July 13, 2015 - Vol. 26, No.18


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Attendance: 14
13 members, 1 guest

Rob Reid

Nikki Lyons - guest speaker

Nikki Lyons


From the President:
President John reviewed the slate of officers and directors for FY-2016 which will be voted on at our next meeting July 27th.  If elected, John and Meredith will remain as president and first VP, Bill Gile has agreed to serve as 2nd VP, Kathy Calvin will stay on as Treasurer.  Board members, if elected, will consist of Betty Ballantyne, Steve Loughlin, Rob Reid, and Joe Adrignola.

John reported, at the recent Board meeting, it was decided to support Laconia Youth soccer with a $250 donation, and a decision was made to exceed the Kiwanis KARES budget by less than $200 to cover book expenses at the three elementary schools.

From the Members:
Meredith Horton mentioned an upcoming "Day of Sharing" which will be citywide on Friday, September 18th. Meredith will try to get a copy of a list of projects, and we will coordinate with the Key Club to see if we can work together for a good cause.

Muff Walker pitched the August 24th BBQ social, 6-9 PM, South Down Shores Beach House. BBQ chicken will be served. Members are encouraged to bring a dish, a bottle of wine or 6-pack of beer to share. Most importantly, bring your spouse and bring some friends.

Betty Ballantyne updated the members on this year's Roger's Ride fund-raiser, which is scheduled for Sunday, August 30th. We hope to raffle off 500 tickets at a price of $5 per ticket.


Food Pantry: $52 was collected

50/50: None this evening

Happy Dollars:

$2 from Muff Walker: $1 for her brand new grandson, and $1 for her almost-4 year old grand-daughter
$1 from Steve Loughlin for not being fined for not wearing his Kiwanis pin tonight
$2 from Betty Ballantyne for Larry Murphy being able to find the location of tonight’s meeting
$1 from Roger Webster for being in attendance
$3 from John Walker: $1 for Nikki Lyons being our guest speaker, $1 for completion of week number four of Laconia, and $1 for Muff coming home from Colorado

Phil waived all fines, as he just did not have the heart to embarrass any of his friends.

Guest Speakers:
Meredith Horton introduced guest speaker, Nikki Lyons.

Nikki and her parents moved to the area in 2006 and opened the Lyons’ Den Restaurant and Tavern in Gilford, which is currently celebrating its 9th year.

Nikki, who presently resides in Laconia, is the Director of Community Outreach for Make-A-Wish New Hampshire, an organization she has been associated with for more than 3½ years. She is also a 2015 graduate of Leadership Lakes Region. Prior to taking on her current job, Nikki was the former Assistant General Manager and Director of Community Outreach for the Laconia Muskrats.

Make-A Wish NH grants wishes to children aged from 2 1/2 to 18 who have a life-threatening illness, not necessarily a terminal illness. They can wish to "go", "be", "meet", "have" or "give." The average cost to grant a NH wish is $10,000. 90% of donated money goes to granting wishes. Since its inception in 1986, the New Hampshire organization has granted 1,275 wishes, and now grants 80-90 per year, 21 in the Lakes Region. The #1 illness being seen in our state now is brain tumors, no stats were available to explain this phenomenon. In NH one of every three wishes is to go to Disney World. Nationally, that number is one of every two wishes. This year's fund-raising goal is $2.3 million.

For more information on Make-A-Wish NH check out their website by “clicking” here.

L to R: Meredith Horton thanks Nikki Lyons on her fine presentation.
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin


Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:17 p.m.






Monday - July 27th - Venue: One Mill Plaza- Community Room
Club Meeting - guest speaker - Ed Pierce - feature writer for the Laconia Citizen

Monday - August 10th - Venue: One Mill Plaza- Community Room
Club Meeting - guest speaker TBA

Monday - August 24th - Venue: Southdown Shores, Beach House, Laconia
Club Meeting - Summer Outing including spouses and guests


If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

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Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: John Walker or Steve Loughlin