News That Concerns Kiwanians
and Their Families |
405 Pub & Grill
Larry Murphy
Attendance: 11
9 members, 2 guests
Honorary Member Sue Nelson – spouse of Don
Laconia Belmont Fire Chief Ken Erickson – Guest Speaker
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Sue Nelson |
Ken Erickson |
From The President:
President John briefed several important points and upcoming dates:
• Due to Bike Week from June 10-19, our normal meeting of June 13th is cancelled. Our next regular club meeting is scheduled for June 27th.
• Sign-Ups for concession-stand duty during bike week will only be available electronically. Please look for an email alerting you to it becoming available online, and please consider doing an extra shift this year. We will need your help. SEE SCHEDULE BELOW.
• Sales of sodas are beginning to pop up. I am asking all members to buy 4-5 sleeves of soda and let me know when you do, I will coordinate picking them up from you. Last year, most members donated the sodas. This year, if you would like reimbursement; we get that and will do so. Please help, and please stick to the standards only Coke, Diet Coke, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Sprite. No root beer, no ginger ale, no orange soda. Also, spring water, spring water, spring water.
• Designating the 405 Pub & Grill as our normal meeting venue was discussed and voted upon. A vote was taken and near-unanimously selected as our "new" normal meeting place.
• The membership issue was briefed. We are at 19 members currently, and John knows of 2-3 resignations coming October 1st. It is up to us to do something about this, only we can. John suggested having a friend join you to man the concession stand during bike week just for their exposure, no sales pitches. If we continue to shrink, we will not be able to support the fund-raisers that we have. Please think about that!
Motorcycle Week Sign-Up:
Help is needed by the membership for our annual Motorcycle Week fund-raiser on the Laconia Boardwalk. This is always a blast and everyone's participation is strongly encouraged. President John is willing to drop off and pick up by boat any participant.
The following is a current schedule of members who have signed up to work at the Boardwalk during Bike Week. If you would like to add your name to the list, please indicate the day and time preference and “click” here to send an e-mail to our bulletin editor. Your preference will then be updated into the schedule listed below:
Friday, June 10th
00S E T - U P: 0000John Walker, Scott Laurent and ______________
Saturday, June 11th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) John Walker and/or Joe Adrignola
10:00 am - 2:00 pm: Muff Kruse and John Walker
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Joe and Vi Adrdignola
Sunday, June 12th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) John Walker and/or Joe Adrignola
11:00 am - 1:00 pm: Scott, Grace, and Zack Laurent and Steve Loughlin
Monday, June 13th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) John Walker and/or Joe Adrignola
10:00 am - 2:00 pm: Phil Bonafide and Meredith Michaud
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Don Nelson and Sue Nelson
Tuesday, June 14th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) John Walker and/or Joe Adrignola
10:00 am - 2:00 pm: Phil Bonafide and Scott Laurent (until Bill Gile arrives)
02:00 pm - 6:00 pm: John Walker and Bill Gile (will arrive about 2:30)
Wednesday, June 15th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) John Walker and/or Joe Adrignola
10:00 am - 2:00 pm: Phil Bonafide and Betty Ballantyne
02:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Don Nelson and Sue Nelson
Thursday, June 16th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) John Walker and/or Joe Adrignola
10:00 am - 2:00 pm: Phil Bonafide and Meredith Michaud
02:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Muff Kruse and ____________
Friday, June 17th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) John Walker and/or Joe Adrignola
10:00 am - 2:00 pm: Larry Murphy and John Walker
02:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Don Nelson & Sue Nelson and Bill Gile (from 3:00 to 6:00)
Saturday, June 18th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) John Walker and/or Joe Adrignola
10:00 am - 2:00 pm: Bill Gile and Muff Kruse
02:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Jeff Beane and Steve Loughlin
Sunday, June 19th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) John Walker and/or Joe Adrignola
10:00 am - 2:00 pm: Scott Laurent and _____________
000BREAKDOWN: John Walker, Muff Kruse and Scott Laurent
From The Members:
Bill Gile shared that the Key Club's involvement in the Senior-Senior Prom was a big success, as was the “Drive for your School,” with the Key Club netting $560. Betty Ballantyne reported that Irwin's donated $1,860 total to Laconia High School for this event. Kathy Calvin reported the final two K.A.R.E.S. events will be Friday, May 27 at Woodland Heights School, and Tuesday, May 31 at Pleasant Street School.
