
February 1, 2010 - Vol.21, No. 18


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Dick Breton


Senior Members:
Paul Normandin and Ed Merski

Dick Breton - Honorary Member
Chuck Leonard - guest of Mike Marsh

Dick Breton
Chuck Leonard

Fundraising Part 1:
V.P. Mike asked the club to support the fundraising committee's idea of raffling two scooters from Laconia Bike Works.  The committee intends to attend four venues: NH Camping & RV Show in Milford, Autorama World of Wheels in MA, 20th Annual Vintage Racing Celeb in Loudon and, of course, Bike Week.  The club unanimously voted to support the effort including giving time to attend these venues to sell raffle tickets. Good Job, Mike.

Mike Marsh uses four hands to explain the proposed fund raiser.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Fundraising Part 2:
Immediate Past President Brian reported on the efforts at The Lodge at Belmont.  After five days at The Lodge, we have raised over $7,000.  We will know the final amount raised after we finish the ten day stint.

Many thanks to those Kiwanis members who assisted the club by working the dates noted below:

January 17: Brian Winslow
January 20: Cathy and Tom Knox
January 22: Brian Winslow
January 23: Brian Winslow
January 24: Brian Winslow

January 27: Cathy and Tom Knox

January 29: Brian Winslow
January 30: Brian Winslow
January 31: Brian Winslow
February 3: Cathy and Tom Knox


Kiwanis KARES:
Secretary Kathy reports that the next Kiwanis KARES will be at Pleasant Street School on Thursday. In March, we will be at Woodland Heights School for Dr. Seuss's Birthday.

Secretary Kathy let the club know we had received a thank you note from Betsy Weller for the gift the club gave her.

Betsy Weller .......
2009 File Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

News from Honorary Member Dick:
Dick Breton gave us an update on past members:
- Leo Sasserville is doing much better now that he is on a memory enhancing medication.
- Norm Foster is now head chef at a hotel in Summerfield Florida.
- Marty Hirschberg is having health problems and now resides in a care facility, unfortunately his wife, Lillian, recently had a stroke. Marty was president of the club from 1999 to 2000.

Marty Hirschberg
2001 File Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Dick Breton also pointed out a picture of Kiwanis member Charlie St. Clair in Bike World magazine and, even using a magnifying glass, Dick can't find a Kiwanis Pin!

Dick has the goods on Charlie.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

No Kiwanis pin in this picture.

Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

50 50:
$18.00 in the pot and the winner is...
.....................................................Mike Marsh.

Mike Marsh shows off his once-a-year 50 50 winnings.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin


Joe Adrignola loses two weeks in a row.

Appearing as a good sport, Joe secretly plots his revenge.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Free Meal:
Winner: Dick Metz

Food Pantry:
A total of $30 was collected.

Happy Dollars:

Three Happy Dollars was collected:

$1 from Mike Marsh for winning the 50 50.
$1 from Mike Marsh because his friend, Chuck, attended this evening's meeting.
$1 From Dick Metz for the winter Softball Tourney he attended. His son Mike's team (Extreme Auto Care) won.

None tonight.

In two weeks...
We will be meet on Tuesday, February 16th and not on the 15th because of the Presidents Day holiday. Please make note of the schedule change.

Board Meeting Minutes:
Kathy Calvin read the minutes of the last Board of Directors meeting which was held on January 4, 2010. The following are the highlights:

The minutes from the previous month's meeting were approved.

The club approved the general fund and the charity fund as read.

A motion was made to reimburse Steve Loughlin $259.00 for two years of internet expenses, seconded and unanimously approved.

A motion was made to pay the PO Box rent of $88.00 and to purchase stamps at $44.00, seconded and unanimously approved.

A motion was made to donate $100.00 to KFNE for the annual club gift, seconded and unanimously approved.

A motion was made to pay up to $100.00 for gift certificates for Jim Contigiani and Betsy Weller, seconded and unanimously approved.

A motion was made to accept the resignation of Lori Dickson, seconded and unanimously approved.

A motion was made to suspend Ron Penn's membership and classify him as a member not in good standing, seconded and unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.


Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:19 p.m.


For Joe Adrignola, it's all about food as demonstrated in The Laconia Daily Sun on 2/1/10:

Thanks to Roger and Pam Landry for the picture.

Upcoming Schedule:


Monday, February 8th
Warren Hutchins will discuss the food industry - guest of Carroll Stafford

Tuesday, February 16th
State Fire Marshall John Southwell with his fire dog- guest of Roger Landry

Monday, February 22nd
Alan MacRae, freelance photojournalist
- guest of Steve Loughlin


Monday, March 1st
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money co

Monday, March 8th
Mark Lavalle from the Spaulding Youth Center - guest of Steve Loughlin

Monday, March 15th
Olie Anderson - You Make The Call (high school basketball refereeing) - guest of Steve Loughlin

Monday, March 22nd
Noah Crane, owner and General Manager of the Laconia Muskrats
- guest of Steve Loughlin

Monday, March 29th

Monday, April 5th
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collected

Monday, April 12th
Lisa Foley from the Maheau Program

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Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin




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