November 9, 2015 - Vol. 27, No. 3


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Woodside at the Taylor Community

7 members and 1 guest

Bill Gile

Sue Nelson - Honorary Kiwanian and wife of Don

From The President:
In the absence of President John and 1st VP Meredith, 2nd VP Bill Gile ran the meeting. Bill reminded the Club of two upcoming events:
Wine Down For Warmth and The Laconia Holiday Parade.

The Laconia Holiday Parade: The Club will be entering a float and volunteers are needed. The parade will be held on Sunday, November 29th and begin at 4:00 pm from Wyatt Park. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Scott Laurent, Rob Reid or Meredith Michaud. For more details on the parade, "click" here.

Wine Down For Warmth: Proceeds from this fund-raiser, which will be held,November 19th at the Beane Conference Center, will be donated to The Santa Fund. Local artist Larry Frates will be giving a demonstration on how to create a scenic painting. Paint supplies including: paint, brushes, canvas, etc., will be provided to those attending.

Tickets, which are available online only, is a BYOB, and seating is limited. Members please help get the word out. To purchase tickets online, "click" here.

The following picture will be included in the promotion that will appear in the local papers:

Larry Frates draws thanks from members of the Laconia Kiwanis Club and Santa Fund for the kindness of Curtis Stafford VP of Stafford Oil in sponsoring the upcoming Wine Down For Warmth event, which will be held at the Beane Conference Center on November 19th.
Front Row: Larry Frates and Lisa Cornish (Santa Fund)
Back Row: Meredith Michaud (Kiwanis), Scott Laurent (Kiwanis), Rob Reid (Kiwanis), Dennis Phelps (Santa Fund), Curtis Stafford (Stafford Oil), Chris McCarthy (Santa Fund), James Caldwell (Santa Fund)
Photo and graphics by W. Stephen Loughlin

Bill also reported on Key Club events including the annual Salvation Army Turkey Plunge which was held on October 31st. For pictures and details of the event scroll down the page.


50/50: None this evening

Happy Dollars:

None this evening

Guest Speakers:
None this evening

Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.


On Saturday, October 31st Kiwanis Club Secretary/Treasurer Kathy Calvin participated with the Laconia High School Key Club/Interact team in the 11th
Annual Salvation Army Turkey Plunge held at Opechee Park on North Main Street in Laconia.  

At the time of the plunge, the water temperature was 52 degrees and the air temperature was 44 degrees.

Front row: Kaitlyn Brooks, Isabelle Cannuli
Back Row: Pumpkin, Dominic Cannuli (Key Club President), Abby Bailey, Kathy Calvin (Laconia Kiwanis Secretary/Treasurer), Alexyah Dethvongsa,Tom Turkey, Bill Gile (Laconia Kiwanis 2nd VP)
Enthusiastic plungers race to the water
Kathy Calvin demonstrates the art of the plunge.
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin





Thursday - November 19th - Venue: Beane Conference Center For directions, "click" here.
Wine Down for Warmth - Wine and Painting

Monday - November 23rd - Venue: Taylor Community - Woodside For directions, "click" here.
Club Meeting - guest speaker - Laconia Police Prevention Enforcement Treatment (PET) Officer Eric Adams - Topic: Drug Prevention Training

Sunday - November 29rd - For details, "click" here.
Holiday Parade - Begins from Wyatt Park at 4:00

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.


Kiwanis Chronicle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: John Walker or Steve Loughlin