June 11, 2012 - Vol. 23, No. 15


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


26 (including 2 guests)

Joe Adrignola

Paul Phelps - guest speaker
Jeff Beane - guest of Dana Scott Beane

Paul Phelps   Jeff Beane  
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin


Welcome Back, Don!
The Club sang a How Do you Do to Don Nelson who returned back from FLA.

Let's have a BIG hand for Don Nelson.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


President Roger reported of two resignations: Paul Cotton and John Markland. He also reported that Brian Winslow was the sole bidder for the Kiwanis trailer and he will purchase it for $300.

Kathy Calvin reported there were two (2) Kiwanis KARES book donation and reading sessions since our last meeting, and the unused books will be given to Laconia for summer distribution. Kathy also announced we will try to have those teachers and staff involved to a Kiwanis dinner in September.

Jack Batchelder requested help with the July 28/29 car show to be held at the 4H fairgrounds in Belmont. Requested help would result in a split of the 50/50 raffle over 2 days, and a $200 donation to have Kiwanians help direct cars for parking. Jack also mentioned the 8/5/2012 Home Run Derby at the LMS ball field to benefit RVYSEF. Rain date is 8/12/2012. Finally, Jack announced the Club, in partnership with NAPA of Laconia, is donating $10 per Muskrat home run this season, not to exceed $250. In return, there is an outfield banner with our logo, and following each home run, it will be announced that $20 will be donated to the RVYSEF by NAPA Auto Parts, and Kiwanis Club of Laconia.

John Walker announced that there were seven trained Kiwanians for delivery in the Laconia program this summer and that, to date, 337 children are registered for the program.

Kiwanis Scholarship Recipients:
Steve Loughlin reported on the individuals who received scholarships this year as well as details of their respective schools and majors. They include the following:

Graduated HS
Status Major
Amy Cass
Univ. of Pennsylvania
Soph International Relations
Brenna Cass
Boston College
Soph Sociology and Spanish
Erica Cross
Senior Nursing
Megan Hubbard
Boston College
Soph Education - Spanish
Benjamin Perkins
Keene State
Sr Education - History
Abbie Teichert
Bryant College
Fr Actuarial Math
Beth Teichert
NH Tech Inst
Fr Radiologic Tech
The following individual received a scholarship from the (Charlie) Smith Memorial Fund
Rachel Garan
Univ. of Vermont
Fr Environment


Bike Week On The Boardwalk:    

Below are the remaining shifts on the Boardwalk:

Thursday, June 14th
10:00 am - 2:30 pm: Jim Fortier and Larry Murphy
02:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Jack Batchelder and Betty Ballantyne

Friday, June 15th
10:00 am - 2:30 pm: Scott Laurent and Warren Mitchell
02:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Jim Fortier and Dennis Denoncourt

Saturday, June 16th
10:00 am - 2:30 pm: Kathy Calvin and Steve Loughlin
02:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Brian Winslow and Jeff Beane

Sunday, June 17th
10:00 am - 2:30 pm: Brian Winslow and Larry Murphy
000BREAKDOWN: Brian Winslow


50 50:
$35 went to Brian Winslow

Brian Winslow is in a Cash Coma.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Happy Dollars:

$2 from Jack Batchelder. The first happy dollar was for having an awesome day at Pheasant Ridge for the RVYSEF Golf Scramble and the second to promote the Bucky Lewis Comedy Show on June 22nd at Pheasant Ridge Country Club. For more details on that show, “click” here.

$2 from Joe Adrignola related to Kiwanis members working at the Kiwanis booth at the Weirs. The first happy dollar was in honor of Lori Dickson who worked with her leg in a partial cast and on crutches. The second happy dollar was in honor of Kathy Calvin who walked from her house (near downtown Laconia) to the Boardwalk.

$5 from Brian Winslow. One for everyone who has helped out on the Boardwalk

$2 from Larry Murphy. This first because he hasn’t seen his sister-in-law in four weeks. The second because he resolved a major issue with Home Depot.

$2 from Dana Scott Beane. The first because his son, Spencer passed his Professional Engineer exam. His designation is now, Spencer L. Beane, PE. The other because his daughter, Chelsey received her masters degree in public health from UNC and is engaged to be married.

