December 11, 2017 - Vol. 29, No. 4



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families




Venue: Hector’s Restaurant & Lounge

Attendance: 7 members and 1 guest

Invocation: Betty Ballantyne

Guests: Rosemary Murphy- wife of Larry

From the President:
President Bill reported $965 in food was purchased from Market Basket this past Saturday. All-Brite Cleaners will match that purchase.  Bill noted the purchased was funded by monies raised by the Laconia Kiwanis Club over the past year plus monies raised by the LHS Key Club and by an anonymous donor on the check out line.

L to R: Zack Laurent, Scott Laurent, Grace Laurent, Kathy Calvin and Bill Gile
Photo by a Salvation Army bell ringer


Going forward our meeting structure will change. Board meetings will now be on the second Monday of the month (at the Laconia Fire Department meeting room) and regular meetings will be on the fourth Monday of the month (at Hector’s).

The Board meeting, for January 8th, will begin with a brief tour of the fire department starting at 6:00 pm. Our Board meeting will begin at 6:20 pm. All Kiwanis members are invited to attend. No meal will be served.

L to R: The Laconia Fire House is the location of our Board meeting on January 8th. All members are invited to attend. Tour of the facility begins at 6 pm.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

The next regular meeting, which will be on January 22nd at Hectors, will start at 6 pm. Our guest speaker will be Kelsey Nims. Kelsey oversees the Gunstock Ski Program for the children at Pleasant Street School.

From the Members:
Betty Ballantyne reported that she officially retired December 8th after 26 years with Irwins. She appreciated the kind reception and dinner hosted by Peter and Chris Irwin that included her family and many of the employees she worked with at Irwins. Now that she has retired, Betty’s old email at Irwin’s is no longer active. Going forward, all email correspondence should now be addressed to Betty at:

L to R: Peter Irwin, Betty Ballantyne, Chris Irwin
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


We still need volunteers to man the bell-ringing for the Salvation Army on Friday, December 22nd, in downtown Laconia (across from Citizens Bank).

If you would like to add your name to the list, please indicate the time preference and “click” here to send an e-mail to our bulletin editor. Your preference will then be updated into the schedule listed below.


09am - 10am:sKathy Calvin and Joe Adrignola
10am - 11am:s
Kathy Calvin and Warren Mitchell

11am - noon:
sPhil Bonafide and Jackie Bonafide
xnoon - 1pm:. D. Scott Beane and Steve Loughlin

.1 pm - 2pm:
Kathy Calvin and Warren Mitchell
.2 pm - 3pm:
Connor Reid (son of Rob Reid) and his grandfather Niall Trimby
.3 pm - 4pm:
Connor Reid (son of Rob Reid) and his grandfather Niall Trimby
4 pm - 5pm:
Scott Laurent and Kara Murray


$19 was collected

$14 was collected


Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.


Betty Ballantyne draws ticket #1 and opens the first gift
How long will Rosemary get to keep this gift?
Bill Gile gets the oddest gift of the evening. (Compliments of Scott Laurent.)
Steve Loughlin relieves Bill from his misery.
Photo by Phil Bonafide
Scott Laurent is happy...for the moment.
Larry Murphy draws his own gift.
After losing her first gift to popcorn and lottery tickets.....
...Betty Ballantyne gets the last draw and considers Scott's gift.
"I think I'll call a friend."
Betty is happy with the advise she receives from family.
Betty concludes the Yankee Swap with the Captain Morgan.
Meeting adjouned....MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Unless otherwise noted, all Yankee Swap pictures by W. Stephen Loughlin







Retired Kiwanians and Past Presidents, Roger Webster (1992-1993) and Howard Bacon (1956-1957), were recently spotted celebrating the Christmas season at the Taylor Community. Both looked well and give their best regards to fellow club members.

Pat & Roger Webster and Howard Bacon all enjoy a Christmas Party at Taylor Community
Photos by W. Stephen Loughlin










Friday - December 22nd Venue: Downtown Laconia - Intersection of Main Street and Pleasant Street
6:00 pm - Ring the Bell for the Salvation Army - Please review the sign up sheet above.

Monday - January 8th Venue: Laconia Fire Department Community Room - 848 North Main Street, Laconia
6:00 pm - Board of Directors Meeting - all members invited to attend - NO MEAL SERVED
The meeting will begin with a tour of the fire department. Business meeting will start at 6:20 p.m.

Monday - January 22nd Venue: Hector's Restaurant & Lounge - 53 Beacon Street West., Laconia
6:00 pm - Club Meeting - Kelsey Nims
- Gunstock Ski Program

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

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