April 23, 2019 - Vol. 30, No.8



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Venue: Shang Hai Chinese Restaurant

Attendance: 10 in attendance: 6 members and 4 guests

Invocation: Phil Bonafide

The Pledge
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Tara Shore – guest speaker
Aidan Collette – son of Kara Stanley
Heather Ausevich - Key Club President-elect
Aidan Eldridge – Key Club member

Tara Shore
Aidan Collette
Heather Ausevich
Aidan Eldridge


President Bill reminded the members of the following:
● Our next club meeting is on May 28 @ Shang-Hai. Laconia Police Chief Matt Canfield will be our guest speaker.
● The Drive 4UR Community fundraiser at Irwin Ford is Wednesday, May 8, 2019. A sign-up sheet was circulated and is posted in this bulletin.
● Bike Rodeo / Bike Safety Day
is scheduled for Saturday, May 11th from 10:00 am until 1 pm at Elm Street School. The Laconia Police Department is all set with helmets. More information will be forthcoming.


Kathy Calvin updated the Club on Kiwanis K.A.R.E.S. noting this year we added Holy Trinity and we will be reading to them three times a year. For the remaining school year, we have two more book distributions to go including Pleasant Street School and Woodland Heights. No dates have been scheduled but Kathy expects it will be sometime in late May or early June.



Key Club President-elect Heather Ausevich reported members of Key Club attended DECON (District Educational Conference) in Springfield, MA from April 5-7. In addition to meeting nice people, Heather reported learning about Camp Sunshine (Camp Sunshine, which is located in Casco, Maine is a retreat for children with life-threating illnesses) and about a medical project to help fund people in Costa Rica.

Below is the Key Club at the 2019 District Educational Conference. "Click" on the photo to view a larger picture.

L to R: Front Row: Katie Allen, Lydia Tucker, Lauren McDonald, Gabi Djuric, Heather Ausevich,
Ella Muller, Maci Howland, Jillian Goyette
Back Row: David Plummer, Brendan Allen, Aidan Eldridge

Photo by
Karen Abraham



“Click” on the above poster to view a larger version.

Drive 4UR Community is a major fundraiser which replaces Roger’s Ride. Help is needed from all the Club members in two capacities:
• Encourage your family, friends, and associates to come to Irwin’s and test drive a new Ford vehicle
• Assist Irwin personnel with the people who will come to test drive a vehicle

NOTE: The test drive is about six miles and will take about 12 to 15 minutes for each test drive.
We need the assistance of six Kiwanis members for each of the four two hours shifts listed below.

We would appreciate Kiwanis Club members to sign up for one or more two-hour shifts.

The following is a current schedule of openings as well as members who have signed up to work.
If you would like to add your name to the list, please indicate your time preference(s) and “click” here to send an e-mail to our bulletin editor. Your preference will then be updated (within 24 hours) into the schedule listed below:

WEDNESDAY, May 8, 2019
09:00 am - 11:00 am:
Bill Gile, Betty Ballantyne, _____, _____, _____ and _____

11:00 pm - 01:00 pm:
Bill Gile, Betty Ballantyne, Phil Bonafide, _____, _____ and _____

01:00 pm – 03:00 pm:
Bill Gile, Betty Ballantyne, Phil Bonafide, _____, _____ and _____

03:00 pm – 05:00 pm:
Bill Gile, Betty Ballantyne, Kathy Calvin, _____, _____ and _____


FOOD PANTRY: $31 was collected

HAPPY DOLLARS: $9 was collected


Betty Ballantyne introduced our guest speaker, Tara Shore, Operations Manager of The Belknap Mill.

Tara Shore grew up in southern Vermont, and moved to Laconia after meeting her husband, Michael, in 1994. They have two sons, Garrett and Tanner. Although her degree is in business, she has tested careers in hospitality and education before finding her “happy place” at the Belknap Mill, where she has been the Program & Operations Manager for the last 4 years.

Tara gave a quick history of the Belknap Mill including the fact that the Belknap Mill is the oldest unaltered textile mill in the nation.

Tara noted that the Belknap Mill is growing in its programming and its connection with the City. This includes connecting with both the Laconia Kiwanis Club and LHS Key Club as well as connecting with Inter-Act through the Rotary Club. The Belknap Mill has also connected with the local Scouts.

Tara was pleased to discuss Arts In The Park, which has been going on for many years, and now includes nine events focusing on art, music and cinema. A new event that was added a few years ago is the Historic Laconia Scavenger Hunt (scheduled for June 22nd). For details on the Historic Laconia Scavenger Hunt and to register, “click” here.

