June 11, 2007 - Vol.18, No. 37
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
xxxxxxxDianne says "YES."
xxxxxxx xxxxxPhoto and Graphics by W. Stephen Loughlin
17 plus 3 at The WeirsInvocation:
Paul Cotton
Senior Members:
Howard Bacon, Warren Mitchell, Peter Karagianis, Ed Merski, Roger Webster, and Ed ChertokJoe Collie welcomes visitors...
XXXXXXXXXXX"Wanna join Kiwanis?" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"Wanna join Kiwanis?"
Joe Collie demonstrates our new membership technique: ask anyone!
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinFour More Years!
Dianne Roberts has agreed to be club President in 2007-2008. The club welcomes Dianne into this role and looks forward to another great year of helping children in the Lakes Region. Roberts will take the gavel in October. With that, Jeff Stone moves into the role of 1st Vice President. Having leadership in place for the next 2 years will make things run smoothly going forward! We look forward to assisiting Dianne and supporting her as club President!On The Boardwalk (The Drifters...Steve knows the year)
The Motorcycle Raffle is at The Weirs for the BIG PUSH this week. So far, so good...almost $5,000 was realized in the first 3 days. Please take a look at the schedule of days to go and see if you can help fill some of the holes as we work our way toward the big giveaway Sunday afternoon. Laconia Police Chief Tom Oetinger will pull the winning ticket!
Wednesday, June 13th
9am-1pm Lori Dickson and Dick Metz
1pm-5pm Ed Merski and Joe Collie (at 2 pm)
5pm-9pm Larry Murphy and Kathy Calvin
Thursday, June 14th
9am-1pm Larry Murphy and Ed Merski
1pm-5pm Larry Murphy and Kathy Calvin
5pm-9pm Don Nelson and Sue Nelson
Friday, June 15th
9am-1pm Larry Murphy, Ed Merski, and Roger Webster
1pm-5pm Larry Murphy, Don and Sue Nelson
5pm-9pm Paul Cotton, Don and Sue Nelson
Saturday, June 16th
9am-1pm Paul Cotton, Paul Normandin, Carroll Stafford, and Sandy Stafford
1pm-5pm Paul Cotton,Don Nelson, Sue Nelson, and Joe Adrignola
5pm-9pm Paul Cotton, Don Nelson, Sue Nelson, and ______________
Sunday, June 17th (Father’s Day)
9am-11am (need 5) Paul Cotton, Phil Bonafide, Lori Dickson, _____________, and ___________
11am-3:15 (need 12), Paul Cotton, Dianne Roberts, Jim Fortier, Arlene Fortier, Don Nelson, Sue Nelson, Steve Loughlin, Phil Bonafide, Jackie Bonafide, Joe Collie, ___________ and __________________
C'mon Ride The Train...
The train to The Weirs will be leaving Lakeport on the hour starting at noon Thursday. It will then return to Lakeport from the Weirs on the half hour. Visit here for more information: www.biketrains.com. Typically, Kiwanis has been given 1/2 price train rides if you show your nametag. The club will reimburse you.
Welcome Mr. Beals
There will be a meet and greet at Laconia High School this Friday, June 15th at the Huot Technical Center welcoming the new principal at LHS, Mr. Steven Beals. The club is invited and if interested in attending, please call 524-5710. There will be an 8:00 meet for breakfast and an 11:30 meet for lunch. It should be noted that Mr. Beals was Joe Collie's gym teacher at Alvirne High School in Hudson during Joe's sophomore year of 1993-1994. As Joe's girlish figure would indicate...he failed.Come Check us Out!
We have been invited to visit Mayhew Island at some point this summer to see all the exciting stuff they are doing for youth out on the island. You remember in May, club members went out for Mayhew Clean Up Day. The available dates to visit are:
June 28, 29
July 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31
August 1, 2, 3
Visits on these dates run from 10am-1:30pm. Perhaps we could plan a road trip! Please let President Joe know if you're interested.Poker Anyone?
The Lodge at Belmont hosts Texas Hold 'em Nights for Charity. We received a letter outlining this possible fund raising opportunity. More discussion will follow the motorcycle raffle.Reading is FUNdamental?
The last RIF distribution was held last Tuesday, June 5th at Pleasant Street School. At Monday night's meeting, we did not get an update or recap on that...but we expect one at next week's meeting. Stay Tuned...Boys and Girls Club Dinner
The Boys and Girls Club of the Lakes Region has their Gala Celebration scheduled for Saturday, June 30th at Sacred Heart Hall in Laconia. The Kiwanis Club has sponsored a table of 8. Jim and Arlene Fortier and Joe Collie are on the list. Please join us and represent the club at this event. A good time, a good meal, a good cause. Please check your schedules and join us if you're able to. Thanks and congrats to Dianne Zawacki on her efforts at the Boys and Girls Club. Let President Joe Collie know if you plan on going. Thanks!50/50:
Dick Metz, Warren Mitchell, and Roger Landry split $16.
16 dollars, 12 eyes, 3 winners, NO hair!
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin.Happy Dollars:
Ed Chertok gave $5 for enjoying his 70th college reunion this weekend. There are 36 living members of the Class of 1937 at UNH. Ed and 2 others showed for the fun this weekend. Roger Landry gave $5 for Ed having such a good time and the winners of the 50/50 contributed a buck, too. In all, $11 happies were collected from the group.
Ed annouces his candidacy in 2008!
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin.Fines: 1
Upcoming Schedule:
June 18th
Bike week recapJune 25th
Ginny Witkin from LRGH speaking on mammographyJuly 2nd
No meeting this week...4th of July HolidayJuly 9th
Boards meet. NISE collected.July 16th
Elizabeth Harding, NH National Guard Youth Programs
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Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinBack Issues - Membership - Bylaws - Club Brochure - Raffle Schedule CLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Metz Electronics - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - NAPA Auto Parts - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Cadillac