
November 9, 2009 - Vol.21, No. 6

News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families





Roger Webster

Senior Members:

Jim Fortier, Roger Webster, Howard Bacon, Paul Normandin, Ed Merski, and Dennis Denoncourt


Peter's Party...
President Dick Metz reported on t
he success of Peter Karagianis' 93rd birthday party held at the Belknap Mill last Friday night. During the evening, several speakers made tributes to Peter including Kiwanis President Dick Metz, who presented Peter with his Legion of Honor pin and plaque for 60 years in Kiwanis. Details of the party were featured in The Laconia Daily Sun on Monday, November 9th. (See story at the bottom of the page or "click" here.) In addition to Pres. Dick, other Kiwanians on hand to celebrate with Peter included: Carroll Stafford, Paul Normandin, Scott Beane, Charlie St. Clair and Steve Loughlin.

Peter's Party Pictures
"Click" on thumbnail picture to open a larger picture.
Peter and his wife, Lydia, with deer in the headlights, Dick
President Dick presents Peter with his 60 year Legion of Honor pin.
All smiles: Pres. Dick with S. Peter Karagianis (Peter's son) and the birthday boy  
A rare moment: Steve Loughlin gets in front of the camera to pose with Peter.
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin except picture of Loughlin by John Moriarty

President Dick Metz also discussed the following:

Pheasant Ridge Country Club will be closed during the months of January and February and that Joe Adrignola has been kind enough to utilize his building at One Mill Plaza. This resulted in a motion made and accepted to hold our meetings at One Mill Plaza in January and February.

During the weeks of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (in January) and President's Day (in February), we will be meeting on TUESDAY those weeks instead of Monday.

Next week sign-up sheets will be passed out for dates of the Kiwanis Adult Christmas Party and the Children's Christmas Party.

Dick is caught by surprise: Wanted: Kiwanis President no experience necessary .
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Kiwanis KARES:
Don Nelson said that there was a KARES Reading at Pleasant Street School last week. Don and Sue, Larry Murphy, Joe Adrignola, and Chet Cilley were in attendance.

Yoga Pays:
Kathy Knox said that the Yoga class fund raiser yielded $40 this week and she gave that money to the club tonight. Kiwanian of the Year Roger offered to handle the money.

Cathy Knox with 40 reasons to meditate
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Food Basket:
Kathy Calvin is selling chances on a food basket to raise funds for the Laconia High School Girls Soccer Team. The drawing is this coming Monday. If you would like to buy a chance for $5.00 please e-mail or call Kathy before the end of this week.

50 50:
Winner takes $19...

Tonight the drawing was done by First VP Mike Marsh.

Watch Mike Marsh pull out a rabbit.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

And the winner is....

...................................Mike Marsh.

Mike Marsh does an "Ed Chertok" and picks his own number!
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Subsequent to the 50 50 drawing, three additional tickets were drawn for Pizza Hut gift certificates.

The first winner was Roger Webster. Roger then drew the next winner who was......Mike Marsh!

Mike Marsh wins again!
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

That meant, Mike Marsh would draw the next winner. He promised if he drew his own number again, he would throw it back. And the next winner of the Pizza Hut gift certificates was....

Bonafide and Loughlin. However, since they don't like pizza (yea, right!) they turned back the prize in favor of another winner. And the next winner drawn was....

....no, not Mike Marsh but....Dan Feehily.

Roger Webster subsequently noted he can't eat pizza so he turned back his prize in favor of another draw. And the third and last winner of a gift certificate is....

....Steve Gorse

What's better than pizza?....Free pizza.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Happy Dollars:

Dick Metz gave a happy dollar for Roger Webster volunteering at LRGH....and Roger Webster thanked Dick Metz and Dan Feehily for their contribution to the recent blood drive. Steve Loughlin gave a happy dollar because Joe Collie was able to do the bulletin this week.

There were no fines.

Godspeed Jim:
The club wished senior member Jim the the best as he'll be leaving Saturday for his Florida home.

Jim Fortier shows the proper way to hold a turtle as he heads back to Florida
to feed them for the winter.

Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Goodnight all!

Meeting adjourned.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 6:58 pm.


The Laconia Daily Sun ran a front page feature story on Peter Karagianis in Monday's paper. You can read that story by "clicking" here. To make the paper large enough to read, put your cursor over the article and "click" again.


Upcoming Schedule:

Monday, November 16th

Monday, November 23rd

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Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin




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