A new program is adding Kids in the Park for children which is presently being planned for children during the month of July at Rotary Park. Tara invited the Kiwanis to partner with the Belknap Mill on Kids in the Park as well as Pumpkinfest. This would be done at Rotary Park on October 19th from noon to 4:00 pm. Other programming by the Belknap Mill includes Muff Kruse who will be coming to the Belknap Mill in June to discuss her new book.

Other items discussed were: the Industrial Heritage Program, and a new book Club (based upon Lakes Region authors and Lakes Region stories) and a Multicultural Diner. For more information on the Belknap Mill, please visit their home page by “clicking” here.


Tara Shore is congratulated by Betty Ballantyne on her presentation.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.



The Laconia Kiwanis Club was saddened to hear of the passing of Larry Murphy on April 9, 2019.

Larry had been a member of the Club since 1983 and had served as Club President during the 2002-2003 term. He enthusiastically participated in our Club events and fund raisers. In 2010, his many years of service to the Club was acknowledged when he received the Kiwanian of the Year award.

To read a celebration of Larry's life, "click" here.

The following is a pictorial tribute to our friend and fellow Kiwanian, Larry Murphy.

Larry the Leader
President Larry scrutinizing the budget
A Photo Op Moment with Jim Fortier
Meeting Adjourned!
Happy Larry
Happy Dollars
Happy Larry with Happy Beanes
Happy Kiwanians
The above group photo was taken by Maddy, waitress at the 405 Pub & Grill
Happy Past Presidents
Happy Friends
Larry gets Billy Bass
Enjoying a laugh
Loving Couple
Loving Family
Three LOW tech guys doing HIGH tech
Kiwanian of the Year (2010)
Larry's 80th Birthday (2016) (
President John Walker congratulates Larry on his 80th birthday ((2016) (
Legion of Honor - 30 years (2013)
Legion of Honor - 35 years (2018)
Ringing the bell for the Salvation Army
Bike Week at the Hydration Station
Assisting at Roger's Ride
Larry K.A.R.E.S.
K.A.R.E.S. photo by Chet Cilley
Farewell Larry. Rest In Peace!F
Unless otherwise noted, all photos by W. Stephen Loughlin






On April 23rd, Rosemary Murphy sent President Bill Gile a very appreciative “thank you” note.

To read Rosemary’s message to Bill and the Laconia Kiwanis Club, “click” here.







On April 26th, retired Kiwanian Howard Bacon celebrated his 98th birthday at his Ledgeview residence of the Taylor Community.

Kiwanian Steve Loughlin was pleased to wish Howard a Happy Birthday.
Photo by Paulette Loughlin



For those who don’t do Facebook, the following is what was posted on the Laconia Kiwanis Facebook page on April 7th.


CONGRATULATIONS to long time Kiwanian, Roger Landry on the sale of his commercial real estate located at 580 Union Ave., Laconia.

Last year, Roger sold his NAPA business to Sanel Auto parts and just last week (April 4th), he sold his commercial real estate.

Roger Landry joined the Laconia Kiwanis Club in 1994 and was a very active member for over 20 years. In 2009 he was voted the “Kiwanian of the Year.” He subsequently served as President of the Club during the 2011-2012 term.

For many years, even after his retirement from the Club in 2015, Roger supported Kiwanis by advertising in our bulletin and by providing the Club with space to store our supplies & records in the basement of his 580 Union Ave. commercial property.

Thank you, Roger for your many years of service to the Laconia Kiwanis Club. Best wishes to you and Pam in your retirement!


Former Kiwanis President, Roger Landry, and former Kiwanis First Lady, Pam Landry.
For many years, Roger Landry has publicly promoted Kiwanis.
Check out the Kiwanis sign posted on the pole below the NAPA sign.
Vintage badges found in the basement of NAPA
To COIN a phrase…and flip it...
Roger Landry: The Laconia Kiwanis Club thanks you for your many years of service!
Photos and Graphic by W. Stephen Loughlin




Our next regular meeting is at the Shang Hai Chinese Restaurant on May 28th.

Photo and Graphic by W. Stephen Loughlin










Tuesday - May 7th - Venue: Laconia Fire Department Community Room - 848 North Main Street, Laconia
6:00 pm - Board of Directors Meeting - all members invited to attend

Wednesday - May 8th - Venue: Irwin Motors - 59 Bisson Avenue, Laconia
9:00 - 5:00 pm - Ford Drive 4 UR Community- major fundraiser all hands on deck

Saturday - May 11th Venue: Elm Street School - 478 Elm Street , Laconia
10:00 am - 1:00 pm -
Annual Bike Rodeo-Safety Day

Tuesday - May 28th Venue: Shang Hai Chinese Restaurant - private room - 331 South Main Street, Laconia
6:00 pm - Speaker: LPD Captain Matt Canfield

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.







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