February 10, 2014 - Vol. 25, No. 8


News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


Venue: Huot Technical Center at Laconia High School

Attendance: 31
13 members, 5 guests, 13 Key Clubbers to include advisors

Dennis Denoncourt

Meet our Hosts:

Front Row (center): Lily Chanthasak, Nikki Fain, Isabelle Mitchell
Second Row: Emille Maddocks (VP), Panthavy Pradachith, Bonnie Ashworth (Co-Advisor), Garrett Guilmett, Rebecca Sirois,
Chris Ulrick (Co-Adviser), Danielle Cote (Co-President), Brady Caldwell, Britany Pond, and Lejla Alicr

hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin

Andrea Condodemetraky - guest speaker
Janet Brough - guest speaker
Kim Lacasse - guest speaker
Bill Gile -guest of John Walker

Shelly Batchelder - first Lady

Andrea Condodemetraky
Janet Brough
Kim Lacasse
Bill Gile
Shelly Batchelder

News From The President:
Casino licensing agreement runs from March 12 – 21

Reminder, the Club will be participating in the Fusion Non-Profit Fair which will be held at the Belknap Mill on Wednesday 2/19/14. A sign-up sheet was passed out and the following have volunteered to participate:

2:30 - 3:30: Larry Murphy and ___________
3:30 - 4:30: Phil Bonafide and John Walker

4:30 - 5:30:
Betty Ballantyne and John Walker
5:30 - 6:30: Scott Laurent and Steve Loughlin
6:30 - 7:00
: Jeff Beane and Bill Gile

For more information on the inspired by fusion showcase, “click” here. For more information on fusion, “click” here.

News From The Members:
Betty Ballantyne gave a briefing on how Ed Merski is doing. He and Vi stopped by this weekend and strongly encouraged others of us to do so and take our spouses as well. Ed’s condition is improving.

Steve Loughlin showed a hat purchased by Kiwanis members in the past and canvassed the club as to interest in purchasing one for $9.50. He is working with Piche’s and will try to get it modified to have the formal Kiwanis “K” on the front.

Kathy Calvin reported today was a successful Kiwanis KARES day at Elm Street School.

50 50:
None this week

Happy Dollars:

$5 from John Walker: $1 for Bill Gile being a guest again this evening, $1 for the great Alfredo sauce prepared by Danielle Cote’s mother, $1 for Garrett Guilmett being accepted to South Dakota School of Mines, $1 for the Key Club hosting us, and $1 for training the 12th Got Lunch! program this afternoon (Thornton being the 18th town to have a program)
$1 from Steve Loughlin for Jack Batchelder bowling a perfect game
$5 from Joe Adrignola: $2 for having our meeting at the Huot Center with the Key Club and $3 for the three week vacation he begins next week $1 from Meredith Horton for the beginning of Kiwanis Twitter classes she will be teaching members
$1 from Jack Batchelder: $1 for the bowling challenge between teachers and students, $1 for the LHS bowling team coming in 2nd at a recent tournament, $1 for his recent perfect game, and $1 acknowledging that 11 years ago this month he had critical brain surgery to stop the seizures he had been having while growing up.
$5 from Betty Ballantyne: $3 for the three guest speakers in attendance and $2 for a great visit with Ed Merski who continues to improve


Guest Speakers:

Betty Ballantyne introduced Andrea Condodemetraky, the first of our three guests. Andrea is the recent winner of the Bienarz Award. For more details on Andrea and the Bienarz Award “click” here.

Andrea explained that the bulk of her work was in the establishment of a Care Closet at the Laconia Middle School.  Andrea shared she was compelled to do something for all the children she knew could never afford to even buy the bare essentials in school supplies to say nothing of clothing.  She engaged the school nurse about the issue and then became an “extreme couponer,” using that to purchase, primarily at Walgreen’s, school supplies and toiletries to supply the Care Closet.  Once established, the Care Closet has as many as 1,000 visits by school children per year.  The most gratifying thing she has witnessed is kids helping kids.


Janet Brough and Kim Lacasse, fellow Santa Fund Board members with Andrea, briefed the board on the Santa Fund. Their biggest challenge is fund-raising. Their 12-member Board partners with the Salvation Army (toys) and St. Vincent de Paul (clothing) as a reciprocal referral agency. The Santa Fund provides outerwear to include boots. They also support enrichment activities such as dance, sports and camps. Last year they funded 36 camp scholarships. Another partner, Foley Oil, lends support to families with sick children who need help with heating oil. Additionally, money is given to the LR Scholarship Foundation for 5 - $500 scholarships. Their goal is to provide needy children the support they need to grow into contributing adults.

In 2013, they served/supported 500 children, primarily in Laconia, Belmont and Gilford. Their major donor is the WLNH Children’s Auction currently and they are trying to come up with other good fund-raising options.



L to R: Kim Lacasse, Betty Ballantyne, Janet Brough, and Andrea Condodemetraky
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin


Tonight's meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m.

Learning To Tweet from Meredith:

John Walker finds learning to Tweet is a painful experience.
hoto by W. Stephen Loughlin


Jack Batchelder Strikes Again…and again….and again....

On Sunday night, February 9th, President Jack bowled his first ever perfect game at Funspot.
To view Jack’s cool, calm, and collected style after achieving his outstanding performance, “click” here.
To view his score card which reflects his (and Shelley’s) final game in the three game series, “click” here.


Around the Town:
Kevin Irish was one of the prominent people at the 10th Annual Red Dress Gala held at Church Landing in Meredith on February 7th. The event, which is sponsored by LRGHealthcare, is meant to raise awareness of women and heart disease. Over the years, the gala has raised nearly $500,000 to support cardiac services at LRGHHealthcare.

Kevin Irish and his friend, Angela, at the Red Dress Gala
Photo by New Hampshire Photo Fun Booth

In The News:
Laconia Kiwanis and Laconia Key Club were in The Laconia Daily Sun February 7th. To read the story, "click" here.





Wednesday - February 19th
Club members needed to participate in community event called inspired presented by Fusion at the Belknap Mill 3:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Monday - February 24th WE MEET AT ONE MILL PLAZA
Club Meeting - former Mayor Mike Seymour

Club Meeting - Guest Speaker: Brian Cashman - NCIS
Board of Directors Meeting will follow

Monday - March 24th
Club Meeting - OPEN

If you are not on the Kiwanis Bulletin e-mail list (and would like to be) please give Steve Loughlin your e-mail address. Also, if you are reading this bulletin and are not presently on the mailing list (and would like to be), “click” here.

"Click" here to get back to the top of the page.


Kiwanis Kronikle is publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, P.O. Box 757, Laconia, NH 03247-0757.
We meet the second and fourth Monday at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Road, Gilford
Please call your President or Secretary about any member or family member in case of illness. Email: Roger Landry or Steve Loughlin