May 26, 2015 - Vol. 26, No.15


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Attendance: 15
12 members, 3 guests

Rev. Paula Gile

Sue Nelson – Honorary Member and wife of Don Nelson
Rob Reid – prospective member
Rev. Paula Gile – guest speaker and wife of Bill Gile

Sue Nelson
Rob Reid
Paula Gile


Motorcycle Week Sign-Up:

Help is needed by the membership for our annual Bike Week funraiser on the Laconia Boardwalk. This is always a blast and everyone's participation is strongly encouraged. President John is willing to drop off and pick up by boat any participant. His boat has a cooler too. Consider that.


The following is a current schedule of members who have signed up to work at the Boardwalk during Bike Week. If you would like to add your name to the list, please indicate the day and time preference and “click” here to send an e-mail to our bulletin editor. Your preference will then be updated into the schedule listed below:

Friday, June 12th
00S E T - U P: 0000Brian Winslow, John Walker, and Phil Bonafide

Saturday, June 13th
10:00 am - 2:30 pm: Kathy Calvin and Jeff Beane
12:30 pm - 7:00 pm: John Walker and Muff Walker

Sunday, June 14th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) John Walker
10:00 am - 2:30 pm: Larry Murphy and Jeff Beane
12:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Kathy Calvin and Carole Davis

Monday, June 15th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) Brian Winslow
10:00 am - 2:30 pm: Phil Bonafide and Larry Murphy
12:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Betty Ballantyne and ____________

Tuesday, June 16th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) Brian Winslow
10:00 am - 2:30 pm: Phil Bonafide and Larry Murphy
02:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Kathy Calvin and ____________

Wednesday, June 17th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) Brian Winslow
10:00 am - 2:30 pm: Don Nelson and John Walker
02:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Betty Ballantyne and Jim Fortier

Thursday, June 18th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) Brian Winslow
10:00 am - 2:30 pm: Meredith Horton and ____________
02:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Kathy Calvin and Robbie Neylon

Friday, June 19th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) Brian Winslow
10:00 am - 2:30 pm: Larry Murphy and Jim Fortier
02:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Steve Loughlin and ____________

Saturday, June 20th
Stocking (before 9:00 am) Kathy Calvin
10:00 am - 2:30 pm: Kathy Calvin and Don & Sue Nelson
02:30 pm - 7:00 pm: ____________ and ____________

Sunday, June 21st
Stocking (before 9:00 am) Kathy Calvin
10:00 am - 2:30 pm: Kathy Calvin and Scott Laurent
000BREAKDOWN: Kathy Calvin and Scott Laurent



President John shared his opinion that any member asking the question "how are we doing at attracting new members?" leaves the questioned with a very obvious answer.... "not very well if you, as a member, is asking the question."

John noted: "Fellow members, this Club needs EVERY one of us to sell this Club, and grow it. If any one of us has not talked about Kiwanis to friends or co-workers, we are part of the problem. Please think about that. Why are you a member? Can't you share that? Without growth, we are doomed to failure. If we fail, who do we point fingers at? Us. PLEASE HELP!! M&M's next meeting."

From the Members:

First VP Meredith made a formal presentation to President John of the Fusion Impact Award he was awarded last month.

Meredith Horton congratulates John Walker on being recipient of the Fusion Impact Award.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


fMeredith Horton gave a recap of the recently completed Bicycle Rodeo/Safety Day. 59 children participated and received helmets; the Laconia Fire Department and Laconia Police Department were present. Kudos to LFD for having a lot of equipment and expertise on hand to excite the kids. Many Club members were present to help ensure a highly successful day. Our First VP deserves so much credit for making this day a success. Thank you Meredith, from each of us.
For a photo collage of the 2015 Bike Rodeo & Family Safety Day scroll down the page.


Director Bill Gile did a brief synopsis of Key Club activities. New officers have been elected, and a new Co-Advisor will assist Bill during the new school year. The new Co-Advisor is Karen Abraham, a Librarian/Media Specialist at LHS.

Guest Rob Reid reported he and Scott Laurent have come up with a Home Run Derby date of 18 July. Planning meetings soon.


Happy Dollars:

$7 from John Walker: $6 for the successful conclusion to his 3 month road trip, and $1 for having Paula Gile as our guest speaker.