$2 from Steve Loughlin. The first in honor of Kevin Irish who recently graduated from Leadership Lakes Region (see story and photo near bottom of page). The second to praise NAPA Auto (580 Union Ave., Laconia) for the quality product and excellent service on a recent purchase by his wife.

$1 from John Walker for the support the Laconia Kiwanis Club has given to the program.

$2 from Betty Ballantyne in honor of tonight’s guest speaker, Paul Phelps. The first for his visit to last month’s meeting and the second to thank him for tonight’s program.

three totalling 75 cents

Food Pantry:
$52 dollars was collected

Free Meal:
Lori Dickson

Guest Speaker:

Betty Ballantyne introduced our guest speaker, Paul Phelps.

Paul moved to Laconia in 1952 from Rutland, Vermont. His family established Tower Wayside Furniture on Union Ave. (now Harris Furniture). After graduating college, he returned to teach school. Besides teaching school, he coached football for 25 years as well as track and field. He served as Asst. Principal at Memorial Middle School. He retired after 38 years in the Laconia School system. Today he works part time at Cantin Chevrolet.

Paul is a participant and coach in TAKE SHAPE FOR LIFE, which effectively partners with Metafast, a dietary plan that works. Metafast was developed by Johns Hopkins and is now marketed as a weight loss and life management program. Paul is in the coaching business, and has experienced a top weight of 425 pounds, and now weights 214 lbs. He has weighed 214 lbs.for a few years now due to the management piece. Some scary stats include 45% of the USA is currently obese, and a Baylor University study predicts that by 2030, 90% of Americans will be obese. Paul did not pitch a product, but offered help for anyone who wishes to Take Shape For Life.

For information on the program “click" here.



L to R: Roger Landry and Paul Phelps
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

May 19, 2012 Opechee Park Clubhouse Parking Lot
"Click" on thumbnail pictures to open a larger picture.
L to R: Beth Teichert, Emily Dionne, Emily Maddock, Meghan Long, Abby Teichert, Isabelle Gorse
L to R: Front Row: Patrol Officer Jon Howe, Key Club members: John Hammond, Sarah Dragon, Gillian Gorse,
. and Steve Tucker, Key Club Advisor. Standing in the back row: Kiwanian Betty Ballantyne.
Zack Laurent gets a custom helmet fitting by his dad.
Can you find the three hot dogs in this picture?
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin




Kiwanis Bike Rodeo Results in Special Gift from Local Merchant
While attending the Kiwanis Bike Rodeo last month, a young girl was advised her bike had too many issues and was beyond repair. However, thanks to the generosity of MC Cycle & Sport, the story had a happy ending. For details, read the letter that appeared in the Laconia Daily Sun on May 30, 2012 by "clicking" here.

Meet "Beth" the recipient of a new bike compliments of Miles Chase (on left) of MC Cycle & Sport.
Lori Groleau (on right) is "Beth's" mentor through The Circle Program.

Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Kevin Irish Graduates from Leadership Lakes Region

Congratulation to Kevin Irish who was one of 20 local residents that recently graduated from Leadership Lakes Region.

Leadership Lakes Region is an organization dedicated to community improvement by developing, expanding, promoting and putting in place a network of effective volunteer leaders with a variety of skills and interests. The eight month program focuses on the important aspects of civic life by exploring and increasing general understanding of the History and Culture, Economic, Political, Social and Educational issues unique to the Lakes Region.

Fellow Kiwanian, Steve Loughlin, representing Bank of New Hampshire, was the graduation speaker at the 14th annual graduation ceremony that was held this year at the Chase House in Meredith.

Graduate Kevin Irish is congratulated by guest speaker, Steve Loughlin.
Photo by Jennifer McLean, Program Coordinator for Leadership Lakes Region






Monday June 25th
Club Meeting - Speaker to be announced

Monday July 2nd
Board of Directors Meeting 5:30 p.m. at One Mill Plaza - all members are invited!
This is not a regular meeting. There will be no dinner served.

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.


Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: Roger Landry or Steve Loughlin