Happy Dollars:
$3 from Steve Loughlin: $1 for Chief Ken Erickson being our guest speaker this evening even though he had a previously scheduled appointment. $1 for Meredith Michaud’s great job in managing this year’s Bike Rodeo, and $1 for Scott Laurent showing up very early at the Bike Rodeo venue and saving the event by blocking off the lot from those who intended to park their vehicles for an all day sporting event. Scott even chased away two vehicles that had already parked there.
Scott Laurent stands his post reserving the Opechee Park parking lot for our Bike Rodeo.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
$3 from Bill Gile: $1 each for the success of the Senior-Senior Prom, the success of the Drive for your School, and for his son getting a new job.
$3 from Betty Ballantyne: $1 each for the success of the "Drive for your School" event, $1 for the work President John did to secure a free two-night stay at the Wentworth-by- the Sea in New Castle to raffle in conjunction with Roger's Ride, and $1 for Chief Ken Erickson joining us this evening.
President John celebrated receiving his social security check by happily giving a dollar for Betty Ballantyne making it to the meeting after just returning today from a four-day stay in Miami, for Chief Ken Erickson being with us tonight, for Bill Gile’s help getting tables and chairs to Opechee Park, for Steve Loughlin continuing to act like the Kiwanian of the Year on behalf of the Club, and for Jim Fortier, Don & Sue Nelson being back in the fold after being snow-birds.
$1 from Kathy Calvin because she was happy to report her daughter, Patty, received a merit scholarship.
Patty Calvin demonstrates her charm and courage with Rae the Rainbow Boa.
Photo courtesy of Kathy Calvin
Guest Speaker:
Steve Loughlin introduced our guest speaker, Laconia Belmont Fire Chief Ken Erickson.
Ken briefed the Club on the public safety challenges that LaconiaFest will bring to the area and the measures being taken to protect those in attendance as well as local residents. LaconiaFest will be held at the Weirs Drive-In during Motorcycle Week (June 11th to June 19th).
Ken reported that bands will be performing every day, 57 in total, with as many as 32,000 patrons in attendance just for the LaconiaFest. The biggest threats are mass-casualty events that could be caused by terrorism or natural events. He reported that several meeting schedule has been occurring since October to address all possibilities.
Laconia Belmont Fire Chief Ken Erickson reviews the operational plan of the Weirs Beach Drive In Theater as it relates to the upcoming LaconiaFest.
To review details of the plan map, "click" here.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
To read about the preparation being done by local and state officials to address potential emergencies during Motorcycle Week and LaconiaFest, "click" here.
Steve Loughlin congratulates Laconia Belmont Fire Chief Ken Erickson for his interesting presentation.
Photo by Phil Bonafide
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
On Friday, May 20th, Meredith Michaud and Steve Loughlin were on radio station WEMJ to promote the annual Kiwanis Bike Rodeo. They were interviewed on the morning talk show, Open Mike, by Pat Kelly. To hear that interview, "click" here.
L to R: Meredith Michaud, Pat Kelly, Steve Loughlin, and Dave Emerson
Photo by Ed Darling
The Challenge begins. |
This looks easy! |
Halfway |
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Cake Walk! |
One more to go |
Ed takes a water break. |
Muff Kruse demonstrates perfect posture |
Two bikers participate in the game of Chicken |
Meredith Michaud and her daughters, Abbie and Emma (on bike), share a moment with one of Laconia's finest, Jon Howe. |
Laconia Kiwanis Club President John Walker poses with Kaiden Moore, the winner of our bike giveaway. |
Above photo by Meredith Horton |
Unless otherwise noted, all Bike Rodeo photos by W. Stephen Loughlin |
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To read the Bike Rodeo story that appeared on the front page of The Citizen on May 23rd, "click" here. |
Monday -
June 6th - Board of Directors Meeting - Irwin Motors Conference Room - 5:30 pm
Monday -
June 13th - NO MEETING - members to staff Boardwalk for Bike Week
Monday -
June 27th - Venue: 405 Pub & Grill - 405 Union Ave., Laconia
Club Meeting - Guest Speaker - Lt. Gov. District 6 Dan Andrews
Monday -
July 11th - Venue: 405 Pub & Grill - 405 Union Ave., Laconia
Club Meeting - Guest Speaker - Colleen Garrity - Subject: The Belknap House
Monday -
July 25th - Venue: 405 Pub & Grill - 405 Union Ave., Laconia
Club Meeting - Guest Speaker - Justin Slattery, Executive Director Belknap EDC- Subject: Colonial Theatre Project
If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please
give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin
and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.
"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.
Kiwanis Chronicle is publication of
the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in
case of illness. Email: John Walker or Steve Loughlin
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