September 11, 2006 - Vol.17, No. 50

 News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Hats off to all in attendance for that resounding version of God Bless America to open the meeting. Very appropriate for September 11th. Well done.


Paul Cotton

er Landry
Senior Members
Warren Mitchell
Ed Merski
Roger Webster
Carroll Stafford
Roger Ballantyne
Paul Normandin


Kayne Kreitser, Key Club
Michaela Champlin, Key Club
Alex Medellin, Key Club Vice President
Calise Houle, President
Nicole Beetle, Key Club
Laura Brousseau, Key Club Advisor

Smiles from the Key Clubbers (l to r: Kayne Kreitser, Calise Houle, Nicole Beetle)
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


The good lookin' future of Kiwanis (l to r: Laura Brousseau, Alex Medelin, Michaela Champlin)
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Win a Classic!
Paul Cotton reports that the 2007 bike is in and will be purchased. The club cast a vote to not only do a raffle this year again, but also for Paul to purchase the bike, and to sell tickets at the Sandwich Fair which is coming up on Columbus Day Weekend. The work schedule for the fair is as follows:

Friday 10/6/06
8am setup: Paul Cotton

Saturday 10/7/06
8am-1pm Paul Cotton and _____________________
1pm -6pm Kathy Calvin and ______________________

Sunday 10/8/06
8am-1pm Phil Bonafide and _____________________
1pm-6pm Kathy Calvin and ______________________

Monday 10/9/06
8am-1pm _______________ and ____________________
1pm-5pm Joe Collie and Dianne Zawacki

Please fill in the gaps if you can. This could yield some great revenue for the club and this may be the only time we have the opportunity to be at the fair, so let’s pitch in where we can. Paul and Warren will be out of town starting on Sunday. Dick Breton will be trailering the bike home Monday. Please check your schedules and sign up for the available shifts! Thanks in advance for stepping up and helping out.


Hey Kiwanis…THANKS!
Steve Loughlin read a letter that we received from the New Hampshire Veteran’s Association for our donation of $250 to their cabin restoration project. They sent along a tee shirt that Steve modeled for all…

Speaking of modeling…
The Key Club advised us that they are preparing for their fund raising fashion show coming up in January. They also said the club made $500 at the last home football game in the snack shack and they also said that in February, several Key Clubbers will be taking an “alternative spring break” and head south to help with Habitat for Humanity. Great job!

Senior Moments…
Senior Member Warren Mitchell thanked the club for their support of the LR Child Care Services raffle. He also advised that Dr. Lou Ricciardiello has another plant that looks like it could bloom this week. He will keep the club posted. All are encouraged to check e-mail and await notice of the new bloom. Once it does bloom, all are invited to the greenhouse to take a look…and a whiff. Stay tuned…

Brig’s Calling…
Lt. Gov. Brig Clark called President Joe Collie last week to inform him that the club was selected as a distinguished club at the recent convention. A pin and a banner patch are coming in the mail. Brig sends along his congratulations. The club acknowledged Kathy Calvin for her thorough work as secretary in helping us achieve this recognition. Thanks, Kathy!

Are you ready for some football???
Jim Fortier thanked those who helped in the snack shack at the Laconia High School Football game last Friday night. They were: Kathy Calvin, Larry Murphy, Chet Cilley, and Marsha Harris Bell. There is another home game this Friday night and they could use more help. Game time is at the shack at 6.

We're Invited!
The club is invited to Community Health and Hospice’s Annual Meeting on Tuesday, September 26, 2006 from 5pm to 7pm in the Winnipesaukee Ballroom at the Inn at Church Landing on Route 3 in Meredith. Guests will include Dr. Susan Lynch, First Lady of New Hampshire and Donna Ciocca, NH Teacher and Author. Refreshments and desserts will be served with a cash bar. On the club list that night…President Joe Collie, Joe Adrignola, and Larry Murphy.

Installation 2007
The Installation is scheduled for the “big room” at Pheasant Ridge on Monday, October 2nd. On the menu: Chicken Supreme, Seafood Newburg, Red Bliss Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans with pumpkin pie or apple pie for dessert. Appetizers to include a fruit tray and shrimp cocktail, also salad and rolls and butter will be served. Prices for members and guests will be $20.00 each, as it was last year. Also, there will be a cash bar. The installing of officers and directors will be handled by Past Lt. Gov. Chet Cilley. We hope to see you there!

With Regret…
President Joe Collie received a phone call from Nancy Williams-Hunt, who indicated that she will be sending a letter of resignation. We all love Nancy and wish her the best…she promises not to be a stranger.

Jeff Stone and Warren Mitchell split $19.

Warren and Jeff won the cash prize in tonight's matching shirt contest.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Happy Dollars
A total of $12.00 was collected!
$2.00 from Kathy Calvin for the Key Club being so organized and involved.
$2.00 from Larry Murphy for placing well in a golf tournament and his sister in law going home.
$2.00 for Carroll Stafford…one for voting in the primary and one for voting for Jim Fitzgerald.
$1.00 from Warren Mitchell for winning 1st place in a recent antique car show.
$1.00 from Jeff Stone and Warren Mitchell for winning the other 18.
$2.00 from Jim Fortier for the help he got at the snack shack and for his recent wedding anniversary.
$1.00 from President Joe Collie for Makena Collie turning 4 this weekend.
$1.00 from Kayne Kreitser for the support our club gives the Key Club.

No fines were collected, but Kathy Calvin offered up a quarter for being pinless.

Guest Speaker
Jay Apicelli, Juvenile Probation and Parole Officer for Belknap County, spoke to the club about the Restorative Justice Program (RJP). Jay said that the current juvenile system is based on the adult system including arraignment, trail, and deposition. The system offers rehabilitation as the equivalent to punishment. Under the RJP, the focus is not on who broke the law, but on who the harm was done to. The victim is the centerpiece and the infraction comes with a face. Juveniles are held accountable for the harm they did to the victims and the communities. They sit across from the victim and make amends. The success of the RJP is measured in lack of reoccurrences. The idea is based on models used in North Carolina and Vermont. Those states have set up a restitution fund in which the victim is reimbursed right away and the offender remains on probation until he pays back the fund, which is run by the state probation office. Jay encouraged the club to donate to the restoration fund. The board will consider it at the next meeting.

Speaker Jay Apicelli illustrates how his program lends a helping hands to victims of juvenille crime.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Believe it or not, President Joe Collie had never met a probation officer until now.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Monday, October 9th
No meeting due to Columbus Day. We will meet Tuesday, October 10th. Boards meet, NISE collected.

Monday, October 2nd
Installation 2007. Still time for you to be president! Cocktails at 6pm, Dinner at 7.

Monday, September 25th
The Laconia Fire Department Dive Team will speak.

Monday, September 18th
Mike Scahill, Special Olympics will speak.


Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin

Back Issues - Membership - Bylaws - Club Brochure - Raffle Schedule



In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Cadillac