August 24, 2009 - Vol.20, No. 47
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Larry Murphy
Senior Members:
Howard Bacon, Ed Merski, Paul Normandin, Peter Karagianis, Warren Mitchell, Jim Fortier, and Roger WebsterGuests:
Dan Feehily: Loyal Guest and Prime Prospect for Membership (Guest of Dick Metz)
Tim Martin: Executive Director - Taylor Community (Guest of Warren Mitchell)
Dan Feehily Tim MartinPhoto by W. Stephen Loughlin
Special Guests:
The Laconia Key Club Advisors and several members who recently completed their trek to South Africa:
Seth Leavitt-Carlson: Key Club Advisor
Ivy Leavitt-Carlson: Key Club Advisor
Jocelyn Morin: Key Club Co-President
Ashley Witham: Key Club Co-President
MacKenzie Duquette: Key Club Project Manager
Vince Denaris: Key Club Historian
Kyle Beetle: Key Club Member
Seth Leavitt-Carlson Ivy Leavitt-Carlson
Jocelyn Morin Ashley Witham Mackenzie Duquette Vince Denaris Kyle Beetle
Mark your calendar...
This SUNDAY, August 30th is the date of the motorcycle ride in memory of Roger Ballantyne to raise monies towards a cure for Kidney Cancer.
“Roger’s Ride for a Cure” will be a group motorcycle ride to Lincoln, NH which will start and end at Irwin Toyota Used Car Center on Union Ave. in Laconia, NH. Registration will run from 9:00 am until 9:45 am and will include coffee & muffins. The ride will begin sharp at 10:00 am and will conclude no later than 1:00 P.M.
Past Kiwanis Presidents Dick Breton and Mark Liebel have already signed up.
For more information or to make a pledge, click here.
Due to Labor Day holiday, the second meeting in September will be on TUESDAY, September 8th.
The club has been invited to the Division 8 Instalation of Officers, which includes Berlin and St. Johnsbury, Vermont. The dinner will be at the Mt. View Grand Hotel in Whitefield on Sunday October 4th. Price is $40.00 per person. If you are interested, let Pres. Brian know.
Installation of new officers will be on Monday October 5th. President Brian will reserve the large room at Pheasant Ridge to accommodate members and guests.
New Membership:
President Brian reminded everyone we are looking for names of prospective members that will be reviewed at the next Board meeting. Joe Adrignola made available forms for completion by the prospective member. If you didn't pick one up at the meeting you can download one by "clicking" here.At the next meeting we will do some brainstorming to help members with their technique on how to ask and approach a potential member. For next week, President Brian asks the membership to think about the reason why someone may want to become a Kiwanis member. Specifically, the benefits and what one gets out of being a member in the Laconia Kiwanis Club. The answers to those topics need to be incorporated into the presentation when approaching a potential member.
Be ready to role play at the next meeting.
The Return of the Korean War Hero:
Roger Webster reported he was happy to be back. He noted that, while recovering at the nursing home, he became addicted to.....
watching Curious George, a children's TV show.
Roger Webster holds up his new weapon of choice.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin50 50:
$15.00 went to Paul Normandin.
Paul Normandin got very excited when he won the 50 50.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Happy Dollars:
$1 from Larry Murphy because his grandson just went off to St. A's college.
$2 from Paul Normandin for winning the 50/50.
$1 from Ivy Leavitt-Carlson because school is soon starting.
$1 from Russ Beane in celebration of his 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday, August 23rd.
Russ noted he met his wife, Carol Ann, in 5th grade history class at Laconia's Pleasant Street School.
To view a copy of the card from Russ's family that was recently published in the Laconia Daily Sun, "click" here.
President Brian was pinless.Guest Speakers:
The Laconia Key Club advisors, Seth and Ivy Leavitt Carlson, gave a picture presentation on the Key Club's recent trip to South Africa. The group stayed with Sotho families in the village of Ga-Mamabolo in Limpopo Province, learning the culture, completing community service projects, visiting the schools, and going on safari.
Seth began the presentation by first thanking the Laconia Kiwanis Club and area businesses for their contribution which helped make the trip possible.The trip began in early July and lasted 16 days. Each of the Key Club members received credit for some of their work for participation in the trip because each student was required to write a proposal that was accepted by the Extended Learning Opportunities program. Their proposal was to do a project or research and implement that into South Africa. The Key Club members in attendance at tonight's meeting then explained each of their respective projects.
The presentation included discussions by the Key Club members on living conditions which varied from house to house. Some had running water others had none. One house had cable TV others had no electricity. Also discussed were participation in local church services as well as participation in local customs of the village.
When asked what common questions the Key Club members received from the native population, it was noted that many of the South African children asked the Key Club members if they knew Michael Jackson. Entertainment seemed to be the leading American export. One native student with no TV or electricity was very interested in Paris Hilton. Many of the Key Club females received marriage proposals from the native boys.
For pictures and detailed commentary on the Laconia Key Club trip to South Africa check out their blog by "clicking" here.
Pres. Brian takes a back seat to Key Club Advisors Seth and Ivy Leavitt-Carlson
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Tonight's meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.
Upcoming Schedule:
Monday, August 31st
Sherri Litchfield, Health and Safety Director of American Red CrossTUESDAY, September 8th
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collected
Please bring a list of the names of prospective new members for Board approval.Monday, September 14th
New membership roundupMonday, September 21st
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Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinCLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS
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