April 19, 2010 - Vol.21, No. 29
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Dana Scott Beane
Post Tax Season Bliss
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinWelcome Back Jim:
Don Nelson led a How-do-ya-do to Jim Fortier.
Jim is happy to be back in New Hampshire.
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinSenior Members:
Paul Normandin, Warren Mitchell, and Jim FortierGuests:
Sergeant Thomas Swett - Laconia Police Department
Sergeant Kristian Kelley - Gilford Police Department
Sgt. Tom Swett Sgt. Kris Kelley
Annual Meeting:
Next Monday, April 26th is our Annual Meeting. Your attendance is needed.
We will be voting on the following Slate of Officers and Board Members:President: Mike Marsh
1st Vice President: Roger Landry
2nd Vice President: Open
Treasurer: Joe Adrignola
Board of Directors: Joe Collie, Steve Gorse, Steve Loughlin
Project Updates:
Bike Rodeo: Mike Marsh had to miss tonight’s meeting because he had an appointment with Laconia Parks and Recreation Commission regarding the venue for the May 15th Bike Rodeo. It should be noted, at that meeting, Mike received approval from the Commission. So, it's official, Bike Rodeo will be held at the parking lot adjacent to the Opechee Park Clubhouse on Saturday, May 15th.Scooter Raffle: Roger Landry updated the club on our Scooter raffle. We have placed a scooter at both Wells Fargo Advisors and at the Laconia Antique Center.
Other News:
Scott Beane let us know that Peter Karagianis has broken his hip and is currently in a rehab facility but will be getting home soon. Get well soon Peter!
Kiwanis KARES was last held on April 15th at Pleasant Street. Pictures and a newspaper clipping can be seen below or by "clicking" here.
Fact or Fiction?:
Steve Loughlin let the club know that the rumors are true. Past President (2007-2008) Dianne Roberts is now married!
After 17 years as a bachelorette, Dianne was married on February 27th to Glen Glines. Some of the Kiwanis members had the opportunity to meet Glen two years ago when he accompanied Dianne to our booth on the boardwalk.
Dianne and Glen: Congratuations and Happy Trails!So
This picture of Dianne Roberts and Glen Glines was taken during Laconia Bike Week 2008.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
50 50:
$10 to Joe Adrignola
Joe begins his next winning streak.
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinHappy Dollars:
$1 from Brian Winslow because Roger Landry has mounted what seems to be a successful campaign for 1st Vice President
$1 from Roger Landry, he is happy he is worth at least a buck to Brian
$1 from Jim Fortier who is happy to be back in the Lakes region for the summer
$1 from Joe Adrignola for winning.H
25 cents to Jim Fortier because he was pinless. Welcome back, Jim.Guest Speaker: