February 17, 2009 - Vol.20, No. 20
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Lt. Governor Joe CollieSenior Members:
Ed Merski, Roger Webster, and Paul NormandinGuests:
Erica Cross, Key Club President
Amanda Bridge, Key Club
Ashley Witham, Key Club
Seth Levitt-Carlson, Key Club Advisor
Ivy Levitt-Carlson, Key Club Advisor
Erica Cross Amanda Bridge Ashley Witham Seth Levitt-Carlson Ivy Levitt-Carlson
Key Club Update:
Seth Levitt-Carlson reported that the Key Club has received a $6,000 grant and with other various fundraisers they have reached about $16,000 to this point. Last Friday with their South African dinner and movie night they raised about $1,000. In addition to the dinner sales, they had 19 items for auction donated by area businesses. At Patrick's about three weeks ago they raised $1,200 as the restaurant donated ½ of the proceeds from one of their dinner nights. As for the grant, the state of NH offers ELO credits. These are given toward education experiences in real life and not necessarily through the classroom. The South Africa trip counts as an ELO, which is an Extended Learning Opportunity. The ELO program pays for transportation to and from ELO's. Given the distance and the cost of the trip, the Key Club qualified for a little more than a regular ELO grant would be. Seth Levitt-Carlson said the $6,000 will go along way.
Helping the Key Club:
As we saw a few weeks ago, the Key Club is planning a trip to South Africa this summer and has undertaken a fund raising campaign to raise the money necessary to make the trip. To that end, the board voted to donate $1,000 to the Key Club. Several Key Club members and the advisors were here for the check presentation.
Front Row: Holding the check are L to R: Ashley Witham and Amanda Bridge.
Back Row: L to R: Erica Cross, Brian Winslow, Ivy Levitt-Carlson, and Seth Levitt-Carlson.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
NoneHappy Dollars:
NoneGuest Speaker:
Charlie Mallar from the Mt. Washington Valley Club was our guest speaker. Charlie is the New England District Chair of the Key Leader program. He spoke to the Key Clubbers about Key Leader and showed a brief promotional video about the program. He was bitten by the famous power point plague of Laconia Kiwanis and had to show the video on Joe Collie's laptop.
A little about Key Leader:-*Key Leader is designed for multiple students from the same school-those who are already student leaders and those with leadership potential.
*Key Leader is designed to begin a process of personal leadership growth and development as opposed to being a weekend event that is forgotten weeks or months later. It will be a life-changing experience.
*Key Leader is designed to open doors to leaders as young as recent eighth grade graduates. Leadership development shouldn't wait.
*Key Leader is designed to teach what it means to be a youth leader in three different communities: the local community; the state or national community; and the global community.
Some of the learning objectives of the Key Leader program are to make sure that at the end of the program each student excels in the following areas:
Explain what Service Leadership is to your friends and family
Identify personal and organizational behaviors of leaders who practice Service Leadership
Explain what a Key Leader is to other
Explain what your personal values are to friends and family
Identify personal and organizational leadership skills you need to improve
Identify examples of personal integrity, and learn how to correct mistakes when you have an integrity ga
Listen better than you did before with friends, peers, and adults
Discuss what you need to know to take a good risk and avoid taking a bad one
Analyze how you value people as you develop friendships and organizational relationships
Work to turn failures into positive experiences
Identify your personality styles so you can be more effective as a Key Leader
Model concepts of respect through your personal behavior and organizational leadership
Identify elements of decision-making and use good judgment
Explain several definitions and identify components of community to others
Evaluate your communities using Service Leadership as a way to make a difference for and with others
Explain what excellence means for you and identify it in others
Set measurable, SMART goals that help you grow and take action
Take what you learned when it comes to values, personal growth and organizational development and build a personal action plan
For more information on Key Leader, visit the website
www.key-leader.org. There are 4 Key Leader sessions in New England each year. The next one is scheduled for the first weekend in March at Camp Sunshine in Maine. There is one on Cape Cod in May and the Laconia High School Key Club is considering sending some Key Clubbers to that event.
Powerpoint Challenged: These two need a "technological stimulus" package.
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinAll smiles: Joe Collie and Charlie Mallar.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Upcoming Schedule:
Monday, February 23rd
Maria Street, Executive Director, Ozanam Place, guest of Joe CollieMonday, March 2nd
Boards Meet and Food Pantry money collectedMonday, March 9th
We meet and eat at Lou Ricciardiello's greenhouse in GilfordMonday, March 16th
OPENMonday, March 23rd
Jane Bergeron, Organ Donor Program guest of Roger Landry
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Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinCLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS
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