November 19, 2007 - Vol.19, No. 8
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
22, faInvocation:
Roger LandryHe's baaaack...
Past President Joe Collie pinch hit for Dianne Roberts.
Joe follows the script as he fills in for Dianne.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Senior Members:
All but Mitchell and Ballantyne.
(Roger's thoughts were with us. See below.)
Dick Tinsley with Ed Chertok
Ed's friend: Dick Tinsley
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Welcome Aboard!
Ron Penn has joined the Laconia Kiwanis Club. Acting President Joe Collie welcomed in our newest member and presented him with a certificate of membership and his new Kiwanis pin. The ceremony was "less than formal" and should be done again, more fittingly, next week. In the meantime, we welcome aboard the newest member of our club. Please take time to get to know our newest Kiwanian. Welcome on board, Ron!
This is what a new member looks like: Ron Penn joins the club.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Joe Collie gives Ron Penn his Ron Pin.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Calling all Kids...
The Children's Christmas Party is scheduled for Monday, December 10th. We will be in the big room. Please let Kathy Calvin know if your child or grandchild will be attending. E-mail her the child's name, age, and something from their wish list. Please RSVP by December 1st. Kathy's e-mail address is We have Santa coming and we are looking forward to a great time with Santa and the little ones!
At the same time...
Several members will miss the Children's Party because they will be at the opening gala of the Santa Fund Auction. This event is also Monday, December 10th. On board so far: Joe Adrignola, Chet Cilley, Paul Cotton, and Dianne Roberts. The Christmas Auction begins the next day. This special event is designed to be a "kick off" for this year's campaign.Sign Up Next Week...
At next week's meeting; Monday, November 26th, we will be circulating two sign up sheets. The first will be for the Christmas Party at Dick Metz's house on Monday, December 17th. The second will be for the bell ringing for the Salvation Army. That is scheduled for Saturday, December 23rd. Please check your schedule and see what you can sign up for.
Time to STEP UP!
We are in need of a 2nd Vice President. Jeff Stone, currently on a leave of absence, is scheduled to be the president of the club next year. Nobody is in line for the following year. The term would start October 1, 2009. If you are a newer member looking to get into the fold, this is a good opportunity. If you have been a member of the club for a while and have not been president yet, perhaps it's a good time for you to give it a "whirl." Anyone who wants to get in line should let President Dianne Roberts know. Thanks for your consideration.
Hey Kiwanis...Thanks!
We received two "thank you" notes this week. One from the Boys and Girls Club, thanking us for our donation of $1,000. We also received a "thank you" from the Mayhew Program for our contribution, not only this year, but over the past years in helping them in cleaning up the island and readying camp for the summer and for the financial support. We say "you're welcome!"
Guess who? Someone needs to tell the IRS on Russ Beane. $24Fines:
Nobody asked.
Happy Dollars:
Russ Beane gave 4 for tax purposes.
Joe Collie gave $1 for being reunited with his old gym teacher.
Kathy Calvin gave $1 for participating in the Salvation Army Turkey Plunge and getting cold.
She also raised $300 for the event.
Dick Tinsley gave $1 for coming to the meeting on Ed's dime.
Ron Penn gave $1 for being a new member and Larry Murphy gave $1 for something this writer can't remember.
In all, $9 was collected from this happy group.
Dick Tinsley shows the secret handshake.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Guest Speaker:
The new principal at Laconia High School, Steven Beals, spoke to the club. Club members that have graduated from Laconia High School include: Paul Cotton, Russ Beane, Ed Chertok, and Carroll Stafford. Beals used to be the principal at Sanborn Regional, and RochesterMiddle. His first teaching job was as a physical education teacher at Alvirne High School in Hudson. Joe Collie (Class of '96) is one of his former students. Beals has 4 kids himself and still lives in the Hudson area, making the 70 minute drive to LHS everyday. He says he translates the energy of being principal into being a parent and is very active in his own children's lives. Some of the initiatives he has instilled at Laconia High in his first 5 months include monthly meetings with parents in the library and four class periods a day, each one ninety minutes in length. His top three initiatives, as directed by the school board, are to a.) fix some of the issues facing the building, b.) stretch the dollar in a virtually nonexistent budget, and c.) adjust the schedule in the building to something that makes more sense. He said the building currently is having some cosmetic painting done to the auditorium and other adjustments that are fueling it toward becoming a more positive learning environment. He said his ultimate goal is to make sure that each student is engaged for the full six and a half hours a day they are at the high school. He was very complimentary of the Key Club and the new advisors. He previewed their visit to our club, which is scheduled on January 15th.
As his former student, Joe Collie wasn't sure if he should have called our guest "Steven" or "Mr. Beals."
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Spaceshot on the run...
Steve Loughlin had but a few seconds to give his regards to senior member Roger Ballantyne last Friday afternoon. Roger was already in the car heading to his ocean retreat house in Scarborough, Maine. Roger did have time to extend his greetings to his friends in Kiwanis.
Roger Ballantyne say "hi."
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin"Click" to get back to Senior Members.
Upcoming Schedule:
Monday, November 26th
Karen Thurston of the Blue Star MothersMonday, December 3rd
Boards meet, Food Pantry money collectedMonday, December 10th
Children's Christmas PartyMonday, December 17th
Adult Christmas Party at Dick Metz's house. Spouses welcome.WE WILL NOT MEET AGAIN UNTIL MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 2008.
NOTE: During January and February, we meet at One Mill Plaza...
Monday, January 7th
Boards meet, Food Pantry money collectedTuesday, January 15th
Key Club Advisors
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Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinBack Issues - MpBylaws - Membership CLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Metz Electronics - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - NAPA Auto Parts - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Cadillac