January 27, 2014 - Vol. 25, No. 7


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Venue: Huot Technical Center at Laconia High School

Attendance: 31
12 members, 3 guests, 16 Key Clubbers to include advisors

Meredith Horton

...one nation under God...
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

Jim McCullum- guest speaker
Bill Gile -guest of John Walker

Vi Adrignola - guest of Joe

Jim McCullum
Bill Gile
Vi Adrignola


News From The President:
President Jack first complimented and thanked the Key Club for a great meal of chicken with orange slices on rice, preceded by a tray of mixed cheeses and crackers.

A card was passed around by Jack for members to sign for Ed Merski.

"Click" on the card to read the personal messages to Ed.
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

Jack announced Kiwanis will have a table set up at the Belknap Mill from 3-7 PM on Wednesday, February 19th in partnership with
Fusion first known as Lakes Region Young Professionals and formerly a committee of the Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce. A sign-up sheet will be circulated next meeting for commitments by members.

President Jack discuses the upcoming Fusion non-profit fair.
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

Jack announced that Meredith Horton is the new chair of the Bike Rodeo
-Safety Day to be held in May; Scott Laurent will chair the HR Derby; and Brian Winslow will chair the bike week concession effort. It is hoped the Home Run Derby will be in partnership with the Muskrats NECBL team preceding a game, and held at Robbie Mills Stadium.

News From The Members:
Joe gave a briefing on how Ed Merski is doing. He and Vi stopped by this weekend and strongly encouraged others of us to do so and take our spouses as well. Ed’s condition is improving.

Meredith briefed the club on the group Fusion, describing it as a non-profit that is really a networking club from around the state.

During John’s Happy Dollar presentation, he shared news that is best presented in this section of the Notes. Key Club co-president John Hammond has the distinction of being accepted by the Coast Guard Academy, Senator Shaheen’s nomination to the Naval Academy, and Congresswoman Shea-Porter’s nomination to both the Naval and Air Force Academies. One other Key Club senior, Brady Caldwell has been accepted to St. John’s University in New York.

50 50:
$16 - won under highly suspect and mysterious circumstances by John Walker.

John Walker is our happy winner.
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

Happy Dollars:

$1 from Bonnie for the great Key Club support this evening
$1 from Joe for wife Vi joining us
$3 from John Walker: $1 for having the Key Club join us tonight, $1 for whipping Joe in the 50-50, unfair and square, and $1 for John Hammond’s incredible accomplishments regarding his service academy nominations
$1 from Meredith Horton for Kiwanis’ participation in the Fusion event
$1 from Jeff Beane for being invited to a Denver Broncos Super Bowl party in NY
$4 from from Betty Ballantyne: $1 in celebration of this Fridays Putnam Series event “British Invasion” at LHS, $1 for Jim McCullom being our guest speaker, $1 for the Key Club feeding us this evening, $1 for another “drive for your school” event May 22
$2 from Chris Ulrich: $1 to thank the Key Club for showing up in great numbers this evening, and $1 for some of those who did show up, just 5 hours after taking final an AP course final exam,
$1 from Joe Adrignola donating John’s dollar back to the club


Guest Speaker:

Betty Ballantyne introduced our guest speaker, Jim McCollum, the Principal of Laconia High School since 2012. Prior to that he was the Principal of the Laconia Middle School (2005 to 2002), the Principal of Newfound Middle School (2003 to 2005) and the Asst. Principal of Laconia High School (2000 to 2003).

The focus of Jim’s presentation was on the continued improvements to the LHS program including data on attendance, student discipline and academic opportunities. He then fielded and answered questions including what Steve characterized as a “politically incorrect” question. Following are some of the highlights from Jim’s presentation:
• Kids are told Day 1 that the forthcoming changes will better prepare them for college or career
• Since taking over as principal for the 2012-2013 school year, there has been a 58% increase in the numbers of Honors courses being offered
• There are now 8 AP courses offered. On a 4-point grading scale, AP courses are weighted at 5, if the final exam is passed at a high enough grade, they qualify for college credit
• Toughest colleges to get in to nationally now require a higher than a 4.0 GPA
• Project Running Start is up and running (groan). These are college curriculum courses written by college teachers, not HS teachers. Passing is worth college credit. Currently 60 LHS students participate, the number will hit 100 next semester
• 62 freshmen are enrolled in honors courses, the word is getting out
• 37% of all 616 LHS students are enrolled in at least 1 honors course
• The “What Is Right For Me” program starts Freshman year and follows the kids throughout HS. It shows them if they are on track to meet their goals, and if not, helps them attain goal.
• LHS rated #3 of 27 Conference schools in sportsmanship. Field Hockey is rated #1 of 27.
• #1 school problem is attendance, truancy is way down, but excused absence is up. Attendance is averaging 95% per month despite this.
• More kids are taking the PSAT, currently, 101 of the 178 eligible. If it is a money issue, LHS finds the money. Jim wants the numbers here higher.
Steve’s question concerned the Key Club use of the concession stand at football games, and Jim admitted he was never involved in any of the decision-making, following the direction of then- Superintendent Champlin, who was more interested in Jim focusing on his high school. He was empathetic, and regretted the split in the community that has resulted.

L to R: Betty Ballantyne, LHS Principal Jim McCollum, Key Club Co-Advisor Chris Ulrich
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin


Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m.




Club Meeting - Speaker: Andrea Condodemetraky, Recipient of the Bienarz Award

Wednesday - February 19th
Club members needed to participate in community event called inspired presented by Fusion at the Belknap Mill 3:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Monday - February 24th WE MEET AT ONE MILL PLAZA
Club Meeting - OPEN

Club Meeting - Guest Speaker: Brian Cash man - NCIS
Board of Directors Meeting will follow

Monday - March 24th
Club Meeting - OPEN

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

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Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: Roger Landry or Steve Loughlin