October 10, 2006 - Vol.18, No. 2

 News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Dianne Zawaki


Senior Members:
Paul Normandin, Roger Webster, Ed ChertokE,r


Polly "I'm with Ed" Chertok and Dick Metz olly "I'm with Ed" Chertok

Dick Me

Introducing Dick Metz...Special Guest and Future Kiwanis member
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Thanks For The Memories...

President Joe Collie thanked all involved with the Installation on October 2nd. He noted, all those in attendance and those that lent a helping hand to the event should be pleased in how the evening went. Well done.


"Hooray for the Fair..."

The Sandwich Fair netted the club close to $3,500! Thanks to all that participated in the selling of tickets over the weekend. The '07 raffle has gotten off to a great start. On hand this past weekend: Paul Cotton, Warren Mitchell, Larry Murphy, Phil Bonafide, Jackie Bonafide, Kathy Calvin, Joe Adrignola, Joe Collie, Dianne Zawacki, Dick Breton, and Jeff Stone. The weather could not have been better...

Dianne Zawacki writes: "I took this photo Saturday – the little girl went straight into Kathy’s arms when her dad came over to buy a ticket."
Photo by Dianne Zawacki


Win A Classic!

Up next on the Motorcycle Raffle...2 shows in November. The first one is the weekend of November 18th at the Manchester Armory and the second is November 25th at the Winnipesaukee Expo Center in Lakeport. Please check your availability and look for sign up sheets to be circulated starting October 30th.

Good Neighbors You Can Bank On:

The bike will sit in the lobby of Meredith Village Savings Bank, South Main Street in Laconia until the November shows. Thanks, Nancy Williams-Hunt.

Tilly: The Trilogy

Watch out George Lucas! Dr. Lou Ricciardiello had another flower bloom on Monday, October 9th. For those of you scoring at home, that's 3 in 3 months. Not bad. In recognition of his donation of the first Tilly, the club received a plaque from Kiwanis International acknowledging a donation in Lou's name. The plaque will be presented to Lou as soon as possible.

Joe Collie shows the plaque that will be presented to Dr. Lou.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Reading is FUNdamental

Kathy Calvin advised the club that there will be 2 RIF sessions later this month. The first will be Monday, October 23rd at Woodland Heights Elementary; the second at Elm Street School 2 days later on Wednesday, October 25th . Times and a sign-up sheet should be circulated at the meeting next week; Monday, October 16th.

Health Update

Roger Ballantyne is going in for brain surgery this week. Our thoughts and prayers are with Roger and Betty. Godspeed, Spaceshot. Peter Karagianis is doing better, according to Dick Metz. Metz reports that Peter had some tests done that came back negative, and other than some weight loss, Peter appears to be just fatigued after his recent Florida trip. We hope to see both Roger and Peter back with us real soon.

News Update (as of 10/11/06 Wednesday evening):

On Wednesday morning Roger went into surgery for his brain tumor. Surgery was successfully completed by mid-afternoon. As of Wednesday evening, Roger was resting in intensive care.  

Hey Kiwanis, THANKS!

Joe Collie showed off the certificate the club was given at the recent Community Health and Hospice Banquet. It was given in recognition of the club's support of the CH&H Young Family Program.

Joe "deer in the headlights" Collie
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

They Can't Give These Tickets Away...

Once again, the Kiwanis Foundation of New England is offering Kiwanis Members the chance to see the Celtics in a home game with half price seats. The games that are available are as follows:

Wednesday, November 8 th vs. Charlotte Bobcats

Friday, November 10 th vs. Utah Jazz

Monday, November 13 th vs. Orlando Magic

Wednesday, December 6 th vs. Memphis Grizzlies

Wednesday, December 20 th vs. Golden State Warriors

If interested, please see President Joe Collie for ticket information and paperwork.


Mommy...I'm Bored....I mean Board...

Kathy Calvin read the board meeting minutes from the meetings in September. On September 5th , the board approved a $100 donation to Kiwanis International for a Leadership Excellence plaque to be presented to Dr. Lou Ricciardello. Paul Cotton was granted a leave of absence from October 8th to November 8th . Also, the board approved checks to be paid to the Library ($7,000), Day Care ($15,000), and LRGH ($12,250). $100 was approved toward the pre-school screenings at the Dental Resource Center. 2 bikes were purchased for the Laconia Police Department's positive rewards program. On September 11th, the general membership voted to conduct a Harley Davidson raffle as the major fundraiser for 2006-2007 and $1,832.95 for the purchase of the bike; the difference after the last bike was taken in trade.


Kathy Calvin, $17.00

"Permanant" Secretary Kathy takes home the bacon .
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Happy Dollars

Kathy Calvin had 1 for winning the other 16.

Roger Landry had 1 for Dick Metz joining the club.

Jim Fortier had 1 for being in his new house...almost.

Jim Fortier puts his old house "behind him" to celebrate his new one.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Free Meal

Dianne Zawacki


$15 collectedec

Monday, October 30th

Monday, October 23rd

Monday, October 16th
Dianne Roberts leads the meeting. President Joe Collie and Jill's 2nd wedding anniversary. Two whole years...take that, Chertoks!

No guest speaker scheduled.



Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin

Back Issues - Membership - Bylaws - Club Brochure - Raffle Schedule



In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Cadillac