November 15, 2021 - Vol. 33, No.2



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Date of Meeting: November 15, 2021

Venue: The Belknap Mill, downtown Laconia

Attendance: 7 members

Betty Ballantyne
Ray Chambers
Bill Gile – incoming President
Steve Loughlin
Meredith Michaud – outgoing President
Bob Willey – Lt. Gov. District 5
Brian Winslow

Bill Gile called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm

Invocation & Pledge:
Invocation: performed by Brian Winslow
Pledge of allegiance: led by Steve Loughlin

The members enjoy food and conversation.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin





Bill Gile began by recognizing past presidents in attendance including Brian Winslow and Meredith Michaud who, moments later, was about to become past president for the second time.

Bill then read the Objects of Kiwanis as outlined in Article I, Paragraph 2 of the club’s by-laws:

• The primary purpose of this club is to improve the quality of life for the children and families worldwide by adhering to the Objects of Kiwanis International which are:
• To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than the material values of life.
• To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.
• To promote the adoption and application of higher social, business, and professional standards.
• To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship.
• To provide, through this club, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to build a better community.
• To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and goodwill.




Bob Willey, Laconia Kiwanis Club member and Lt. Governor, reviewed statistics of Kiwanis. Some of these are as follows: Kiwanis International began in 1915 and now are in eighty countries with 550,000 members. New England/Bermuda district, which includes the Laconia Kiwanis Club, has 130 clubs along with 3,000 members. He then cited the successes of the International organization, as well as those of the Laconia Kiwanis Club.

Bob began the installation by discharging Vice President Bill Gile and President Meredith Michaud from their prior duties. Before installing the new officers and directors, Lt. Governor Bob set a goal for our next fiscal year to grow 10% and to add one more community service project during the year.

Bob then recognized Meredith in her new role as Immediate Past President, and thanked her for a job well done for the last two years as the club’s President. He welcomed Brian Winslow for being newly appointed to the Board of Directors and installed Bill Gile as the Club’s new President.

L to R: Director Brian Winslow, Lt. Governor Bob Willey and President Bill Gile
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Bob invited the Laconia Kiwanis Club to attend the Hooksett Holiday Dinner & Auction to be held on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. Members were given a handout listing the details. "Click" on the picture below for details of the Hooksett Kiwanis Holiday Dinner & Auction.

Hooksett Kiwanis Holiday Dinner & Auction



Meredith Michaud reported the drawing for the $1,000 fuel raffle, which was originally scheduled for October 31, was postponed by one week due to COVID. On November 6th, Meredith handled the drawing on Facebook "live" with her daughters Abbie and Emma. To view a video of the Facebook drawing "click" here.

Meredith noted that tickets had been on sale for $10 each on the Laconia Kiwanis Club Facebook page. The Club sold 187 of the 250 tickets available resulting in an $870 net to the Club General Account. The winner of the drawing was Richard Aschman, who was kind to donate his prize money back to the Club to be used to fund Kiwanis Charities. Therefore, of the $1,870 total earnings for this event, $1,000 will be deposited to our Children’s Charities account and $870 will be deposited to the General account.



President Bill reported the LHS Key Club ran their concession stand for the High School soccer game finals and one High School Football Championship. The four day total netted the Key Club $2,700 in concession sales. The Key Club managed the inside sales along with the Kiwanis Club managing the cooking of the hamburgers and hot dogs.

The pictures below were taken at the District 3 and District 4 soccer championship games:

L to R: Andrew Ehmann, Mike Muller, Hannah Lowell, Shelby Luther, Gracie Lewis, and Gloria Lako.
Photo by Karen Abraham

L to R: Hannah Lowell, Gloria Lako, Kendall Myers, Shelby Deluca, and Norah Dunleavy
Photo by Karen Abraham

L to R: Aliyah Patten, Paxten Perley, Cali Andriski, Natalie Stottlar, Cam Whitty, and Norah Dunleavy
Photo by Karen Abraham



Zach Dea’s wife, Sara, is involved with the PTO along with Kara Stanley. It is a two-day event on Friday, December 3rd, and Saturday December 4th. The students, with their parents in attendance, will have the opportunity to Christmas shop for their family along with gift wrapping.

Ray Chambers made a motion that the Club donate $100 towards the refreshments for this event. Steve Loughlin seconded the motion with all voting in favor of the donation.



The Laconia Kiwanis Club will ring the bell for the Salvation Army on Thursday, December 23rd in downtown Laconia during the hours of 9 am to 5 pm. President Bill has arranged a Sign-Up Genius for Kiwanis members and friends who would like to participate. Please "click" here to sign up if you would like to ring the bell.




