November 13, 2017 - Vol. 29, No. 2



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families




Venue: Hector’s Restaurant & Lounge

Attendance: 9 members, 1 honorary member, 12 guests

Invocation: Muff Kruse

Eric Adams - guest speaker - LPD Prevention Enforcement Treatment (PET) Officer
Keegan Adams – son of Eric
Hallie Adams - daughter of Eric
Joe Adrignola - former Laconia Kiwanis Club member
Vi Adrignola - wife of Joe
Bryan Moynihan - LPD DARE Officer
Sue Nelson - Honorary member and wife of Don
Clare Persson - guest speaker
Mike Persson - husband of Clare

Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Two of Laconia's Finest: Eric Adams and Bryan Moynihan
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Keegan and Hallie Adams
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Mike and Clare Persson
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Key Club Guests:
Alexyan Dethvongsa – President
Jillian Goyette
Lydia Tucker
Heather Ausevich

Key Clubbers: L to R: Jillian Goyette, Lydia Tucker, Heather Ausevich, and Alexyan Dethvongsa
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


From the President:
President Bill Gile opened the meeting by reading the six objects of Kiwanis. He then reviewed the meeting schedule for the rest of the year. November 27th will be a combination Board meeting and business meeting. He also noted, there will be only one meeting in December. It will be on December 11th and is our annual Yankee Swap.

Bill canvassed the group and it was decided the Kiwanis Club will NOT be participating in the holiday parade this year. Also it was noted, Larry Frates approached Scott Laurent to determine if there was any Club interest in partnering with him in the parade. Larry and his group will be ringing Christmas Bells for the Belknap Mill. None of the members chimed in on that idea.

President Bill also stated that the concession stand that the Key Club ran with assistance from the Kiwanis Club during the soccer tournament was a big success, although the take was a bit below last years. All the receipts are not yet in but the Key Club cleared well over $2,000. The Kiwanis Club donated water and soda for sale. Bill also noted, the homeless awareness event netted well over $200 in donations.

From the Members:
John was honored to present former 30-year member Joe Adrignola with a Legion of Honor award for 30 years of membership. Vi was asked to pin on a new Kiwanis pin that saluted Joe for 30 years of membership and the fact that he is a past president as well. John noted that Joe is also a two-time winner of the Kiwanian of the Year Award. Thank you, Joe for your many years of service!


Joe gets pinned by Vi.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Past President Joe (1993-1994) is congratulated by Past President John (2014-2016).
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Food Pantry: $76 was collected

Happy Dollars:

$1 from Sue Nelson for her and Don's imminent departure for a warmer climate. 
$3 from Bill Gile for Clare and Eric being our guest speakers and to celebrate the recent success of the Key Club concession stand 
$1 from Kara Murray for being able to attend tonight’s meeting 
$4 from John Walker: $3 for our special guests Clare, Mike, and Eric and $1 for the success of Muff's children's book.


Guest Speakers:
Our guest speakers were Clare Persson, Chairperson of Stand Up Laconia and Eric Adams, Prevention Enforcement Treatment (PET) Officer from the Laconia Police Department. Eric is also a member of Stand Up Laconia.

The mission of Stand Up Laconia is to stand up to effectively and compassionately confront the consequences of substance misuse by advocating for prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery.

Clare Persson discussed the history of the Stand Up Laconia program since inception in 2011 at a Middle School PTO meeting. Clare provided handouts, a notebook maintained since 2011, and details of the organization.

Clare Persson was pleased to explain the goals and objectives of Stand Up Laconia.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Eric Adams covered the chief drugs in the overdose epidemic (alcohol, fentanyl and heroin) and discussed the parameters of his job as Prevention Enforcement Treatment (PET) Officer with the Laconia Police Department. He was pleased to note that the success rate of folks who remain in a recovery program for at least 90 days is between 68-69%.

Eric Adams reports on his job as Prevention Enforcement Treatment Officer.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

For more information on Stand Up Laconia, “click” here.



L to R: Bill Gile, Clare Persson, and Eric Adams
Photo by Mike Persson


Meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.





The Laconia Kiwanis Club recently donated $5,500 to Central NH VNA & Hospice.
To read the story that appeared in The Laconia Daily Sun on 11/7/17, "click" on the picture below.

L to R: Central NH VNA & Hospice Interim CEO Christine Long with Laconia Kiwanis Club President Bill Gile
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Check Graphic by Brian Winslow








Monday - November 27th Venue: Hector's Restaurant & Lounge - 53 Beacon Street West., Laconia
6:00 pm - Board of Directors Meeting - all members welcome to attend

Monday - December 13th Venue: Hector's Restaurant & Lounge - 53 Beacon Street West., Laconia
6:00 pm - Club Meeting - Annual Christmas Party - Yankee Swap

Friday - December 22nd Venue: Downtown Laconia - Intersection of Main Street and Pleasant Street
6:00 pm - Ring the Bell for the Salvation Army - Save the Date - Sign up schedule to be posted in next bulletin

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