June 6, 2007 - Vol.18, No. 36


 News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Ben Perkins

Senior Members:
Howard Bacon, Peter Karagianis, Ed Merski, Roger Webster, Paul Normandin, Carroll Stafford, and Ed Chertok

Dr. Chertok makes the tricky "whip cream transplant" look routine.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Sue Nelson with Don Nelson
Dan Zawacki with Dianne Zawacki

Key Clubbers:
Kayne Kreitser, Calise Houle, Erica Cross, Ben Perkins, and Andy Perkinsi

Anybody lose a set of Keys?
Back row: L-R Calise Houle and Ben Perkins
Front Row: L-R: Andy Perkins, Erica Cross, and Kayne Kreitser

Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Win A Classic!
This past weekend, the Motorcycle Raffle was in Portsmouth at the Boat Show. Thanks to all those who worked the show. Larry Murphy, Paul Cotton, Phil Bonafide, Lori Dickson, Joe Adrignola, Don Nelson, Sue Nelson, and Mike Marsh. Up next: BIKE WEEK starts this Saturday, June 9th and runs through the big giveaway on Sunday, June 17th. The work schedule is as follows: Please fill any hole you can when possible:

Saturday, June 9th
11am-3pm Phil Bonafide and _________________
3pm-7pm _Kathy Calvin and _________________

Sunday, June 10th
9am-1pm Kathy Calvin and Dick Metz
1pm-5pm Jim Fortier and Arlene Fortier
5pm-9pm Joe Adrignola and _________________

Monday, June 11th
9am-1pm Howard Bacon and Dick Metz
1pm-5pm Kathy Calvin and Lori Dickson
5pm-9pm Dianne Roberts, Larry Murphy, and Russ Beane

Tuesday, June 12th
9am-1pm Larry Murphy and ______________________
1pm-5pm Larry Murphy and ______________________
5pm-9pm Kathy Calvin, Dianne and Dan Zawacki

Wednesday, June 13th
9am-1pm Lori Dickson and Dick Metz
1pm-5pm Ed Merski and Joe Collie (at 2 pm)
5pm-9pm Larry Murphy and Kathy Calvin

Thursday, June 14th
9am-1pm Larry Murphy and Ed Merski
1pm-5pm Larry Murphy and ______________________
5pm-9pm Don Nelson and Sue Nelson

Friday, June 15th
9am-1pm Larry Murphy, Ed Merski, and Roger Webster
1pm-5pm Larry Murphy, _________________
________and _________________
5pm-9pm Paul Cotton, Don and Sue Nelson

Saturday, June 16th
9am-1pm Paul Cotton, Paul Normandin, Carroll Stafford, and Sandy Stafford
1pm-5pm Paul Cotton,Don Nelson, Sue Nelson, and Joe Adrignola
5pm-9pm Paul Cotton, Don Nelson, Sue Nelson, and ______________

Sunday, June 17th (Father’s Day)
9am-11am (need 5)
Paul Cotton, Phil Bonafide, Lori Dickson, Joe Adrignola, and _______________
11am-3:15 (need 12),
Paul Cotton, Dianne Roberts, Jim Fortier, Arlene Fortier, Don Nelson, Sue Nelson, Steve Loughlin, Phil Bonafide, Jackie Bonafide, Joe Collie, ___________ and __________________

Boys and Girls Club Dinner
The Boys and Girls Club of the Lakes Region has their Gala Celebration scheduled for Saturday, June 30th at Sacred Heart Hall in Laconia. The Kiwanis Club has sponsored a table of 8. Jim and Arlene Fortier and Joe Collie are on the list. Please join us and represent the club at this event. A good time, a good meal, a good cause. Please check your schedules and join us if you're able to. Thanks and congrats to Dianne Zawacki on her efforts at the Boys and Girls Club. Let President Joe Collie know if you plan on going. Thanks!

