July 12, 2010 - Vol.21, No. 41
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Roger Webster
Senior Members:
Howard Bacon, Jim Fortier, Roger Webster, and Ed MerskiWelcome Back Chet:
Chet Cilley is happy to be back after a short absence.
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinBike News:
Interim President Brian let the club know that the winners of the scooter raffle will be picking up the Hawk 150’s this weekend at Laconia Bike Works around 10:00 am. If anyone wants to be involved please let Brian know.Happy Jack News:
Joe Adrignola gave a very positive update on fellow Kiwanian Peter Karigianis. Peter Jr. tells us that his dad is doing well and is even driving around town. We look forward to seeing Peter Sr. soon.
New Bylaws and Other Proposed Changes:
Interim President Brian outlined the proposed changes to the Kiwanis Club of Laconia Policy and Procedures effective August 1, 2010 and asked for a motion to accept. Steve Loughlin made the motion and Joe Adrignola seconded. The vote passed unanimously.Interim President Brian followed up with a second request to vote to change Article XI, Section I of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia Bylaws to read: “This club shall hold two (2) regularly scheduled meetings per month. The day and place shall be determined by the Board of Directors.” A motion to accept the changes to the Bylaws as read was made by Joe Adrignola and seconded by Roger Landry. The vote passed unanimously. You can find a copy of the new Policies and Procedures by "clicking" here.
Take a friend to dinner:
Joe Adrignola reminds the club to bring a guest or spouse to upcoming meetings…we need to meet our attendance of 20 minimum!