May 26, 2009 - Vol.20, No. 34

News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families





Chet Cilley

Senior Members:
Peter Karagianis, Jim Fortier, Ed Merski, and Howard Bacon

Fund Raising Update:

Fundraising Committee Chair Dick Metz gave an update on the Bike Week fundraiser at the Weirs. Fundraising goals include:
Raffling tickets to two meals per day one at the Galley and one at the Brickfront restaurants for a total of 250 tickets per day
Raffling Four Patriots tickets at $10.00 per chance for a total of 500 tickets.
Raffling $2,000 worth of custom bike airbrushing by Phontom Phenders at $20.00 each for a total of 500 tickets
A donation of $15.00 will buy a Phaontm Phenders black T-Shirt
The club will not put out any money on these items. All we need is people.

This is the logo that will appear on the T-Shirts.
Photo by W
. Stephen Loughlin

At this point the following have signed up to work:

Saturday, June 13th
Set up: Dick Metz and Brian Winslow
10am-3pm: Dick Metz, Howard Bacon, Phil Bonafide
3pm-8pm: ______, ______, and ______

Sunday, June 14th
10am-3pm: Dick Metz, Howard Bacon, and Larry Murphy
3pm-8pm:______, ______, and ______

Monday, June 15th
10am-3pm: Roger Landry, Larry Murphy, and ______
3pm-8pm: Dick Metz, Howard Bacon, Mike Marsh, and Russ Beane

Tuesday, June 16th
10am-3pm: Roger Landry, Larry Murphy, and Warren Mitchell
3pm-8pm: Dick Metz, Howard Bacon, and Mike Marsh

Wednesday, June 17th
10am-3pm: Dick Metz, Howard Bacon, and Phil Bonafide
3pm-8pm: ______, ______, and ______

Thursday, June 18th
10am-3pm: Dick Metz, Howard Bacon, and Ed Merski
3pm-8pm: Larry Murphy, Don Nelson, and Ed Merski

Friday, June 19th
10am-3pm: Dick Metz, Howard Bacon, and Ed Merski
3pm-8pm: Larry Murphy, Don Nelson, and ______

Saturday, June 20th
10am-3pm: Dick Metz, Howard Bacon, ______, and ______
3pm-8pm: ______, ______, and ______

Sunday, June 21st
10am-12pm: Dick Metz, Howard Bacon, ______, and ______


4th of July Celebration:
Chet Ciley updated the club on the 4th of July celebration activities:
Parade at 4pm
Fireworks at 10pm
Everything is happening downtown.
Chet and Jim are working hard to find sponsors.
Kiwanis Club of Laconia is the first to sponsor the event with a donation of $1,000.

The Laconia Kiwanis Club donated $1,000 to the Fourth of July Committee.
Photo by W
. Stephen Loughlin

Volunteers Needed:
Larry Murphy reminded everyone that he needs help with the Camp Mayhew clean up. Meet him at 8:15 am on May 30th at the Boys and Girls Club.

Kiwanis KARES:
Kathy Calvin reports that Kiwanis KARES will have its last book distribution and reading at Woodland Heights on Tuesday June 9th starting at 9:45 am. Those attending include Brian Winslow, Joe Adrignola, Kathy Calvin, Chet Ciley, Dick Metz and Larry Murphy.

Visitors with a Mission:
Jim Fortier reported that the Berlin Kiwanis Club has contacted him looking for a missing gavel. We anticipate five of their members to attend the June 1st meeting.

50 50:
21 dollars was won by Catherine Contigiani.

Happy Dollars:




No happy dollars this week.


Charlie St. Clair was fined $0.25 for being late.


Upcoming Schedule:

Monday, June 1st
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collected

Monday, June 8th
Evan Morgan from NH Healthy Kids guest of Pres. Brian

Monday, June 15th

Monday, June 22nd

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Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin



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