June 19, 2006 - Vol.17, No. 38

 News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Roger Webster

Senior Members
Warren Mitchell, Peter Karagianis, Dennis Denoncourt, Roger Webster, Ed Chertok, Paul Normandin

Sue Nelson with Don, Polly Chertok with Ed, Motorcycle Raffle winner Madaline Decato, Emile Decato, Lloyd Decato, Dennis Decato, Kathleen Decato-Cass and Jim Cass.

Win A Classic!
The Motorcycle Raffle came to a head Fathers Day Sunday at the Weirs when Belknap County Sheriff Dan Collis pulled the winning name. The winner was Madaline Decato of Gilford. She is our first female winner. She is 85 years old; a grandmother of 24 and a great grandmother of 10. Madaline's ticket was purchased by her daughter Kathleen, one of 3 tickets she purchased at Laconia Savings Bank. Madaline attended tonight's meeting and was accompanied by her husband Emile, sons Lloyd and Dennis, daughter Kathleen, and son in law Jim Cass. At press time, the family had not decided yet to take the bike or the cash option. Check the bulletin next week for the outcome. Congratulations, Madaline and THANKS for your support!

Madaline Decato shows off her new bike.
Photo by Steve Loughlin

Behind every good man is a great woman!
And we are luckily enough to have some GREAT women in and around our club. Thanks to all the spouses that made the ticket selling effort go that much more smoothly. Jackie Bonafide, Sue Nelson, Vi Adrignola, Dan Zawacki, Pam Landry, and Arlene Fortier. On behalf of your spouse members, and the rest of the club, thanks to you all for helping us. Wed be hurtin' without your help! Editor's note: Before a reader points this out to me, I realize Dan Zawacki is NOT a woman. Thank you.

Dudewheres my car?

President Joe Collie found his car in the impound yard following the raffle. After parking in the same spot for the last 7 Motorcycle Weeks, the law finally caught with him. So did the towing company to the tune of $115. Ouch! Should have taken the train.

A special recognition for motorcycle chair Paul Im on vacation Cotton. The raffle was successful, and thanks in great part to his efforts as chair of the fundraiser. Paul will be cheered heartily next week for sure. In his absence, Warren Mitchell was recognized for his efforts as co-chair. Warren transported the Bike to and from the Weirs on giveaway day and trailered the bike to the meeting for the photo ops with the winner. Thanks again to both Paul and Warren. Nice job, gents. Alsoa thanks to all involvedeven if you sold one ticket, you made a difference!

Thumbs up to Paul Cotton on a job well done.
Photo by Steve Loughlin

Theres a new sheriff in town
Not really. Belknap County Dan Collis, as mentioned above, pulled the winning ticket for us on the Boardwalk as he does year in and year out. Danwe appreciate your efforts. We also appreciate that as a member of the Rotary Club, Dan so enthusiastically supports our cause. Vote Collis in 06!

Belknap County Sheriff Dan Collis draws the winning ticket on the Boardwalk of Weirs Beach Sunday afternoon.
Photo by Steve Loughlin

Teen Center says THANKS!
We received a letter of thanks from the Teen Center and Dianne Zawacki for our recent donation of $800 for scholarships to their summer program. Our donation will make it possible for 10 kids to attend the camp, covering their $80 each per week fee.

Space Shot Update
Steve Loughlin reports that Roger Ballantyne will hopefully have hip surgery on Wednesday in Boston and then recover in Concord. The hip will be replaced and hopefully ease Roger's pain. We will be thinking of Roger and wish him the best.

Four more years!
The blackout Monday afternoon shut off this writers home PC just as I was going to print the ballots for our vote so we will do it June 26 th and finalize the roster for 2006-2007. On the ballot:

President 2006-2007 Joseph Delano Collie
1st VP 2006-2007 Dianne Roberts
2nd VP 2006-2007 Jeff "Like A Rolling" Stone
Treasurer Joe Adrignola
Secretary Kathy Calvin

Board of Directors with a term ending September 30, 2007
Peter Karagianis
Nancy Williams-Hunt
Jim Fortier
Warren Mitchell

Board of Directors with a term ending September 30, 2008
Don Nelson
Dianne Zawacki
Ed Merski
Phil Bonafide

Immediate Past President Paul Cotton

Please be in attendance, if at all possible, to cast your vote. Once passed, we will begin the planning of the installation and moving on into the next Kiwanis year. A big THANKS to all the new names on the list.

Joe Adrignola. $0.
Nothing From Nothing Leaves Nothing in tribute to the late Billy Preston.

Happy Dollars
Joe "cant wait for payday" Collie gave 4 quarters because there were no dollars in his bank account after the whole towing thing. Joe was happy for the ride the LPD gave him to the impound yard, pointing out that he may have died had he walked up that hill in the heat, which he did not react well to. Ed "I used to be mayor" Chertok gave $2.00 for there being a local bike winner, and one from a family he knew!
All told, $3.00 was collected.

Dog Day Afternoon: Pres. Collie didnt do well in Sundays 90+ degree heat. When a dog is overheated, his tongue hangs out.
Photo by Steve Loughlin

More Bike Week Pictures in next week's bulletin.

Not sure.

Monday, July 17th
Susan Sargent, Reclaiming Futures.

Monday, July 10th
Boards meet, NISE

Monday, July 3rd
No meeting this week

Monday, June 26th
Motorcycle Raffle Wrap Up with Paul Cotton

Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin

Back Issues - Membership - Bylaws - Club Brochure - Raffle Schedule



In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Cadillac