November 25, 2013- Vol. 25, No. 4


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Larry Murphy

Emilie Maddocks - LHS Key Club Vice President
Rebecca Sirois - LHS Key Club member
Robbie Prescott-Neylon - Guest Speaker
Meredith Horton -
New Member

Emilie Maddocks
Rebecca Sirois
Robbie Prescott-Neylon
Meredith Horton
  Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin


News From The President:


News From The Key Club:


Induction of our newest member:
Meredith Horton was inducted into the Club by Past President Brian Winslow. Meredith, who was sponsored by Immediate Past President Scott Laurent, is employed by Northway Bank as a Mortgage Processor. Meredith, a native of Belmont, lives in Laconia with her husband, Walter and two children, Emma and Abby.

Welcome to the club, Meredith!

Meredith Horton is all smiles as she receives her "K" pin from Scott Laurent
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Meet our newest member: Meredith Horton and her sponsor, Scott Laurent
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

50 50:
None this evening

Happy Dollars:

$3 from Steve Loughlin: $1 in honor of Meredith Horton joining the Club and $1 each for the participation of Meredith Horton and Kathy Calvin at Saturday’s Turkey Plunge.
$7 from Joe Adrignola: $1 for Meredith Horton joining the Club and $6 because he didn’t waste money on a 50/50 tonight
$2 from Kathy Calvin who went to the sleep out with Key Club and to praise their great advisors
$3 from Betty Ballantyne: $1 for Meredith joining the club, $1 in honor of our guest speaker Robbie, and $1 for Laconia Putnam Program this Friday Evening (Blues Friday)
$1 from Scott Laurent in honor of Meredith’s birthday
$5 from Meredith Horton:  $1 for Scott inviting her to join the Kiwanis Club, $1 to thank everyone for accepting her, $1 for her birthday (this past Sunday) and $2 in memory of her late father
$3 from President Jack: $1 for Scott bringing in new member Meredith Horton, $1 for Meredith joining the Club, and $1 in honor of him celebrating his 19 year wedding anniversary
$4 from Brian Winslow for the flawless Kiwanis installation

Guest Speaker:

Betty Ballantyne introduced Robbie Prescott-Neylon, Librarian at Woodland Heights Elementary School.

Robbie began by thanking the Kiwanis for their KARES program. She then distributed thank you notes from this past Friday's Kiwanis KARES event, which was held at Woodland Heights School. Note: The Key Clubbers who attended tonight’s meeting mentioned that they remember the Kiwanis KARES program when it was then called the RIF (Reading-Is-Fundamental) program.

Robbie is the author of a children’s book titled, “The Real Me.” Robbie noted it was not originally intended to be a published book but, rather, started as a story about Nick (an eight year-old, third grade, special needs child) who was transitioning from Gilford Elementary to a different school.

The book was a class project that all of Nick’s classmates helped with. Robbie wrote the story and the children illustrated it. When Nick left, the class presented the book and did a showcase to say goodbye to him. The project was designed to help a little boy so his classmates could give him a proper farewell.

Nick’s mother suggested that the book be published. Robbie edited and modified the book a little and thought she might publish the story as a tool for other kids. However, Robbie’s life temporarily got in the way (career change, raising six children, etc.). Then, after 16 years, Robbie decided to pick up the project again. With strong encouragement from her husband, Robbie published the book titled, “The Real Me.”

The book is available at local libraries, bookstores and online at Barnes & Noble and at


Robbie Prescott-Neylon and Betty Ballantyne
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:31 p.m.

On Saturday, November 23rd, Kiwanis Club Secretary Kathy Calvin and future Kiwanian Meredith Horton participated in the 9th Annual Salvation Army Turkey Plunge held at Opechee Park on North Main Street in Laconia.  Participating as the Kiwanis Team, they were joined by members of the Laconia High School Key Club and the LHS National Honor Society. Kiwanian Kevin Irish also showed his support for the annual event and participated with the LRGHealthcare Team.

At the time of the plunge, the water temperature was 48 degrees. The air temperature was 36 degrees with a wind chill of 28 degrees.

"Click" on the pictures below to view a larger picture.
Meet the Kiwanis Team: L to R: Aidan Dean (NHS), John Hammond (Key Club Co-President), Brittney Pond (Key Club), Chris Ulrich (Key Club Co-Advisor), Abigail Bennett (NHS), Jessica Carbone (NHS), Rick Crockford (NHS Advisor), Scott Compton (NHS), Tom Turkey, Nicole Bogert (NHS), Danielle Cote (Key Club Co-President),  Lily Chanthasak (Key Club), Carole Davis (Kathy Calvin’s sister-in-law), Meredith Horton (future Kiwanian), and Kathy Calvin (Kiwanis Club Secretary)
With smiles on their faces, the team races to the frigid water.
Kathy encourages Meredith Horton to leave the water.
Kathy poses for the paparazzi.
Kevin Irish (at right) is ready to take the plunge with the LRGHealthcare Team.
Kevin Irish takes a moment to apply sun tan lotion.
Turkey Plunge photos by W. Stephen Loughlin





Saturday - November 30th
Laconia Holiday Parade - Volunteers needed to march with the Kiwanis and Key Club - we meet at 10:30 at Wyatt Park - parade starts at 11:00 am

Monday - December 9th
Club Meeting - Annual Christmas Party and Yankee Swap
Board of Directors Meeting will follow

Monday - December 23rd
Ring Bell for the Salvation Army - Volunteers needed

Monday - January 13th
Club Meeting - OPEN

Board of Directors Meeting will follow

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

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Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: Roger Landry or Steve Loughlin