Speaker Schedule...
We have a visit from the Lt. Governor planned on Monday, June 11th. The next scheduled speaker is July 16th. Roger Landry reminds the club to schedule speakers with him to avoid double booking. Remember, we do not have speakers the first Monday of each month. See schedule at bottom of page.

Reading is FUNdamental...
Joe Adrignola reports the RIF distribution on Monday, June 4th was a big success. Thanks to Joe, Don Nelson, Kathy Calvin, Randy Brough, and Terry Fortson for their help at Woodland Heights. The final RIF distribution of the year is scheduled for Tuesday, June 5th and we'll have the update in next week's bulletin. Stay Tuned...and thanks again to all our readers/distributors! Hats off to Kathy Calvin for another successful year as RIF chairperson.

Key Club Update
Calise Houle reports that the Key Club held their first Cystic Fibrosis walk on May 19th in the rain. More than 100 people showed up and they raised $6,727! The club then donated the difference and donated $7,000 to the Cystic Fibrosis Society. Well done Key Club!

Roger that...
Roger Landry reminds the club that if we need any startup cash for Bike Week or need to drop off deposits after selling tickets, you can go to NAPA on Union Ave in Laconia and he will help you out. Paul Cotton left deposit slips there before leaving for NY. Roger also said that he will be ordering another batch of hats for those interested and reminded the club that if you want a Kiwanis shirt, the Piche's outlet in Belmont on Rt 3 (the old church) has our logo and will do some up for you should you stop in. They have numerous colors/styles.

The Hooksett Kiwanis Club is looking for players for their annual golf tournament. The event is scheduled for July 20 at Candia Woods and is $100 per person. If interested, please respond by July 6th. Chet Cilley has the flyer with the necessary information. Thanks.

Marty Hisrchberg Update
Roger Webster tells us Marty is in Casa Grande, which in Spanish means "The Big House" (insert correctional facility joke here), Arizona; and is doing just fine. Good news!

Dick Metz again stressed the importance of new members. It's all about helping kids, so let's spread the word and get some new faces in here. That will also make it easier for us to raise the money we need to to meet our community commitments. Help us all spread the word about Kiwanis. Next time you have the chance to ask someone to join...ask them!

Board meeting from May...

Joe Adrignola read the minutes from the board meeting of May 7th. The highlights:
*** The general and charity funds were approved as read.
*** $500 for the sealant day in the Laconia School system was approved
*** $900 for the petting zoo at Multicultural Market Day in Laconia was approved
*** $175 was approved for sponsorship of a table at the Salvation Army Luncheon
*** The roster of officers and directors for 2007-2008 was approved as follows:
Vice President: Jeff Stone
Treasurer: Joe Adrignola
Board of Directors: Lori Dickson, Peter Karagianis, Jim Fortier, Dick Metz



Sue Nelson, $23.

Sometimes it pays to go out to dinner with your husband.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Happy Dollars:
Sue Nelson gave 2.
Ed Chertok gave 1 for being happy.
Howard Bacon gave 1 because Ed Chertok bought him a drink.
Roger Landry gave 1.
Calise Houle gave 1 because she is off to college next year and this was her last visit to us.
In all, $6 was collected from this happy group.

Calise is all smiles when giving this Happy Dollar.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Fines: 1

Winner of the Kiwanis...

THE CHALLENGE: Match the body part with its owner
THE WINNER: Dianne Zawacki
THE ANSWER: See picture below

Congratulations Dianne you won a free meal..



Charlie St. Clair



Upcoming Schedule:

June 11th
Lt. Gov. Bill Smith

June 18th
Bike week recap

June 25th

July 2nd
No meeting this week...4th of July Holiday

July 9th
Boards meet. NISE collected.

July 16th
Elizabeth Harding, NH National Guard Youth Programs


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Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin

Back Issues - Membership - Bylaws - Club Brochure - Raffle Schedule

In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Metz Electronics - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - NAPA Auto Parts - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Cadillac