Our Christmas Party with a Yankee Swap is set for Tuesday, December 14th at 6:00 PM. It will be held at the Belknap Mill. Members are invited to bring a friend, their spouse, partner or their own children. However, the Yankee Swap will be for adults only.

Food will be provided and only members are requested to contribute to defray the cost of the food. The suggested donation is $10 for solo members and $15 if a member brings a guest, partner, spouse, or child.

The Yankee Swap is for adults only (as it is likely there will be some alcohol gifts). Those who plan to participate in the Yankee Swap are requested to bring a gift to swap at a value between $15-$20. If a guest would like to participate in the Yankee Swap, they should bring a gift as well. Phil Bonafide has agreed to be the emcee for the swap. Anyone planning to attend the Christmas Party should RSVP to Bill Gile no later than Friday, December 10, so he can order the right amount of food.


Food Pantry: $54 was collected

Happy Dollars: $19 was collected

Happy Faces: 4 happy faces

Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin

President Bill adjourned the meeting at 7:17 pm.




Several members of the LHS Key Club were seen marching in downtown Laconia as they participated with the LHS Class of 2022 in the Laconia Christmas Parade which was held on Sunday, November 28th.

Seen in the pictures below are Key Club members Cam Whitty (front row second from left), LHS Key Club President Ella Muller (front row with red hat), Norah Dunleavy (front row at right), and Hannah Lowell (second row middle wearing the blue sweater).


Laconia High School seniors on parade.
tos by W. Stephen Loughlin


The Laconia Kiwanis Club Membership page has been updated. It includes the names, pictures, and e-mail addresses of all current members. It also lists the names of our Honorary Members, LHS Key Club administration, and Kiwanis District Officers. To view the update, “click” on the Membership link located at the top of this page. Corrections are appreciated and may be e-mailed to the Bulletin Editor by “clicking” here.


The Laconia Kiwanis Club was saddened to hear of the passing of former Laconia Mayor, Ed Engler.
Ed died on November 5, 2021 after a four-year bout with cancer. He was 74.
Ed was a long-time friend of the Laconia Kiwanis Club. In addition to being a periodic guest speaker at our meetings,
Ed was a frequent participant in our annual Roger’s Ride fundraiser.
From 6/18/05
During Bike Week, Rotarian Ed Engler stopped by the Laconia Kiwanis Club booth on the Boardwalk to purchase tickets on a Harley.
From 10/29/07
Ed Engler, the editor and publisher of The Laconia Daily Sun, was introduced to the club by Kiwanian Steve Loughlin.
L to R: Loughlin, Engler, and Laconia Kiwanis Club President, Dianne Roberts
Above photo by Joe Adrignola
From 8/24/14
Laconia Mayor Ed Engler shares a moment with Kiwanian Betty Ballantyne and
Kiwanis Club President, Jack Batchelder prior to Roger’s Ride.
From 8/24/14
Laconia Mayor Ed Engler enjoys a conversation with veteran Kiwanian, Dick Breton, after Roger’s Ride.
From 1/21/15
Laconia Mayor Ed Engler addresses the crowd at the celebration of
the 100th birthday of Kiwanis International held at the Belknap Mill in Laconia, New Hampshire
To view a video of Ed's address, "click" here.
From 3/16/15
Laconia Mayor Ed Engler draws the winning ticket for the Kiwanis Club's March Madness raffle on a 55 inch television.
L to R: Ed Engler, and Laconia Kiwanis Club President, Meredith Michaud
From 8/30/15
Laconia Mayor Ed Engler pauses for a photo op in front of Laconia City Hall on the day of Roger's Ride..
From 3/26/19
Laconia Mayor Ed Engler is congratulated by Kiwanian Steve Loughlin for his presentation about the City of Laconia.
To hear an audio of Ed Engler's address to the Laconia Kiwanis Club, "click" here.
Above photo by Phil Bonafide
It's been a great ride!
Unless otherwise indicated, all photos by W. Stephen Loughlin


Many thanks to Karen Abraham, Betty Ballantyne, Phil Bonafide, Bill Gile, Meredith Michaud, Ella Muller and Brian Winslow for their assistance with this bulletin.





Tuesday - December 14th : Venue: The Belknap Mill - Downtown Laconia
6:00 pm - Annual Christmas Party and Yankee Swap

Thursday - December 23nd Venue: Downtown Laconia - Intersection of Main Street and Pleasant Street
9:00 am - 5:00 pm - Ring the Bell for the Salvation Army - To participate use the Sign-Up Genius
by "clicking" here.

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.










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