News That Concerns Kiwanians
and Their Families |
Venue: Hector’s Restaurant & Lounge
Attendance: 7 members and 5 guests
Invocation: Meredith Michaud
Members Present:
Betty Ballantyne
Bill Gile
Muff Kruse
Steve Loughlin
Meredith Michaud
Kara Stanley
John Walker
Jeannette Gerrier-Cartier - guest speaker
Priscilla Breton - wife of Dick and guest of Betty Ballantyne
Jeannette Gerrier-Cartier |
Priscilla Breton |
Key Club Guests:
Lexys Bladecki
Olivia Conley
Lindsey Drouin
L to R: Lindsey Drouin, Lexys Bladecki, and Olivia Conley
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
From the President:
Bill, again, reviewed the meeting cycles as currently planned. Two meetings per month: the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. The first meeting will be a business meeting, to include a Board meeting, all are invited to attend, and it will be held at Hector's and include a meal. The second meeting is the fourth Monday of each month and will include a program. This meeting will be held in the community room of the Laconia Fire Department due to its suitability for presentations. Occasionally, a meal will be brought in for these meetings from a local restaurant. All meetings will begin at 6:00 pm.
Bill Gile then presented a plaque to Betty Ballentyne as the outgoing Kiwanian of the Year.
Betty Ballantyne, the outgoing Kiwanian of the Year,
is proud to show her plaque.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Bill's final announcement was that the Key Club will be partnering with the Congregational Church in crafting paper cranes to be hung in display at the church's Community Way during Celebrate Laconia's 125th year anniversary celebration this summer. The goal is to have 4,500 cranes displayed.
From the Members:
Meredith Michaud shared some incoming correspondence to include: a thank you note from Central New Hampshire VNA & Hospice, a Christmas card from Melcher & Prescott which included a copy of the press release showing Bill & Meredith at Installation, and a solicitation and update from Camp Mayhew which will be considered at the next Board meeting. To read each correspondence “click” on the names below:
Central New Hampshire VNA & Hospice – Thank you card
Melcher & Prescott – Christmas card
Camp Mayhew – Fall 2017 newsletter
Betty Ballantyne announced that one of the reason's Priscilla Breton was with us tonight was to make a second donation to the Club in Dick's name. This year's donation was for $2,000. Last year's money was used to pay for a Key Club trip to a District Convention to receive leadership training. During her remarks, Betty reviewed how much Kiwanis meant to Dick and how important young people were to him.
L to R: Betty Ballantyne, Priscilla Breton and President Bill Gile
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Food Pantry: $41
$1 from Meredith Michaud for her daughters, Abby and Emma, both playing recreation league basketball and both making the team
$3 from Betty Ballantyne: $1 each for our two special guests Jeannette and Priscilla, and $1 welcoming John & Muff back from Colorado
$2 from John Walker for our two special guests, Jeannette and Priscilla
$1 from Steve Loughlin for the Key Clubbers attending
$2 from Kara Stanley: $1 for being able to watch a lot of youth hockey lately and $1 for Steve's help in getting a new scholarship started in Kara's stepdaughter, Ave Rose
$5 from Bill Gile for each of our five guests attending tonight
Guest Speaker:
Betty introduced our guest speaker Jeannette Gerrier-Cartier, Woodland Heights PTO President.
Jeannette familiarized the Club with the Woodland Heights Gunstock Outreach Ski program. The program has been in existence for two years now and has gone from 12 students to 18 in its second year. Jeannette reported that the participating kids love the program but it is a bit costly. The greatest needs of the program are assistance with transportation costs and a uniform bib so the children can be identified by the chaperones.
Betty Ballantyne takes a moment to thank Jeannette Gerrier-Cartier for her presentation.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.x
Monday -
February 12th Venue: Hector's Restaurant & Lounge - 53 Beacon Street West., Laconia
6:00 pm - Board of Directors Meeting - all members invited to attend
Monday -
February 26th Venue: Laconia Fire Department Community Room - 848 North Main Street, Laconia
6:00 pm - Club Meeting - Dave Levesque, Pleasant Street School Principal will discuss the PAWS program A MEAL WILL BE SERVED!
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