September 8, 2009 - Vol.20, No. 49
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Roger Landry, followed by a moment of silence for former Kiwanis member, Dana Selden Beane Jr., who passed away on August 26th.
Celebrate Dana Beane's life by "clicking" here.
Senior Members:
Ed Merski, Paul Normandin, Dennis Denoncourt, Howard Bacon, Jim Fortier, Roger WebsterGuests:
None this week.
Because of limited attendance at tonight's meeting, there was not a quorum to hold a Board of Directors meeting. As a result, we were unable to vote in the approximately 23 prospective individuals whose names have been proposed for membership. That means we will hold the Board meeting next Monday, September 14th. The new membership round-up meeting has been officially postponed until September 21st. Please ask members to let any individuals they might have invited know of the change.
50 50:
$14.00 went to the same winners as last week namely, Joe Adrignola and Jim Fortier.
Small winnings and small picture.
Photo by Brian WinslowFree Meal:
Larry MurphyFood Pantry Money:
Collection for food pantry postponed until next week when we might have more members.Happy Dollars:
$1 from Joe and Jim for winning.$1 from Jim for his 47th wedding anniversary.
$1 from Warren Mitchell because he too has survived 47 years of marriage.
$1 from Charlie St. Clair because he was here on time and didn't get fined.
$1 from Roger Landry because Howard Bacon made it to the meeting despite a fall and the use of a walker.
$1 from Roger Landry, wishing his son another safe trip to the Mid-East.
Kathy Calvin was late.
Upcoming Schedule
Monday, September 14th
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collected.
Please bring a list of the names of prospective new members for Board approvalMonday, September 21st
New date for new membership roundup.Monday, September 28th
OPENMonday, October 5th
Installation of new officers and directors
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Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinCLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS
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