September 12, 2016 - Vol. 27, No.18



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Venue: 405 Pub & Grill

Invocation/Pledge: Bill Gile

Attendance: 11 members

Guests: None

From The President:
President John briefed the Club on a Board proposal that for FY-17 our Club meet just one time per month. The focus of said meeting will be to develop a Strategic Plan, in compliance with the NE District I-Plan. Bill's neighbor is a professional consultant with experience in this field and is willing to guide us through the process. Members in attendance were canvassed as to whether or not this interested them, and all felt that it could be helpful, and could not hurt. The proposal was made a motion, and following discussion, passed by majority.

John also reviewed the leadership plan for FY-17 being no sitting President, but an effort by both VPs and John as Immediate Past President to fulfill the duties of the office of President. Bill prefers not to be the President while also serving as the Key Club Advisor at the high school, a commitment he made to the school and the Key Club.

From The Members:
Bill Gile briefed the Club on the very busy October and December planned for the Key Club. Pumpkinfest is being held October 22nd, and when a plan is developed, as a Club, we will assist the Key Club as needed.

Kathy Calvin briefed the Club on a letter received from Roger Webster resigning his membership due to health concerns and inability to attend meetings. President John will attempt to get Roger to the October 18 Installation meeting so the Club can bid Roger farewell properly.

Betty Ballantyne provided a recap of the highly successful Roger's Ride. We netted over $6,400 dollars, $3,500 of that total being in raffle ticket sales for the 2-night stay at Wentworth by the Sea. The winner was an adult daughter of President John who resides in Arlington, VA. Next year's ride is scheduled for August 27th. To review pictures of Roger's Ride scroll down the page.



Thank You, Kiwanis!
The Club received a thank you note from the Laconia Advisory Board for our recent donation. To read the thank you, "click" on the card below:


Hey Kiwanis You're Invited...
The Club received an invitation from Central New Hampshire VNA & Hospice to their Annual Meeting which celebrates their 100th anniversary. The evening, which will be held on September 28th, will include cocktails and hors d'oeuveres. For details "click" on the invitation below:

Food Pantry: $60 was collected

Happy Dollars:

$5 from Steve Loughlin: $1 for the success of Roger's Ride, and $4 for a rescue of four (Steve, his wife and another couple) at 9PM on a weeknight by Betty Ballantyne due to a malfunctioning car by the friend he was with.

$3 from Betty Ballantyne:, $1 for Steve's job on the radio the day before Roger’s Ride, $1 for the upcoming Putnam Fund event, and $1 to celebrate Larry Murphy’s 80th birthday.

$1 from Dennis Denoncourt for his brand new grand-daughter, Meredith, born 1 1/2 weeks ago.

$1 from Jim Fortier in honor of Larry Murphy’s 80th birthday

$2 from Bill Gile: $1 for the Key Club start for the school year and $1 for the prospect of his wife getting some Interim Pastor help at work.

$2 from John Walker: $1 for Betty's work on Roger's Ride, and $1 for Larry's 80th birthday.

Prior to concluding tonight's meeting the Club membership was pleased to sing happy 80th birthday to long time member, Larry Murphy. Larry joined the Club in 1983 and served as President of the Club during the 2002-2003 fiscal year. In 2010, Larry was awarded the coveted Kiwanian of the Year award. Larry continues to be one the most consistent workers in the Club.


Members of the club give Larry Murphy a standing ovation on his 80th birthday.
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

President John Walker congratulates
xLarry Murphy on his 80th birthday.
Dave Henrick, owner of the 405 Pub & Grill
xxgives Larry Murphy a birthday bear Hug.

Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.



Our next monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18th. That meeting will be our annual installation meeting at which time the Kiwanian of the Year will be announced. We will meet at the 405 Pub & Grill. Don't forget that meeting is NOT on Monday. The meeting will be held on...











Tuesday - October 18th - 6:15 pm -Venue: 405 Pub & Grill - 405 Union Ave., Laconia
Club Meeting - Installation Night and announcement of the Kiwanian of the Year

Saturday - October 22nd - All Day Event - Venue: Downtown, Laconia
Pumpkinfest 2016- Workers Needed to assist the Laconia Key Club and Larry Frates at Pumpkin CROSSway

Saturday - October 29th - 11:00 am - Venue: Opechee Park, Main Street, Laconia
Salvation Army Turkey Plunge - Participate with the Key Club in this annual Salvation Army fund-raiser OR cheer on the Laconia Key Club divers.





Priscilla Breton and Sue Janes
Arlene Fortier and Rosemary Murphy
Meredith Michaud and Tekla Frates
Alan Beard and Betty Ballantyne
Bob Hamel and Ed Engler
Kiwanis Past Presidents: Dennis Denoncourt, Jim Fortier and Larry Murphy
The Biker Clan: Jake and Ben Pearson with grandfather Warren Mitchell
Old Rotarian Bikers Never Die....They just add another wheel.
Laconia Master Patrol Officer Jonathan Howe addresses the riders.
Moments before departure (09:55 am)
Video by Dennis Denoncourt
DEPARTURE (09:58 am)
70 participated in the ride including 51 bikers with 19 passengers
Scott Laurent leads the way.
Ed Engler
Warren Mitchell
Jake Pearson followed by Ben Pearson
Rob and Katie Reid followed by Howie Chandler
Scott Laurent and Tekla Frates
Spencer Brody
Betty Ballantyne
John Thompson
Don and Sue Nelson
Kevin Halligan with his new friend, Jimmy Fortier
Paulette Loughlin and Abe Dadian
Warren Mitchell enjoys the spread
Don and Sue Nelson with Sue Janes
Attitude is Everything!
Steve Loughlin and Jim Fortier
Phil Bonafide and John Walker
Photo by Phil Bonafide
Thank You, Kevin!
Some Silent Auction Winners...
Sarah Cravenho (right) congratulates Paulette Loughlin
for being high bidder on the 405 Pub gift certificate

Jeff Beane is high bidder on the massage therapy
gift certificate with Nancy Lee

Nathan and Ian Cravenho draw the winning ticket for two nights at Wentworth By The Sea
...A mystery woman named Deb
Unless otherwise noted, all photos by W. Stephen Loughlin



To return to Roger's Ride Home Page, "click" here.