November 26, 2018 - Vol. 30, No.2



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Venue: Laconia Fire Department Community Room

Attendance: 11 in attendance: 5 members and 6 guests

Invocation: Phil Bonafide

…one nation under God….
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Randy Brough - Director of the Laconia Public Library
Heather Ausevich - Key Club Vice President
Lydia Tucker - Key Club Secretary
Maeghan Ash - Key Club member
Tim Ausevich - Key Club member
Patrick O'Reilly - Key Club member

Randy Brough
Heather Ausevich
Lydia Tucker
Maeghan Ash
Tim Ausevich
Patrick O'Reilly
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin

Bill Gile reminded the group of the following:
• Our annual Christmas Party will be held on Tuesday December 11th at the Shang Hai Chinese restaurant. The meeting will include a Yankee Swap. If you or a guest would like to participate in the Yankee Swap, please bring a wrapped gift with a value not to exceed $15.00.
• The meeting on December 11th will be the last meeting of the year. Beginning in 2019, club meetings will be held on the 4th TUESDAY of the month at the Shang Hai Chinese restaurant.
• The annual Market Basket Food Pantry shopping will take place on Saturday, December 8th at 8:30 am.

Bill also reported the Club received a thank you letter from Central New Hampshire VNA & Hospice for our recent donation.  To read that letter, “click” here.


Betty Ballantyne reported, thanks to the generosity of Chris Irwin, Irwin Motors has agreed that Laconia Kiwanis would be a recipient of the proceeds from the Lincoln Driven to Give Day. Lincoln Driven to Give Day is designed for Lincoln dealerships to partner with local or national community organizations and non-profits. The Laconia Kiwanis Club will receive $20 per test driver for that day.

No date has been set for this annual event but we anticipate it may be sometime this Spring.


Kathy Calvin reminds the members to SAVE THE DATE of Saturday, December 22nd. That is when the Laconia Kiwanis Club is scheduled to ring the bell in downtown Laconia (across from Citizens Bank) for the Salvation Army. In view of our limited number of members, club members are encouraged to invite a guest to ring with them. The guest can be a family member, a former Kiwanis member, a neighbor, or fellow employee.

If you would like to add your name (and the name of a guest) to the list below, please indicate the time preference and “click” here to send an e-mail to our bulletin editor. Your preference will then be updated into the schedule listed below.


09am - 10am:s Betty Ballantyne and _____________
10am - 11am:s Bill Gile and _____________

11am - noon:
s Meredith Michaud and Meredith's kids
xnoon - 1pm:. D. Scott Beane and _______________
.1 pm - 2pm: .Phil Bonafide and Steve Loughlin
.2 pm - 3pm:
______________ and _____________
.3 pm - 4pm:
______________ and _____________
4 pm - 5pm:
.Scott Laurent and Zack and Grace Laurent


FOOD PANTRY: $27 was collected. YTD we have collected $340

HAPPY DOLLARS: $11 was collected

$1 from Phil Bonafide because he was happy to see his grandchildren over Thanksgiving
$1 from Betty Ballantyne because Chris Irwin has agreed to include Kiwanis as recipient in the 2019 Lincoln Driven To Give Day community event
$3 from Steve Loughlin: $1 because Rotarian Randy Brough was our guest tonight, $1 to see Kara Stanley at tonight’s meeting, $1 for the five LHS Key Club members being present
$4 from Bill Gile: $1 for the Key Club being present, $1 for Randy Brough being our guest, $1 for enjoying his family visiting over Thanksgiving and $1 because his niece is now pregnant
$1 from Kara Stanley because her son is enjoying being a member of the Boys & Girls Club
$1 from Randy Brough for being invited to tonight’s meeting


Betty Ballantyne introduced our guest speaker, Randy Brough, the Director of the Laconia Public Library.

Randy grew up in Laconia and graduated from Laconia High School in 1975. He graduated from William & Mary College and received his graduate degree from Louisiana State University. He has been the Director of Laconia Public Library since 2001.

Randy gave a brief history of the library and then talked about programs and services that are currently offered.

