July 11, 2016 - Vol. 27, No.16


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


405 Pub & Grill

Muff Kruse

Attendance: 10
9 members, 1 guest

Colleen Garrity – Guest Speaker

Colleen Garrity

From The President:
President John reported there was no Board meeting this month, but the Board is considering having just one meeting in July and one in August - the 2nd Monday of each month. President John will notify the Board electronically for confirmation.

John is looking for help. We need someone to volunteer to chair our Club's efforts with regard to Pumpkinfest. John stated that if no one steps forwards, we will not participate. We also need someone to coordinate with the owner of the Pub 405 to hang Kiwanis items in the dining room we use for meetings. John is hoping Rob is willing.

John encouraged all members to sell chances on the two night stay at Wentworth By The Sea. This is the major fund raiser for Roger's Ride which will take place at Rotary Park on August 28th.

To view the 2016 Roger's Ride website, "click" here.

President John displays a poster showing details of the Roger's Ride raffle.
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

From The Members:
Betty Ballantyne, Phil Bonafide and Jeff Beane briefed the Club on their visit with the Concord Kiwanis Club for lunch today. 17 raffle tickets were sold.


Happy Dollars:

$3 from Bill Gile: $1 for John Walker buying his beer, $1 for son Matt visiting, and $1 for being generally happy
$2 from Jim Fortier for being able to be here
$1 from Phil Bonafide for Larry Murphy being happy that he is here
$3 from Betty Ballantyne: $1 for Colleen Garrity joining us, $1 for getting a ride from Phil Bonafide to the Concord meeting today, and $1 for being able to call her 38-year-old daughter today to sing her happy birthday
$2 from Jeff Beane: $1 for Colleen Garrity joining us today and $1 for being at two Kiwanis meetings today
$1 from Muff Kruse for being in attendance tonight
$3 from John Walker: $1 for Colleen joining us, $1 for the successful completion of week #4 of Got Lunch today, and $1 for Muff using her own dollar to express her happiness

Guest Speaker:

Jeff Beane introduced our guest speaker, Colleen Garrity.

Colleen holds a Bachelor of Social Work from Rhode Island College. For 20 years she owned a business with her husband where she served as the CFO, Office Manager and in charge of Human Resources. The business sold in 2011. She has been very active in her church for over 29 years and, for the last five years, has worked in the Outreach Office of St. Andre Bessette Parish.

Colleen is the President of the Belknap House, a not for profit entity, whose mission is to provide families in Belknap County a safe shelter especially in cold weather months, when children are at risk during homelessness, and to empower families to become self sufficient and independent by providing opportunities of education and resources available to them.

Colleen gave an overview of the timeline and process of getting the Belknap House to where it is today, with a plan to open October 15, 2016. Colleen shared some of the highlights of the fund-raising campaign to include the $25,000 matching challenge that netted $32,000 in donations resulting in a take of $57,000. Colleen told of the condition of the 100-year-old building they have purchased and the refurbishing projects going on.

She then explained the process a potential inhabitant will have to go through to gain residency, the key being Case Management. Colleen also said there would be just one paid position, a Director, who will be a Social Worker. The building's capacity will be 19 persons with individual rents funded by the 11 towns in the County.

A GIANT handshake is given to Colleen Garrity by Jeff Beane.
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.








Monday - July 25th - NO MEETING However, members are encouraged to gather at Robbie Mills field (Home of the Muscrats) to support Got Lunch! Laconia.

Monday - August 1st -Venue: Irwin Motors Conference Room - 59 Bisson Ave., Laconia- 5:30 pm
Board of Directors Meeting

Monday - August 8th -Venue: 405 Pub & Grill - 405 Union Ave., Laconia
Club Meeting -

Monday - August 22nd - NO MEETING

Sunday - August 28th - Venue: Rotary Park - Beacon Street East, Laconia

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

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Kiwanis Chronicle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: John Walker or Steve Loughlin