March 5, 2007 - Vol.18, No. 23

 News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families


We're back at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club.

Roger Landry struggled through it.998, JunK
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Senior Members:
Ed Merski, Peter Karagianis, Warren Mitchell, and Paul Normandin

Win A Classic!
The Motorcycle Road show was at the Steeplegate Mall in Concord this past weekend. Figures were off last year, but we didn't sell Friday because of the big snowstorm, which limited us to 2 days of selling instead of 3. Thanks to Kathy Calvin, Steve Loughlin, Phil Bonafide, Don and Sue Nelson, Roger and Pam Landry, Paul Cotton, and Warren Mitchell.

Phil solicits a future client.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

"Win A Classic?" Phil, the bike, and Don. That's 3 Classics.
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

The bike is back out on the road this weekend at the Manchester Armory for the Granite State Boat Show. The schedule, at press time, is as follows:

Friday, March 9-Sunday, March 11
Manchester Armory
Granite State Boat Show

Friday, March 9
Noon-5pm Paul Cotton, ____________
5pm-8pm Joe Collie, ____________

Saturday, March 10
10am-3pm Larry and Rosemary Murphy
3pm-8pm Roger and Pam Landry

Sunday, March 11
10am-2pm Kathy Calvin, __________
2pm-5pm Kathy Calvin, Paul Cotton

PLEASE NOTE: We are in need to someone to fill the open slots on Friday and Sunday. Please check your schedules and please let Paul Cotton know if you're available. Call him at 524-2883 or e-mail him at Thanks in advance!

Something rotten in the state of...Gilford.
Kathy Calvin reports that this past weekend she received a call from Lou Ricciardello informing her that he had bloomed another corpse flower. She went over and Saw Tilly VI on Sunday morning. Apparently, it had already started to wilt and the "stink" was not so strong. Lou claims to have no other corpse flowers in the least right now anyway. The recent bloom makes SIX since Tilly I back in August...only 8 months ago!

Back From Florida...

Laura Brusseau reports that the Key Club had a great time at Alternative Spring Break for Habitat for Humanity last week. The club will be at a future meeting to show pictures and a slide show of their experience. Please attend that meeting, if possible, as it should be a great treat to see these pictures and hear these stories from the Key Club. The tentative date is either March 19th or April 2nd. Confirmation next week.



Reading is FUNdamental
Kathy Calvin reports that the next RIF reading is next Monday, March 12th at Woodland Heights Elementary in Laconia from 9:15-11:15. Anyone interested in attending, please do. A sign up sheet was circulated, but at press time, only 2 names were on it and Kathy could use the help. Please check your schedules and attend, if possible, next Monday. Thanks!

Spaceshot Update (by W. Stephen Loughlin)
Steve Loughlin gave the club an upbeat report on Roger Ballantyne. He promised a more detailed report in the bulletin...and here it is...

On Sunday, March 4th, the writer spoke to Betty Ballantyne regarding Roger’s condition. Betty reported the following:

Last week Roger made three trips to Boston’s Beth Israel Hospital as the doctors “did another MRI (Roger’s 12th since last May), another CT scan, and the mapping for the cyberknife.” Wednesday (February 28th) was the last trip. That was for a two-hour cyberknife treatment. Betty reported Roger did “very very well.” She noted, “the cyberknife treatment, according to his doctor, will make it (the cancer) disappear or it will kill it. The other tumor (the first brain tumor that was treated last year) was larger. This one (the second brain tumor) was much smaller and (the doctors) caught it quickly and the cyberknife radiation will really do the job. They’re really confident about that.” It is Betty’s understanding that the cyberknife treatment has concluded.

Betty reported, the interluken2 treatment cannot be rescheduled until the doctors are confident there is no weakness in Roger’s brain. So, until the Interluken2 treatment can begin, the goal of the doctors is to slow down the growth of the tumors in his chest and a very small tumor they recently found in his spine. Toward that end, Roger is scheduled to visit the hospital again in two weeks (March 19th). At that time he will be starting in on a new drug called sutent. That drug was approved by the FDA in January 2006. Betty reports that the sutent drug starves the tumors. That means, it doesn’t allow the blood supply to feed the tumors. Once Roger’s head is healed, Roger will be rescheduled for the Interluken 2 treatment.

She went on to explain that the interluken2 treatment builds a person’s immune system, which helps the body fight the cancer. She noted, “all our bodies produce it, but Roger is not producing enough.” Betty enthusiastically reported, “Roger’s been a great healer. He heals quickly. He heals better than most. I really believe with the Interluken2, giving him what he needs to help fight it systemically, can get him where we need to have him. That’s the game plan.”

Betty reported that Roger is getting stronger, he is eating again as his appetite has improved. I know that we will all continue to keep him in our thoughts and prayers.


Roger Landry and Warren Mitchell split $12.

Warren and Roger split the winnings
Photo by W. Stephen Loughlin

Free Meal:
Jim Fortier

Happy Dollars:
Roger Landry and Warren Mitchell each for winning. Phil Bonafide gave a buck because his son has bought a house earlier in the day. A total of $3 was collected from this happy group.

February Board Meeting:
\ Sec'y Kathy read the minutes from the board meetings last month. The minutes were approved as read. Some of the highlights included:
***Lori Dickson, Phil Bedard, and Betty Trotter were approved for membership.
***$2,500 was approved to be donated to the Key Club for the ASB Habitat for Humanity trip
***The general fund and charity fund were both approved as presented by Joe Adrignola
***$63.54 was approved for purchase of a camera and film for the Children's Christmas Party
***$250 was approved for donation to Laconia Little League
***A donation was approved for the Belmont Cub Scouts, Troop 65
***Dental bills for Dr. Eckels and Dr. Finn were approved and paid
***Purchase of Kiwanis pens to present to speakers was approved
Meeting adjourned at 7:47pm. The minutes were accepted as read by general membership.


March 12th
Rolanda Jakis speaks on acupuncture.

March 19th
Key Club...maybe. Confirmation next week.

March 26th
Memory Project. We'll meet at One Mill Plaza

April 2nd
Boards meet. NISE collected.

April 9th
New Hampshire Catholic Charities

April 16th
Belmont Cub Scouts, Troop 65


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Joe Collie

Kiwanis Kronikle is a weekly publication of the Kiwanis Club of Laconia, N.H., P.O. Box 757, Laconia, N.H. 03247-0757. We meet Mondays at 6:15 p.m. at the Pheasant Ridge Country Club, Country Club Rd., Gilford, N.H. Please call your President or Secretary about any Member or family member in case of illness. Email: Joe Collie or Steve Loughlin

Back Issues - Membership - Bylaws - Club Brochure - Raffle Schedule



In Memory of Max Chertok, Charter Member - Normandin, Cheney, & O'Neil - Byse Agency - Baron's Major Brands - Wilkinson-Beane Funeral Home - Decorative Interiors - Laconia Savings Bank - Meredith Village Savings Bank - Martin, Lord & Osman, P.A. - Hart's Turkey Farm Restaurant - Quik Laundry & Cleaners - Stafford Oil Company, Inc. - The Home Beautiful - Cantin Chevrolet/Cadillac