March 13, 2017 - Vol. 28, No.6



News That Concerns Kiwanians and Their Families



Venue: 405 Pub & Grill

Invocation: Steve Loughlin

Attendance: 6 members and 4 guests

Debby Miller, guest speaker
Rosemary Murphy, wife of Larry
Alexyah Dethvongsa, President of the Laconia Key Club
Maggie Sullivan, member of the Laconia Key Club

xxxxxDebby Miller

Maggie Sullivan and Alexyah Dethvongsa

From the President and Membership: 
President Meredith noted there was a Kiwanis KARES last week at Woodland Heights. Rosemary Murphy, who was present at the event, reported there were readings to three different classes that went very well.

Meredith then called on Phil Bonafide for an update on the Kiwanis Club’s participation in the NH charitable gaming program. Phil reported the Club is involved this year for 10 days, which includes two weekends.  Phil has handled the sign up for the first five days and Kathy Calvin will be doing the last five days.  He estimated that about two weeks after concluding our participation, we should receive a check for our involvement.

Meredith then read a “thank you” letter from the Executive Director of the Mayhew Program.


Food Pantry: $31 was collected

Happy Dollars: $5 was collected

$1 from Phil Bonafide who was happy with the program we had tonight
$1 from Larry Murphy who was happy “for being here tonight.”
$1 from Bill Gile who was happy for Debby Miller being here tonight and learning about the NH Community Loan Fund
$1 from Maggie Sullivan for her recent acceptance to Husson University (in Bangor, Maine) where she plans to major in Nursing
$1 from Betty Ballantyne because Irwin Ford will again be participating in the Drive 4 UR School program May 24th. A portion of the monies raised will assist the Laconia Key Club.




Betty Ballantyne introduced our guest speaker, Debby Miller of the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund (NHCLF).

Debbie joined the NHCLF in April 2013 as its Vice President of External Relations, overseeing its philanthropy, marketing and communications, and public policy efforts.

She came to the NHCLF from More Than Wheels where, as Executive Director, she was responsible for marketing efforts focused on building strong partnerships with businesses, non profits, and government to increase awareness of More Than Wheels’ services around New Hampshire.

Previously, Miller was in banking since 1978, and held various leadership positions in mortgage lending and community development. As Senior Vice President and Director of Corporate Affairs in New England for Citizens Bank, she was responsible for overseeing public and community relations, media relations, internal communications, special events, charitable contributions, marketing sponsorships and government affairs for the New England region. In addition, she was responsible for the bank’s Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) activities and programs throughout its 13-state footprint.

An active volunteer, Miller has served on the boards of directors of many organizations. In 2014, she was honored by the Whittier Street Health Center in Roxbury, MA. for her strong and continued commitment to the health and well-being of New England residents. She currently serves as the chair of the board of trustees for Winston-Salem State University and as past chair of Whittier Street Health Center in Roxbury, MA. In addition, she was appointed by Governor Jeanne Shaheen to serve as a trustee for the University System of New Hampshire, where she chaired the External Affairs Committee.

Debbie noted that the NHCLF started in 1984 when it assisted residents of a 13 home trailer park in Meredith with financing to purchase the park that otherwise would have been sold and developed into condominiums. She noted that, due to restrictive federal regulations, bank financing was not possible. Since that time there has been 121 similar stories where the NHCLF has assisted residents with affordable housing.

Today, the NHCLF is the only statewide program in New Hampshire that provides loans, training and technical assistance to convert manufactured-home parks into cooperatives owned and governed by their residents. At the present time, resident-owned communities in New Hampshire provide affordable housing for nearly 7,000 families.

In addition to providing financing for affordable housing, the NHCLF provides other services. Details of these services as well as other information on the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund is available by “clicking” here.


Meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.



Patty Jeanne Calvin displays her precision and tender touch.

EDITORS NOTE: Periodically, we get pictorial updates on the unique career of Kathy Calvin’s daughter, Patty Jeanne. In the above picture, she is doing work on Mowgli, an Ocelot who is a resident of the Moorpark Zoo.

After graduating from Laconia High School in 2010, Patty Jeanne attended UNH where she graduated in 2014 with a Bachelors Degree majoring in Pre-Veterinary Studies. She is now in Moorpark, California attending Moorpark Community College where she is working on a degree in Exotic Animal Training and Management.






Monday - April 10th Venue: 405 Pub & Grill - 405 Union Ave., Laconia
5:30 pm - Board of Directors Meeting - all members welcome to attend
6:15 pm - Club Meeting

Monday - May 8th Venue: 405 Pub & Grill - 405 Union Ave., Laconia
5:30 pm - Board of Directors Meeting - all members welcome to attend
6:15 pm - Club Meeting

Saturday - May 20th Venue: Opehee Park - 915 N Main Street, Laconia
10:00 - 2:00pm - Annual Bike Rodeo/Safety Day

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