February 20, 2007 - Vol.18, No. 21
News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families
Steve Loughlin998, JunK
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Senior Members:
Ed Merski, Peter Karagianis, and Warren MitchellGuests:
Pam Landry with Roger
Lt. Gov. Bill Smith
Richard Wood, RN
Roger and Pam Landry
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Win A Classic!
The Motorcycle Raffle makes a couple road trips in March. Please check your availability and sign up to sell tickets if you are able to. We will be on the road the first 2 weekends in March. Show dates and times are as follows:
Friday, March 2-Sunday, March 4
Steeplegate Mall, Concord
Steeplegate Mall Boat Show
Friday, March 2
9am-1pm Warren Mitchell and Paul Cotton
1pm-5pm ________________________
5:30pm-9pm Kathy Calvin, ____________
Saturday, March 3
9am-1pm Steve Loughlin, _____________
1pm-5pm Don and Sue Nelson
5pm-9pm Kathy Calvin, ____________
Sunday, March 4
10am-2pm Roger and Pam Landry
2pm-6pm Paul Cotton
Friday, March 9-Sunday, March 11
Manchester Armory
Granite State Boat Show
Friday, March 9
Noon-5pm Paul Cotton, ____________
5pm-8pm Joe Collie, ____________
Saturday, March 10
10am-3pm ___________, ____________
3pm-8pm ___________, ____________
Sunday, March 11
10am-2pm Kathy Calvin, __________
2pm-5pm Kathy Calvin, Paul Cotton
Sign up sheets will be circulated again next week. Please check your schedules and thanks again for pitching in when you can.
Hey Kiwanis...THANKS!
The club received a thank you from the Salvation Army for our bell ringing efforts at Christmas. We raised $612.93 for the Kettle Drive when we rang the bell on Saturday, December 23rd. That may be a little less than "the competition", but keep in mind for the first half of our scheduled day it rained like crazy and nobody was out. Well done!Thanks, Joe!
This was the last meeting of the winter at our home away from home. The club gave Joe Adrignola a round of applause for letting us use the facility. The real reward came later when he won the 50/50! Next week, we will meet at the Belknap Mill and the following week we will be back inside the friendly confines of Pheasant Ridge.Speak Up!
Roger Landry informed the club that the next available date for a guest speaker is Monday, March 26th.It's official!
Dick Metz read Lori Dickson the Objects of Kiwanis, including some "Dickisms", and presented her with her member pin. Dick noted that he has known Lori since --quote-- she could fit in her confirmation dress. Lori noted that she has known Dick since he --quote-- had hair. Something tells this writer she is going to fit right in with this crowd. Welcome aboard, Lori!
Offical New Member: Lori Dickson
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin
Lori Dickson said "I knew him when he had hair." Now...he does....and it's Lori's.
Photo and grapics by W. Stephen LoughlinOther quotes...
"I didn't sing for the nuns...I'm not gong to sing for you guys."
Phil Bonafide on his refusal to sing God Bless America
"Didn't you try the brownies?"
Joe Collie in response to "how to kill your club."
"You mean like you guys did for me?"
Dick Metz on being asked to install Lori Dickson.
Funny because we never did do it for him.
"Please Step OFF the Scale..."
The TeleHealth Machine to Dianne Roberts
Richard Wood hopes Dianne doesn't "tip the scales" too much.
Photo and grapics by W. Stephen LoughlinReading is FUNdamental
Sec'y Kathy Calvin informed the club that the Woodland Heights RIF is scheduled for Monday, March 12th from 9:15 through 10:45. We could use a few members for this as some of the regulars are not available that day. Please check your schedules. A sign up sheet will be circulated at our next meeting.Laugh It Up (like Dianne)...
The LHS Band Boosters Night of Comedy is coming back on March 30, 2007. The club has supported this event for many years now. Three Boston Area comedians will be featured this year and tickets are on sale now. Kathy Calvin has some if you are interested. Make checks payable to LHS Boosters and if you would like to purchase tickets, e-mail Kathy today at kgc@mlolaw.com Specific Information for the event is as follows:
What: A Night of Comedy
Where: LHS Auditorium
When: March 30, 2007, 7:30pm
Why: Proceeds benefit the LHS Band Booster Club
How much? Tickets are $7.
Lt. Gov. Bill Smith
Bill Smith spoke to the club for a few minutes about a number of things going on at the district level and with Kiwanis International. Some of his points:
*The Mid-Winter Conference is scheduled for March 2-4 at Mansfield, Mass.
*The Division 6 Caucus will be in Wolfeboro on March 31st from 10-2.
*He stressed the importance of seeing first hand KPTI in Boston
*The Kiwanis International Convention is scheduled for San Antonio July 3-7
*There is a focus of other clubs on kids having fun outdoors...
*Smith is a member of the Exeter Club. President Joe Collie will be attending the Division 6 caucus in Wolfeboro on March 31st. Anyone interested in going, please let him know.
Joe Adrignola and Jim Fortier, $16
Joe enjoys his last week with "home court advantage."
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinHappy Dollars:
Joe Adrignola gave one for winning and so did Jim Fortier. Phil Bonafide gave one because his wife said he had to. Seems the Bonafides have another daughter-in-law joining the family soon! In all, $3 was collected from this happy group.Fines:
NoneGuest Speaker:
Richard Wood, RN, spoke to the club about Community Health and Hospice's TeleHealth program. Wood has been with CH&H for 12 years. The TeleHealth program allows for the practice of health over phone lines as patients can record their vital signs, weight, and salt intake electronically and the information can be forwarded to CH&H's offices with no need of a house visit unless the information exceeds set parameters for each patient. The technology has helped keep one man out of the hospital twice by catching trouble spots in in his health that CH&H was able to thwart off before hospitalization was needed. The information is processed and transmitted by satellite and ties up one's phone line for 10-30 seconds each time it is used. They received 15 machines last May 1st and since then have been able to use the technology on 74 patients. TeleHealth allows for patients to be monitored 7 days a week and allows home visits to be made only when necessary, as stated earlier. Each machine costs about $7,500. More information is available online at www.chhnh.org or by contacting Richard Wood, RN at Community Health and Hospice at 524-8444.
"I listen to you every morning..."
President Joe meets 1 of his 4 morning listeners."
Photo by W. Stephen LoughlinSchedule Reminder:
Next Monday....February 26th... we meet at The Belknap Mill.
Photo and Graphics by W. Stephen Loughlin
Monday, February 26, 2007
The club meets at The Belknap Mill, adjacent to One Mill Plaza.Monday, March 5, 2007
We are back at Pheasant Ridge Country Club. Boards meet. NISE collected."Click" here to get back to the top of page.
Joe Collie
Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve LoughlinBack Issues - Membership - Bylaws - Club Brochure - Raffle Schedule
CLICK LINKS BELOW TO VISIT OUR FINE PATRONS In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Cadillac