing the week of Feb. 20th.  They left from the High School at 3am, traveled to Texas and worked everyday from 8am to 3pm.  They worked on a total of three houses doing roofing, and framing in windows and doors.  They also had a chance to visit a local Key Club and a local Kiwanis Club.

The Key Club guests display a smile, a frown and a giggle.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Guest Speaker:
Steve Loughlin introduced Mark Lavalle Senior Vice President from the Spaulding Youth Center.

Mark Lavalle has spent the previous 30 years of his career in the banking industry. During the last 3 years he worked in the Investment-Trust department at Laconia Savings Bank.  About 6 months ago Mark decided to make a change and accepted a position as a staff member at Spaulding Youth Center.  He had been involved with Spaulding Youth Center since the early 90’s and joined the Board of Directors in 2005. He was so committed to the mission he felt he could make a bigger contribution as a staff member. 

Spaulding Youth Center was founded in 1958 through the merger of two organizations (The Daniel Webster Home and the Golden Rule Farm) and is one of the oldest childcare facilities in New Hampshire. It sits on 470 acres in Northfield and has a budget of around 10 million with 180 employees.  Open 24/4/365, Spaulding Youth Center has the capacity to house 54 students in residence and another 10 not in residence. The average stay of a student is 12 – 18 months and the ages range from 6 – 20 years old.  It is Spaulding’s goal to return children to their home if possible, if the home environment is not suitable then to another loving environment with caring guardians.  They primarily get their funding through Child and Family Services, School Districts or the Juvenile Justice System.  Mark confided in the club that they are currently starting a planning study to determine whether they can build a very much needed new school.

During his presentation, Mark played a 10 minute video of Spaulding Youth Center which gave the membership the opportunity to hear from some of the staff and community partners as well as see pictures of the students learning and taking advantage of some of the great programs at Spaulding Youth Center.

At the conclusion of his presentation, Mark gave the club an invitation to visit the campus of the Spaulding Youth Center including the use its facilities for a future Kiwanis meeting.

LSB Alumni: Mark Lavalle and Steve Loughlin
Photo by Phil Bonafide


Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Upcoming Schedule:

Monday, March 15th
Olie Anderson - You Make The Call (high school basketball refereeing) - guest of Steve Loughlin

Monday, March 22nd
Noah Crane, owner and General Manager of the Laconia Muskrats
- guest of Steve Loughlin

Monday, March 29th
State Fire Marshall John Southwell with his fire dog- guest of Roger Landry

Monday, April 5th
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collected

Monday, April 12th
Lisa Foley from The Mahew Program
- guest of Brian Winslow

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Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin




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