News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Roger LandryGuest:
Newall Bacon, son of Roger Bacon
Newall Bacon
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinSenior Members:
Howard Bacon, Dennis Denoncourt, and Paul Cotton
Newall and Howard Bacon
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinFrom the Prez:
Interim President Brian started the meeting by outlining the Board of Directors top two priorities for the next 6 months:
1. Membership
2. Public Relations
President Brian let the club know that we will be focusing our efforts to increase both priority areas and that members can expect some committee reassignments as we move forward. To start with, we have invited the teachers that we work with in the KARES program as well as the Key Club to our May 24th meeting. We are working on getting a speaker for the evening so this would be a good meeting to bring a guest or prospective member to.
Bike Rodeo Update:
VP Mike Marsh updated us regarding the Bike Rodeo. It is happening this Saturday. He has placed an ad in the Daily Sun and 1500 flyers have been distributed to schools. If you haven’t been given a specific job for Saturday morning yet please show up at Opechee Park at 9am to help.
Opechee Park Clubhouse parking lot is the place to be THIS Saturday.
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinScooter Update:
Reminder to all members, we have been asked to sell ten raffle tickets each by VP Mike Marsh. If you haven’t picked up ten tickets please see President Brian.Other News:
Roger Landry gave us a report on the Belknap Mills Private Collection event that Kiwanis sponsored. He indicated that Friday night was a lot more fun than Thursday.
Fourth of July Update:
Chet Cilley updated the club on July 4th activities.
To date it looks like the fireworks will be shot off the top of the Laconia downtown parking garage, just like last year. Chet said that this is entirely due to new state regulations. Chet has also worked to solicit sponsors, vendors etc. He hopes that Kiwanis will be a lead sponsor in the amount of $1,000.
50 50:
$16 to Mike Marsh
Mike Marsh proudly shows the money
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Happy Dollars:
$2 from Chet Cilley, one because it is always nice to see his fellow Kiwanians and one because he now has 3 great grand kids
$2 from Dennis Denoncourt, one because his son Jason (former Key Clubber) ran and finished the Boston Marathon, and raised $6,500 for charity, and one because it is his grandsons 1st birthday.$3 from Roger Landry, Paul Cotton and Steve Loughlin because Jim Fortier is back and we are hoping he will be back for many more meetings
$1 unhappy dollar from Larry Murphy because in Gilford NH it is apparently legal to put a well anywhere you want and not tell anyone…Larry related a story of a missing well on his daughters property.
$1 from Paul Cotton because Larry’s well story was so entertaining
Larry Murphy's "well story " entertained the group especially Paul Cotton.