
March 22, 2010 - Vol.21, No. 25


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Russ Beane


Senior Members:
Warren Mitchell, Paul Normandin, and Peter Karagianis

Noah Crane: General Manager of the Laconia Muskrats

Vice President Mike "Pinch Hits" for President Dick:
V.P. Mike Marsh read a letter from President Dick to the club that requests a six month leave of absence in order to concentrate on his personal life. As such, Mike will be the current acting president. The Board of Directors will vote on the request on April 5th.

Mike announces that the Kiwanis Club will hold its annual meeting on April 26th. He then appointed a nominating committee Chaired by Brian Winslow with members including Joe Adrignola, Larry Murphy, Warren Mitchell and Phil Bonafide.

Mike also updated us on the fundraising efforts. He is looking for an additional venue to sell raffle tickets sometime between now and Bike Week.  He also requested that all members take 10 raffle tickets and sell them. Tickets are $5.00 each.

Mike alerts us that the Bike Rodeo is coming up and he is looking at a different location from last year, perhaps Opeeche Park or the Middle School.  Mike points out that he will be assigning members of the Bike Rodeo committee tasks to help get ready for the event.

After President Dick throws a curve ball, VP Mike takes the mound.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Other News:
Roger Landry announced that Katherine Contigiani is selling tickets to the Altrusa Club's Taste of the Lakes Region. The event is scheduled for April 11th at the Expo Convention Center in Lakeport. Tickets are $25 each.

Roger also mentioned the exemplary service of Honorary Member Bill Kozmos during his trip to the Boston's Bayside Exposition Center a week ago. With the exception of the time put in by Kathy Calvin, Bill manned the Kiwanis booth selling tickets on the motor scooters all weekend long. Roger recommended that special thanks are in order. The membership agreed.

Kiwanis KARES:
Kathy Calvin alerts the club to a Kiwanis KARES event this Thursday at Elm Street School at 10:30 am.  In addition to Kiwanis members, guest readers include four volunteers from the Huot Center and Randy Brough from the Laconia Public Library.

Happy Dollars:

In efforts to give Roger Landry time to count 50 50 money, the following was donated:

$1 from Joe Adrignola in anticipation of winning the 50/50

$1 from Brian Winslow because Joe isn't going to win the 50/50

$1 from Warren Mitchell because he knows that Joe is not going to win.

$1 from Roger Landry to stall because he hasn't counted the 50/50 money yet

$1 from Paul Normandin just because he is happy


50 50: $14.00 in the pool.

And the winner is Joe Adrignola. Sorry no refunds to Brian and Warren!

oe Adrignola is happy to be back in the winning seat.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

This puts Mike Marsh in his place.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

e sheds crocodile tears for Mike Marsh.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

None tonight.

Guest Speaker:
Steve Loughlin introduced Noah Crane, General Manager of the Laconia Muskrats baseball team.

The Laconia Muskrats baseball team is a member of a collegiate summer league called the New England Collegiate Baseball League (NECBL), a prestigious league second only to the Cape Cod league. The league has 12 teams throughout New England. 

The Laconia Muskrats has a 42 game schedule of which 21 will be at home at Robbie Mills stadium.  There have been many upgrades to the field and the stadium now has bleachers that can hold approximately 1200 individuals. In addition to bleachers, spectators can attend by bringing picnic blankets or their own seating by lining the outfield fences. All games are at 7 pm.

The Laconia Muskrats season opener is June 4th and they have a 28 man roster.

Noah has two goals for the team this year: 1. to break league attendance records, and 2. to field a good quality team and win the league championship in its first year. 

Noah noted the team is looking for support from local residents. One can get involved with the Laconia Muskrats by: sponsorship, advertising, becoming a fan, volunteering (ticket takers, concessions, etc.), becoming a host family (for one of the players), and by providing part-time summer jobs for players.

Ticket prices will be as follows: Adults $5, Students and Seniors $3, under 10 free.

For more information on the Laconia Muskrats go to their website by "clicking" here.


Noah Crane assures Joe there WILL BE food available at all Laconia Muskrats ballgames.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

L to R: Noah Crane is greeted by Steve Loughlin.
Photo by Phil Bonafide



Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.



The Laconia High School Key Club was featured in The Laconia Daily Sun on Saturday March 20th. Read about their recent trip to Texas, where they participated in a Habitat for Humanity project, by "clicking" here.

The Laconia Key Club in Dickinson, Texas.


Upcoming Schedule:

Monday, March 29th
State Fire Marshall John Southwell with his fire dog- guest of Roger Landry

Monday, April 5th
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collected

Monday, April 12th
Lisa Foley from The Mahew Program
- guest of Brian Winslow

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Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin




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