$1 from Roger Webster for becoming a Great Grandfather in February, and $1 for being married 60 years on June 18

$2 from Bill Gile for his upcoming vacation trip to Spain-Germany-France

$3 from Betty Ballantyne for the three Kiwanis members who participated in the "drive for your school" event put on by Irwin Motors that resulted in $2,200 being donated by Irwin Motors to Laconia High School

$6 from Joe Adrignola for Vi's continued 3-week recovery from bypass surgery. Joe reports she is doing great!

$2 from Meredith Horton: $1 for just completing the Leadership Lakes Region course, and $1 in memory of a very recently deceased co-worker who was there as a father-figure for her after her own dad's death

$2 from Don Nelson for his and Sue's upcoming celebration, June 12th, of their 50th wedding anniversary.


Fines: None this evening


Guest Speaker: President John Walker introduced our guest speaker, Rev. Paula Gile, the Associate Pastor at the Congregational Church of Laconia who spoke on Laconia, a summer healthy lunch program.

Paula delivered an impassioned plea regarding the upcoming 5th year of this banner program.  Laconia numbers continue to hover near the 60% rate for children qualifying for the free and reduced price lunch program.  Any Laconia child qualifies for Laconia, whether they are on the school program or not all they need to do is register.  Over 700 children are expected in summer, 2015.  Several community partners were singled out, corporately, Vista Foods, and Irwin Marine, and a new agricultural conglomerate formed due to the efforts of Winnipesaukee Woods Farms.  Club members were encouraged to participate as volunteers.  This Club has been a 5-year supporter of this Community Program.

For detailed information on the Laconia program "click" here.

John Walker presents Paula Gile with a "thank you" gift in appreciation of her presentation.
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

Got Drink!

Howard Bacon enjoys a nightcap before leaving tonight's meeting.
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin


Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m.

"Click" on any of the pictures below to view a larger picture.
Rob Reid and Phil Bonafide draw a crowd.
Betty takes the names of future drivers while Phil makes note of the names of future clients
Myles Chase of MC Cycles
Service with a Smile
Abbie Horton with Myles Chase
Helmet Fitting by Bill Gile and Kathy Calvin
Bill Gile and this biker struggle for control of the helmet.
Kathy Calvin works with a much more cooperative biker.
A Perfect Fit
Carolyn Fay Mueller of LRGH with Emma Horton
These three boys are disapointed that the remaining helmets are pink.
Five Friendly Faced Food Vendors
Laconia Key Club
Annie Dionne, Erin Cashman and Dominic Cannuli
This biker anxiouosly watches Jim Fortier attempt to free his hand from the hot dog steamer.
Laconia Police Officer John Howe with Emma Horton
Laconia Police Officer John Howe takes Emma Horton's suspicious balloon into custody.
Enjoying application of a tattoo
Let us know if this hurts.
Greater Lakes Child Advocacy Center members Lauren Nother and Tammy Emmery try to keep warm.
L to R: Brian Loans, John Rogers, and Cliff King of Laconia Area Bicycle Exchange
Declan Perrino with his mom and Cliff King of Laconia Area Bicycle Exchange
Emma Horton behind the wheel "...just like the fire truck that Papa drove."
Sharing a moment with firemen Chris Beaudoin (left) and Ricky Raper
Two Bikers and a Smokey

Laconia Citizen News Reporter, Ed Pierce, interviews Bike Rodeo Chair, Meredith Horton.
Ed Pierce interviews Tonya Perrino, mother of Declan, Bike Rodeo participant.
To read Ed Pierce's story that appeared in The Citizen of Laconia on May 19, 2015 "click" here.
Above Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin
Some captions by Joe Collie
Laconia Kiwanis Club Bike Rodeo organizer, Vice President Meredith Horton poses with Declan Perrino and his parents. Declan was the winner of our bike giveaway.
Photo by Rob Reid






Monday - June 8th
Club Meeting - guest speaker - Jim Rogers from the Laconia Bicycle Exchange

Monday - June 22nd
Club Meeting - guest speakers - Brandee Loughlin & Shanna Saunders topic: Re-imagine Laconia


If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.


Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: John Walker or Steve Loughlin