November 16, 2009 - Vol.21, No. 7
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Warren Mitchell
Senior Members:
Roger Webster, Howard Bacon, Paul Normandin, Ed Merski, and Warren MitchellGuests:
Honorary member: Dick Breton
Key Club members: Vince Denaris, Mackenzie Duquette, and Nate Labelle
Dick Breton Vince DenarisMackenzie Duquette Nate LabelleWelcome Back:
A round of "how da you do" was sung for Scott Beane.
My name is Scott Beane. Have we met?
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
President Dick reminds the club that, next Monday, November 23rd, we will be meeting in the Community Room and Gallery in the newly renovated Busiel Mill (also known as One Mill Plaza and also known as Joe's Place) in downtown Laconia. That's because our guest speaker, Elaine Morrison, will be discussing her art work that she has on display.
One Mill Plaza is the place to meet next Monday evening.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
You're Invited:
At the conclusion of next week's meeting, the membership is invited to check out Cathy Knox's new Yoga facility which is located on the first floor of One Mill Plaza. Cathy has been kind enough to donate some of the monies she has earned through her Yoga classes to the Laconia Kiwanis Club.
Thanks Newbees:
President Dick thanked Cathy and Tom Knox for their work on assisting the club with our fundraiser at The Lodge at Belmont.Speakers Wanted...
President Dick requested that members help line up guest presenters for our meetings, if you have anyone in mind please let Sergeant at Arms Roger Landry know.What's Happening?...
The club discussed Christmas activities and it was decided to have a Christmas Party for members and guests but, as an alternative to a children's Christmas Party, we will donate money to a program like Salvation Army’s that provides gifts for area children at Christmas time.Kathy Calvin let the club know that she will be once again doing the Turkey Plunge this Saturday, November 21st, at the Weirs.
Nate Labelle of the Key Club let us know about their activities which include having up to 11 members of the Key Club doing the Turkey Plunge, completing a charity walk, ringing the bell for Salvation Army and possible volunteering as elves for the polar express.
Happy Dollars:
1 from Scott Beane for all of the understanding and support he received from the club while caring for his dad
1 from Dan Feehily for getting a part-time job
1 from Warren Mitchell…his wife’s new hip is working out so well she is going in for another
1 from Brian winslow…He plans to win a future (tonight's) 50/50
1 from Dick Metz for seeing Charlie St. Clair for the third time in two weeks
1 from Kathy Calvin who recently went to Las Vegas and came home with a dollar
1 from Vince Denaris because he passed chemistry for the first quarter marking period
1 from Ed Merski "for joining 10.2 million Americans in the unemployment line."
Scott Beane gives a happy dollar and points out that perfect attendance is
not necessary to get a 25 year pin.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin50 50:
Charlie St. Clair won $29 and subsequently added a "happy dollar" to the treasury.
Charlie is all smiles because Joe Adrignola didn't win the 50/50.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Steve Gorse for being late and Charlie St. Clair for being late.
Board Minutes:
Secretary Kathy read the minutes from the October 19th Directors meeting. The Board:
*Approved the minutes as read.
*Approved the General Fund and Charity Fund as read.
*Approved to maintain the number of Senior members at 10.
*Approved the following as Senior members: Bacon, Cotton, Denoncourt, Fortier, Karagianis, Merski, Mitchell, Normandin, Stafford and Webster.
*Approved the existing list of Honorary members: John Bancroft, Richard Breton, Eddie Cantin, Lou Ricciardiello, and Nancy Williams-Hunt
*Approved the signors on the checking account: Treas. Joe Adrignola, Pres. Dick Metz, and 1st VP Mike Marsh.
*Approved for paying the following: Engraving and Awards for $55.25.; Dr. Finn for $279.50;
Kiwanis International for $8; insurance for $125 for crime and; $500 directors and officers insurance. Also approved was payment of books for Elm Street School totaling $309.74.
*Approved to reinstate Tom Knox as a member and to nominate Cathy Knox.
*Approved the 2009-2010 budget as read.The Board meeting adjourned at 7:52 pm.
Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:08 pm.
Goodnight Charlie:
In addition to winning the 50 50, Charlie walks away with more loot.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Upcoming Schedule:
Monday, November 23rd
We meet at One Mill Plaza (Joe's place).
Guest speaker: Elaine Morrison will discuss her artwork on display.Monday, November 30th
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Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinCLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS
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