For detailed information on the Laconia Public Library, visit their website by "clicking" here.

Randy Brough is congratulated on his enjoyable presentation by Betty Ballantyne.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.




Hoop Helps Hospital:

For several years, Betty Ballantyne has been involved with the LRGHealthcare Red Dress Gala, an annual event that raises money to support cardiac services and technology at LRGHealthcare. This year, thanks to the generosity of Bill Irwin of Irwin Marine, Betty secured a unique gift for the Gala’s silent auction - a 3D map of Lake Winnipesaukee.

For more information on the Red Dress Gala, which will be held on February 8th at Church Landing, “click” here.

L to R: Bill Irwin of Irwin Marine, Betty Ballantyne and Kevin Donovan, President of LRGHealthcare
Photo by Brian Winslow


Giving Back to the Community:

Congratulations to Denoncourt, Waldron & Sullivan, PA for being recognized as a “committed community partner” through their support of the Belknap Economic Development Council. Denoncourt, Waldron & Sullivan, PA recently purchased New Hampshire Tax Credits to support economic development in Belknap County.

Dennis Denoncourt, a partner in the CPA firm Denoncourt, Waldron & Sullivan, PA, has been a member of the Laconia Kiwanis Club since 1981 and was President of the club during the 1985-86 term. Thank you, Dennis Denoncourt and the partners of Denoncourt, Waldron & Sullivan, PA, for giving back to the community.

To read the story that appeared in The Laconia Daily Sun on 11/20/18, “click” here.

Can you find veteran Laconia Kiwanis Club member Dennis Denoncourt in this picture?
Courtesy photo submitted to the Laconia Daily Sun





Click on any picture below to open a larger picture.


Serving at the Pleasant Street School Thanksgiving meal- November 15

L to R: Kylie Bean, Taqwa Abdullah and Jamie Collins
Photo submitted by Karen Abraham


Delivering Lasagna Dinner to the Belknap House - November 14th

To read the story that appeared in The Laconia Daily Sun on 11/15/18, “click” here.

L to R: Lydia Tucker and Katie Allen
Photo submitted by Karen Abraham


Working at the Snack Shack during a Soccer Tournament - October 29th

L to R: Maeghan Ash, Lexus LaDuke, Kenzi Brooker, Ella Muller, Maddie Carignan and Aidan Eldridge
Photo submitted by Karen Abraham


Participating in the Breast Cancer Walk - October 21st

L to R: Sadaqa Abdullah, Angela Robinson, Lydia Tucker, Jenn Bateman, Gabi Djuric,
Gloria Lako, Natalie Johnson, Cameron Whitty, and Hannah Lowell

Photo submitted by Karen Abraham







Monday - December 3rd Venue: Elm Street School - 478 Elm Street, Laconia
12:30 to 1:30 pm - Kiwanis K.A.R.E.S. Volunteers needed to distribute books

Tuesday - December 11th Venue: Shang Hai Chinese Restaurant - private room - 848 North Main Street, Laconia
6:00 pm - Annual Christmas Party and Yankee Swap

Saturday - December 22nd Venue: Downtown Laconia - Intersection of Main Street and Pleasant Street
9:00 am - 5:00 pm - Ring the Bell for the Salvation Army - Please review the sign-up sheet above.

Mon./Tues. - Jan. 14th or 15th - TBA Venue: Laconia Fire Department Community Room - 848 North Main Street, Laconia
6:00 pm - Board of Directors Meeting - all members invited to attend

Tuesday - January 22nd Venue: Shang Hai Chinese Restaurant - private room - 848 North Main Street, Laconia
6:00 pm - Speaker: Andrea Condodemetraky - Topic: Spirit of Hope and Kindness Award

Mon./Tues. - Feb. 11th or 12th - TBA Venue: Laconia Fire Department Community Room - 848 North Main Street, Laconia
6:00 pm - Board of Directors Meeting - all members invited to attend

Tuesday - February 26th Venue: Shang Hai Chinese Restaurant - private room - 848 North Main Street, Laconia
6:00 pm - Speakers: Brian Winslow with Sandy Marshall - Topic: LRGHealthcare

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

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