Septembrer 12, 2011 - Vol. 22, No. 22


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Anybody want this job?
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

John Walker

Former Kiwanian, Randy Eifert

Randy Eifert
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin













How Do You Do...Dick Metz!

Dick Metz
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin










The Club gave an enthusiastic welcome back to Dick Metz.


Reports and Upcoming Events:
Installation night will be held October 24 at the Beane Conference Center located at 35 Blueberry Lane, Laconia.

Jack Batchelder reported on a fundraiser he is involved in on behalf of the Rich Velasquez Youth Sports Equipment Foundation (RVYSEF). On Sunday, Sept. 25th there will be a sports card show at Leavitt Park. For details “click” here.

Kathy Calvin reported on her involvement with the Key Club at the food shack during the recent LHS football game. In addition to herself, Kiwanians present included Chet Cilley and Larry Murphy. Also present were two members of the Laconia HS Key Club and their three new advisors (Lauren Streifer, Bonnie Ashworth, and Steve Tucker). The next football game will be on Friday, September 30th.

Betty Ballantyne reported the Ford Motor Company is offering a national program that Irwin Motors is involved in called Drive One For Your School. Laconia HS has been selected to be part of that program. For everyone that test drive’s a Ford product, 20 dollars (up to a maximum amount of $6,000) will be donated to the school. Proceeds will help assist the LHS Band. For more details, "click" here.



50 50:    
John Walker won $21

Hey, John: GOT CASH?
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Happy Dollars:

$4 from John Walker because he is heading to Italy with his wife.
$1 from Brian Winslow because John is heading to Italy.
$1 from Russ Beane who invited the membership to the BIBA Open House being held at the Beane Conference Center (35 Blueberry Lane, Laconia) on Tuesday, September 20th from 4 to 8 pm.
$3 from Betty Ballantyne because she just found out her daughter is expecting twin boys. She also noted that the Laconia Putnum fund would present mentalist Richard Osterlind on Friday night (September 16th).
$1 from Roger Webster to celebrate the free meal he and Pat got at T-Bones.

Free Meal:    
Won by Dick Metz (which means he has to come back to collect his free meal)

Guest Speaker:
Joe Adrignola introduced tonight’s guest speaker, Randy Eifert. Randy had been a member of the Laconia Kiwanis Club (circa 2000 to 2002). Randy lives in Meredith with his wife and two daughters and currently manages the Laconia branch of Cross Insurance.  Over the past couple of years Randy has been active on the Waukewan Watershed Advisory Committee and has led the charge with the "Don't P in the Lake" campaign.

Randy is the Chairman of the Lawn Care Committee. He noted the major issue of the Committee is the overuse and misapplication of fertilizers and pesticides on our lawns which pollute our streams, lakes and groundwater and in the long run, alter the fish and wildlife habitat in our lakes, impair water supplies, reduce property values, and degrade the overall recreational appeal and quality of life.

The mission of the Lawn Care Committee is to shift the Town of Meredith, its business and residents, towards more environmentally sound lawn care so as to protect the quality of the Waukewan Watershed and surrounding lakes in the Town of Meredith.

Randy noted the goals of the committee are:
1.Educate committee members on environmentally sustainable lawn and landscape care.
2.Educate public on environmentally sustainable lawn and landscape care.
3.Assist town and local businesses in creating a standardized organic lawn care Request For Proposals.
4.Assist the town in creating a town integrated pest management policy.

Randy listed what his committee has learned about Phosphorus:
• Over the past 50 years, land development around Lake Waukewan, Meredith’s sole drinking supply, has increased almost three-fold
• The nutrient Phosphorus harms clear lakes by creating toxic algal blooms (3 known recent cases in Lake Waukewan: Nov. 2006, Aug. 2009, Oct. 2010)
• Phosphorus runs off into streams and lakes and feeds weeds and other invasive plants
• Lawn clippings and decaying leaves contain phosphorus and should not be placed near the water’s edge or on a path where storm water can carry them into the lake
• Every year 80 million tons of fertilizer is applied to lawns in the United States.

In closing, Randy noted the following commitments of his committee:
• The Town of Meredith, the Inter-Lakes School District, and the Waukewan Watershed Advisory Committee have committed to maintaining high-quality pristine lakes and drinking water supplies.
• To advocate for a healthier community for our families, cleaner lakes and safer lawns, for the protection of our drinking water, and for smarter and more sustainable lawn care.
• Eliminating the use of synthetic lawn pesticides and phosphorus fertilizer will lead to safer lawns and healthier water for you, your families and pets to enjoy.

More Information is available at the following websites:


L to R: Joe Adrignola and Randy Eifert
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:27 pm.


Clash Of A Titan...

What do you mean my shirt and the table cloth don't match?
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin



Monday September 26th
Club Meeting - Scott Hodson with Mike Marsh - Gilford Youth Center

Tuesday October 11th (Monday is Columbus Day)
Club Meeting - guest speaker - TBA

Monday October 24th
Club Meeting - Annual installation of new officers and directors - Beane Conference Center, Blueberry Lane, Laconia

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Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin