September 24, 2019 - Vol. 30, No.13



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Venue: Shang Hai Chinese Restaurant

Attendance: 26 in attendance: 12 Members, 2 Honorary Members, and 12 Guests

Master of Ceremonies: John Walker

The Pledge ...
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Master of Ceremonies, John Walker, introduces the guests in attendance.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Priscilla Breton – Honorary Member
Ray Chambers – installed as member
Aidan Collette – son of Kara Stanley
Joe Collie – former member and past Lt. Governor
Emma Laurent – daughter of Scott Laurent
Grace Laurent- daughter of Scott Laurent
Zack Laurent- son of Scott Laurent
Paulette Loughlin – wife of Steve
Lynne Michaud- mother of Meredith
Sue Nelson- Honorary Member and wife of Don

Priscilla Breton
Ray Chambers
Aidan Collette
Joe Collie
Emma Laurent
Grace Laurent
Zack Laurent
Paulette Loughlin
Lynne Michaud
Sue Nelson
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin

Key Club Guests:
Brendan Allen
Aidan Eldrige, Treasurer
Emina Ramic
Cameron Whitty

Brendan Allen
Aidan Eldrige
Emina Ramic
Cameron Whitty
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin


Hung Yan Hung, owner of Shang Hai Chinese Restaurant, shares a smile with Steve Loughlin
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


It was great to see Brian Winslow at tonight's meeting! Brian was a two term president of the Laconia Kiwanis Club (2009 through 2011) and the 2012 Kiwanian of the Year. Brian has recently returned to his job at Central NH VNA & Hospice as Vice President of Advancement & Business Development.
Welcome Back Brian!

Brian Winslow was happy to join us this evening.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Aidan Eldridge, Treasurer made a report on behalf of the Laconia High School Key Club. He first introduced the three other members present and then read a letter from Key Club President Heather Ausevich who noted she and other Key Club members could not be present because they had a hockey game. He subsequently handed out two copies of a current Kiwanis Family Store catalogue.

Aidan then reported that the Key Club will be:
• Participating in the annual Breast cancer walk with the National Honor Society
• Helping out the Belknap Mill at the Pumpkinfest with the duck race
• Having its annual Fund Raiser during the Soccer Playoffs at the snack shack
• Involved with Homeless Awareness Week
• Involved with International Projects likes UNICEF with the help of Lt. Governor Lydia Tucker. He then handed out boxes to collect money for UNICEF.
• Participating in events with other high school Key Clubs like Kennett High School

Extra Extra Read All About It!
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

The September Key Club newsletter including a message from Lydia Tucker (Lieutenant Governor, Division 5 New England and Bermuda District Key Club International) is circulated to all Key Clubs in her district. To read that newsletter, “click” here.



PARTICIPATION PINS (f/k/a Perfect Attendance Pins):

Emcee John Walker explained in order to qualify for a Participation Pin, a member had to serve the Club for all or part of 20 days during the year. He then presented Participation Pins to: John Walker (2 years), Bill Gile (4 years), Betty Ballantyne (5 years), Steve Loughlin (13 years), and Phil Bonafide (15 years).



Steve Loughlin shows his 13 year Participation Pin, which was presented by John Walker.
Photo by Phil Bonafide


Phil Bonafide, recipient of a 15 year Participation Pin is congratulated by John Walker.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin



Betty Ballantyne, the 2018 recipient of the Kiwanian of the Year award, was pleased to announce this year’s winner. Betty noted:

“The award is named for charter member and past president Ned Roberts, who had 35 years of perfect attendance. It is presented to the Kiwanian who exhibited excellence in attendance, participation in club projects, meetings and committees. The award winner is elected by the immediate past president, president, vice president, secretary, and the previous year’s winner.”

“The 2019 recipient has worked hard for this Club. As John (Walker) explained earlier, to qualify for a Participation Pin, a member had to show up on 20 different days, since we had 20 meetings. The member we are honoring tonight showed up at least 30, maybe even 40, but much of the work being done was without others of us knowing they were doing it.”

• Need the PO Box checked? - Got It!
• Need a signature at the Race Track? - Got It!
• Need help schlepping 100 cases of water from Shaw's to a trailer and then to the Boardwalk for set-up? - Got It!
• Need a 4-hour shift done at Bike Week? - Got It!
• Need help tearing down the concession stand on Father's Day? - Got It!
• Need an additional volunteer for the Bike Rodeo and Safety Day? - Got It!
• Need me at a Board Meeting? - Got It!
• Master Quipster? - Got That Too - In Spades!

“Phil Bonafide has been GETTING IT for this Club since June of 1993 and is not only a model Kiwanian, but a continuing inspiration to us all. Phil, please come up and receive your well-deserved trophy!”

EDITOR'S NOTE: Phil Bonafide served as Kiwanis Club President for the year 2001-2002.
Phil was also recognized as the Kiwanian of the Year for the 2004-2005 fiscal year.

Congratulations Phil Bonafide!

Phil Bonafide, the 2019 Kiwanian of the Year, is congratulated by Betty Ballantyne, the 2018 Kiwanian of the Year.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin



Kara Stanley introduced our newest member, Ray Chambers.

Prior to moving to Laconia this past June, Ray had resided in Georgia where he worked as a college professor. Ray is not new to Kiwanis. He served for many years as a Kiwanian in Georgia and was Lt. Governor of Division 5 from 2004 to 2005. Ray and his wife, Paula, reside at the Taylor Community.

Bill Gile then formally installed Ray Chambers into the Club.

Congratulations Ray and welcome aboard!

Ray Chambers (sitting) shares a moment with Kara Stanley and Bill Gile.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


S M I L E S. . .

Aidan Collette gives his mom a big smile.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Dual Smiles: President Meredith with her mom, Lynne Michaud
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

All smiles: Meet the Laurent Family: Emma, Zack, Scott and Grace
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin



Former Division Lt. Governor, Joe Collie, was pleased to assist the Club with the installation of Officers and to recognize special acheivements.

Former Lt. Governor Joe Collie

Joe Collie installed the following officers for the 2019-2020 term:
John Walker, Secretary
Kara Stanley, Treasurer
Bill Gile, Vice President
Scott Laurent, Immediate Past President
Meredith Michaud, President


L to R: John Walker, Secretary; Bill Gile, Vice President; Meredith Michaud, President; Scott Laurent, Immediate Past President; and Kara Stanley, Treasurer
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Joe Collie presents Bill Gile with his Past President Plaque.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Kathy Calvin proudly shows her 25 year membership Legion of Honor plaque as former Lt. Governor Joe Collie looks on.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Joe Collie turned the program over to President Meredith Michaud.

Meredith, who joined Kiwanis in 2013, is no stranger leading the Club. She previously served as President during the 2016-17 term and was also recognized as Kiwanian of the Year in 2014.

During her comments, Meredith noted, as President, she will focus on recruiting new members and welcomed new ideas. She reported that future meetings will begin at 6:15 pm instead of 6:00 pm.

President Meredith Michaud conducts business.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


President Meredith was pleased to report that our Club received the 2018-2019 Newsletter Award of second place (for all clubs in the district with under 30 members). The certificate was signed by Elyse M. Denorfia, Governor and Sharon Binette, District Editor.

Newletter Editor, Steve Loughlin, and President Meredith show the certifiicate awarded to The Kiwanis Club of Laconia by the New England and Bermuda District
Photo by Phil Bonafide


Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m


Our next regular meeting is at the Shang Hai Chinese Restaurant on October 22nd.

Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin




Two Kiwanians were spotted on September 13th at an oldies concert at Laconia High School.

Betty Ballantyne and Steve Loughlin took a walk down memory lane with B.J. Thomas who is known for such hits as Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head, Hooked On A Feeling, I Just Can't Help Believing, Rock and Roll Lullaby, and Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song.

In addition to being a Director of the Laconia Kiwanis Club, Betty Ballantyne is a member of The Laconia Putnam Fund, which is the organization that funded the evening’s free entertainment.

Betty Ballantyne and B.J.Thomas
Steve Loughlin and B.J.Thomas
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Photo by Betty Ballantyne







Tuesday - October 1st - Venue: Laconia Fire Department Community Room - 848 North Main Street, Laconia
6:15 pm - Board of Directors Meeting - all members invited to attend

Thursday - October 10th - Venue: Belknap Mill - 25 Beacon Street East, Laconia
5:30 - 8:30 pm - SIP N' DIP Fundraiser with Larry Frates - all members encouraged to attend

Tuesday - October 22nd : Venue: Shang Hai Chinese Restaurant - private room - 331 South Main Street, Laconia
6:15 pm - Guest: Janine Page, RN from The Downtown Gym - Topic: Rock Steady Boxing - a program of workouts for those fighting Parkinsons

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