October 14, 2008 - Vol.20, No. 2
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
19 plus our guest speakerInvocation:
Paul Cotton
Senior Members:
Ed Merski, Peter Karagianis, Jim Fortier, Roger Webster, Howard Bacon, and Paul Normandin
Hillary Hartford with Child and Family Services
ATV Raffle:The ATV Raffle made its swan song at the Sandwich Fair. Selling tickets this weekend were Kathy Calvin, Brian Winslow, Denise Dow, Lori Dickson, Joe Collie, and Paul Cotton. The fair brought in a total of approx. $2,200 and the raffle itself made the club approx $3,500. The winner of the ATV’s is Stephanie Desrochers of Merrimack, NH. She bought the ticket at the Lancaster Fair from a woman, but she does not know which woman. Could be Sue Nelson, Kathy Calvin, Paulette Loughlin, Denise Dow, or Lori Dickson. We’ll see… Thanks to everyone who sold tickets over the course of the summer and to those who played a part in the ATV raffle from storage to breakdown and setup…a team effort. Well done!
Pres. Brian looks on as Lisa Whalley, Store Manager of Laconia's HK Powersports, draws the winner.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Lisa Whalley reads the name of the winner.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
...and the winner is....
Lisa Whalley holds up the winning ticket while the two fund raising chairmen smile that the event is finally over.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Colllie's Call:
Moments after the winning ticket was drawn, Joe Collie contacted the winner, Stephanie Desrochers, on his cell phone. Excerpts from that conversation can be heard below. Simply "click" below on the audio format that will play on your computer.
Please wait about 30 seconds for the sound to download.
Collie interview in mp3 format.
Collie interview in wav format.
Joe Collie has the pleasure of calling the lucky winner.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Football Snack Shack:
Jim Fortier, Kathy Calvin, Denise Dow, and Chet Cilley, worked the snack shack at the Laconia High School football game, The Sachems lost to Plymouth…but a good crowd and a good night for the Key Club fund raiser at the snack shack. The next football game is a week from Friday…October 24th..Fund Raising Efforts…
Dick Metz addressed the club and suggested the return of the motorcycle raffle and a possible sports auction. Dick said that we should plan on a fundraising meeting and discussion at next week’s meeting to discuss fund raising plan and suggestions.Ed Chertok Update:
Ed had a fall this past Friday and was admitted to the hospital. He was in over the weekend and was released today after a procedure that Roger Webster described as an “investigation.” Ed is reportedly in good spirits and hopes to be back with us next week.Interclub opportunity:
Lt. Gov. Joe Collie indicates that he will be attending the meeting of the Mt. Washington Valley Club in North Conway on Wednesday, November 5th. If anyone is interested in going with him, we could have an interclub. Please check your schedule and let Joe know by shooting him and e-mail at joecollie@gmail.com.
Paul Normandin won 20 dollars.
Paul Normandin is the lucky winner.
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinHappy Dollars
Paul gave 5 happy dollars for winning the rest. Roger Landry gave a buck for his trip to the Hershey Car Show. Brian Winslow gave a happy dollar for the ATVs being given away. Steve Loughlin gave 5 dollars for Kathy Calvin working so hard on the ATV raffle and Kathy Calvin gave a happy dollar for her new car.
BOARD meeting minutes...
Hillary Hartford from Child and Family Services came and spoke about the Incentives Bank. The Incentives Bank is a side project that Hillary is involved in that helps certain non-profits in the area. They get incentives for reaching certain plateaus and milestones in their own programs. The non-profit organizations that are eligible to receive the incentives have to be focused on child or family programs. Some examples are: Head Start requests Wal*Mart gift cards for one of their students after moving. Vista Foods gift cards have been given to homeless people to help them with food. Another example is an individual finished their GED and needed appropriate clothing for job interviews. 18 organizations have been made eligible to participate in the Incentive Bank and they are being encouraged to remind the individuals in their programs to complete goals in exchange for these incentives.
Hillary Hartford with Pres. Brian.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Upcoming Schedule:
Monday, October 20th
Craig Wiggin, Belknap County SheriffMonday, October 27th
Detective Jeff Stieglar, Laconia Police DepartmentMonday, November 3rd
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collected
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Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinBack Issues - MpBylaws -Policies and Procedures - Membership CLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Metz Electronics - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - NAPA Auto Parts - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Cadillac