September 21, 2021 - Vol. 32, No.10



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Date of Meeting: September 21, 2021

Venue: The Belknap Mill, downtown Laconia

Attendance: 13 in attendance: 8 members, 5 guests


Kiwanis Members:
President Meredith Michaud
Betty Ballantyne
Ray Chambers
Bill Gile
Steve Loughlin
Don Nelson
Bob Willey

Brian Winslow

Paula Chambers – spouse of Ray Chambers
Rosemary Murphy – Honorary Member
Sue Nelson – Honorary Member and spouse of Don
Michele Pinault- guest speaker (from Granite VNA)
Susan Willey – spouse of Bob Willey


Rosemary Murphy
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Paula and Ray Chambers
Sue and Don Nelson
Susan and Bob Willey
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin

President Meredith called the meeting to order at 5:20 pm.

President Meredith addresses the group.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Invocation: performed by Bill Gile
Pledge of Allegiance: led by President Meredith
God Bless America: led by Don Nelson


Our guest speakers for the evening were Michele Pinault, Granite VNA Care Transition Liaison and Brian Winslow, Granite VNA Director of Community Relations. Granite VNA is the organization that resulted from the merger of Central New Hampshire VNA & Hospice and Concord Regional VNA. Granite VNA has facilities in Concord, Laconia & Wolfeboro. The organization employs 460 people and serves 82 communities.



Brian Winslow holds up a map showing the communities served by Granite VNA.
To view a close-up of the map, “click” here.

Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Granite VNA provides high quality home care, pediatric, hospice care along with physical and occupational therapy. They also provide prenatal to age 18 health care, pregnancy care for young and mature women, maternal child health from birth, where they live, medical visits, safety, how to be a good parent, and vaccinations. They also provide care for: COPD, Parkinson’s, congested heart failure, Alzheimer’s chronic care, care givers and more.

Prior to merger, Central New Hampshire VNA & Hospice had a budget that would allow up to $150,000 in losses to healthcare for children 18 years of age and younger therefore, the importance of donations such as ours. It is better to raise a healthy child than fix an unhealthy adult. The many community benefits of the merger are a hospice facility that has 10 beds for end of life. Palliative Care also explained as Comfort Care for those in need along with a plethora of joined efforts and shared knowledge.

Following the presentation, Michele and Brian were questioned on how to assist a family member, friend and or neighbor in need. We were told assistance is directed from a physician. We were advised to call Granite VNA with our concerns, so they can than move forward with assistance with a name and address of the person of concern.

Brian Winslow and Michele Pinault inform the Club about Granite VNA.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

As part of the presentation, the following information about Granite VNA was distributed and is available for viewing by "clicking" on the specific topic below:
Public Flu Clinics (dates and locations) which includes immunizations for ages 3 and Older
Pediatrics and Maternal Child Health – Focused on You & Your Child
Wellness – Focused on Your Health & Wellbeing
Hospice Care – Focused on You & Your Loved Ones

For more information on Granite VNA, visit their website by “clicking” here.


Food Pantry: $32 was collected

Happy Dollars: $12 was collected

$5 from Steve Loughlin in honor of our guests: Paula Chambers, Sue Willey, Sue Nelson, Rosemary Murphy and Michele Panault.
$1 from Betty Ballantyne in honor of Rosemary Murphy attending
$1 from Bob Willey who was happy to be at tonight’s meeting with his wife, Sue.
$5 from Bill Gile who was happy to be attending, for all of our guests who attended, and because September 20th was his birthday.

Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

President Meredith adjourned the meeting at 6:05 pm.

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: After the meeting ended, Betty Ballantyne, Bill Gile and Steve Loughlin assisted in returning the tables (that were used for our meeting) back to the Belknap Mill. Upon entering the Belknap Mill with the tables, our three club members were treated to a special greeting. To hear that special greeting “click” on the emoji below.




We are proud to announce the 2nd Annual Laconia Kiwanis $1,000 Fuel Raffle. See details below:

To purchase tickets and for more information on the Laconia Kiwanis $1,000 Fuel Raffle, "click" here.


The Club recently voted to make donations to the following:
• Belknap Mill – to fund their Duck Derby - River Fest: $250.00
• Kiwanis International: $365 (a dollar a day for a year)
• Granite VNA – to fund their Pediatrics Division: $2,500.00






Brian Winslow and his bike are looking for adventure following the September 14th Kiwanis Board meeting.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin



Betty Ballantyne was spotted at the Jay & The Americans concert, which was held on September 4th at the recently renovated Colonial Theater. Jay & The Americans were a popular musical group from the 1960’s who had numerous hit records including: She Cried, Only In America, Cara Mia, Come A Little Bit Closer and This Magic Moment.

In addition to being a Director of the Laconia Kiwanis Club, Betty Ballantyne is a member of The Laconia Putnam Fund, which is the organization that funded the evening’s free entertainment.

"Click" on any one of the three pictures below to open a larger picture.
Betty Ballantyne (left) and the Laconia Putnam Fund enjoy a moment with Jay & The Americans
Above photos by W. Stephen Loughlin




Phil Bonafide’s 1966 Pontiac GTO four speed convertible continues to make its mark at car shows.

As reported in the July 13, 2021 issue of the Kiwanis bulletin, Phil’s classic car took two awards at the Lakes Region Rotary Club Charity Car Show, which was held on July 24th at the former Faro Italian Grill in Weirs Beach. With more than 215 entries at that show, Phil took first place honors in the Original category and third place in the People’s Choice category.


Now, fast forward to September 7th, when Phil took his 1966 Pontiac GTO four speed convertible to the Manchester Rotary Club’s 20th Anniversary Cruising Downtown car show where entries totalled more than five times those at Weirs Beach. In order to accommodate the massive crowd and over 1,100 entries, Elm Street and numerous side streets, were closed off for the show.

Above two photos from Manchester Rotary Facebook Page

To get a video glimpse of Phil and his 1966 Pontiac GTO four speed convertible at the Manchester Rotary Club’s 20th Anniversary Cruising Downtown car show, as well as a sampling of other competitors at the show, “click” here and fast forward 16 minutes into the video.

Phil was pleasantly surprised when his 1966 Pontiac GTO four speed convertible was awarded one of the 30 Car Show Favorite plaques.

Photo by Phil Bonafide

Congratulations, Phil!


Many thanks to Betty Ballantyne, Phil Bonafide, Meredith Michaud, and Brian Winslow for their assistance with this bulletin.





Monday - October 18th: Venue: 3rd floor of The Belknap Mill - Downtown Laconia
6:00 pm - General Meeting with Speaker TBA - GUESTS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND!

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

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