January 11, 2016 - Vol. 27, No. 6


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Woodside at the Taylor Community

10 members and 2 guests

Phil Bonafide

Nora McNeil - Guest of Kathy Calvin
Sue Janes - Guest of Betty Ballantyne

Nora McNeil
Sue Janes

From The President:
President John briefed the Club that, at last week's Board meeting, a vote was taken to donate $250 to the Belmont-Gilford hockey team. In exchange for the donation, all game-day programs for the remainder of the season will feature a 1/4 page Kiwanis ad.

John also reported that the Board recommended that the Club donate $1,000 to the Laconia High School Key Club in Dick Breton's name. In Dick’s obituary, his family had requested this donation in lieu of flowers. Following Club discussion, the motion passed unanimously.

Tonight's induction of Izzy Brake was postponed until our next meeting, as Izzy was unable to get away from work.

From The Members:
Bill Gile gave a brief run-down on upcoming Key Club events, including a cookie walk in February, and participation in the Hands-Across-the-Table event.

Betty Ballantyne briefed the Club on our participation as challengers of the Laconia Rotary Club in the upcoming January indoor golf event. She also noted we will be receiving a donation in March of several hundred dollars as a result of our sponsorship of Christmas tree sales on Union Avenue in December.

Food Pantry/Free Meal: $55 was raised for the food pantry; Steve Loughlin won the free meal.


None this week

Happy Dollars:

• $1 from Betty Ballantyne for Sue Janes being in attendance
• $2 from Phil Bonafide: $1 for Rob Reid and Scott Laurent not resisting their fines for no Club pins, and $1 for Phil’s 3rd grandchild and 1st grand-daughter being born earlier this month
• $2 from Steve Loughlin: $1 for Sue Janes being willing to help him improve our Club website, and $1 for now being temporarily unemployed (Steve has now retired from Bank of NH)
• $1 from Roger Webster for his first great grandson about to be born this month
• $1 from Sue Janes for being here and on her way in search of a new career
• $2 from John Walker: $1 for each of our guests

Guest Speaker:
Although we had not official guest speaker this evening, Kathy Calvin’s guest, Captain Nora McNeil, gave a brief synopsis on the Salvation Army. She explained the mission of the Salvation Army and how the organization is set up.  The Salvation Army is very active in our community and efforts are underway to grow their church.

Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m.

Thank you, Kiwanis:

The Laconia Kiwanis Club recently donated $2,457 to the Santa Fund of the Greater Lakes Region, an organization that provides winter clothing and boots to local children in need. Monies were raised from the Wine Down for Warmth event held on November 19th at the Beane Conference Center and sponsored by Stafford Oil Company.






Monday - January 25th- Venue: Taylor Community - Woodside For directions, "click" here.
Club Meeting - Guest Speaker: Krista Katz: Development Director, David's House

Monday - February 8th- Venue: Huot Center - Laconia High School
Club Meeting - Guest Speaker: David Warrender - Director of Career & Technical Education

Monday - February 22nd- Venue: Taylor Community - Woodside For directions, "click" here.
Club Meeting -


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Kiwanis Chronicle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: John Walker or Steve Loughlin